
Oct 12, 2010 14:54

Anyone else contemplating doing NaNoWriMo?

I'm thinking I'm going to dust off one of my long term WIPs and get at least to the 1/2 or 3/4th mark on it. Probably my HP Book 7 rewrite because OMFG I am so beyond stuck on Wild Indigo. As in tear my hair out, cussing up a blue streak, annoyed beyond measure stuck. I do, however, love the first 1/4th of Wild Indigo so I don't plan on completely moth balling it.

The HP story though I outlined the crap out of it before NaNo even started, and I've been hacking away on it ever since. It's sitting at around 85,000 words right now, and there's definitely more than another 50,000 to go. In fact, that 85,000 is only about 1/4th of this monster!

So...anyone else feeling crazy enough to sign up for NaNo this year?

writing, nano

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