Because this is what I do when I'm wide awake at one AM, I have committed silliness. Post-"The Doctor's Wife," decidedly pre-canon as far as GO is concerned. ( in which I did not try to spell this old-timey )
This one, however, gets its own post. Crossover fandoms in order of appearance: Eureka, Sneakers, Iron Man, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Doctor Who (Eleven). ( Five Places Claudia Donovan Never Called Home )
Also because it helps keep me writing something (I'm at a bit of a stuck point on my latest wacky crossover idea, so). ( parts three to five of the original )
More of the Dr. Horrible/Night at the Museum thing, with more emphasis on the latter. Spoilers for Night at the Museum 2, once again. ( in which Larry asks about a brainwave )