Jigen ==> 1st Reload (aka The Re-Intro)

Aug 11, 2011 01:17

Who: m19_lover and EVERYONE
Where: Near Lake Meridian
Style: Starts in third, will follow <3
Status: Open for EVERYONE

Cut for possible TL;DR and emoness )

daisuke jigen

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Comments 61

ainoakuma August 11 2011, 04:57:08 UTC
Flonne hadn't been taken Jigen's disappearance well, to say the least. She's tried her best to stay strong, but in the end, she ended up sobbing with Allen and Lenalee comforting her. After that day, she was sad, but she kept up her usual smile and tried to be happy for him. After all, he was better off at home... Or at least... that's what she kept telling herself, trying to get herself to believe it ( ... )


m19_lover August 11 2011, 18:26:47 UTC
As much as Jigen was disappointed and pretty much thorn inside by the fact that Ema was gone - possibly forever - the sight of Flonne was actually a big relief. Besides, she looked emotional enough for the both of them so he decided to try and mask his own sadness, as to not worry her even more than he probably did by disappearing like that. He knew all to well how he felt when she was gone, and judging by her reaction upon seeing him again, it was obvious that she didn't take the blow any better than he did.

"Yes, I am." He said, putting his arms around her and smiling. "Looks like this place just wanted to give me a 'vacation' or something." He tried to sound as nice as he could, even though he was a little bit lost in that situation. In all honesty he never found himself in a situation where someone was missing him. It was usually the other way around, so he couldn't help but feel kind of weird.


[Action] ainoakuma August 12 2011, 18:38:25 UTC
She was hoping not to appear too emotional, but apparently that failed. She didn't mind so much since Jigen was there again. She hadn't known the feeling of losing someone she cared for by going back home. Cooro was the only other person who had done so. She still missed Cooro, but she was doing her best to be happy for him. Like she said before, he was probably better off back home.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she said softly.


[Action] m19_lover August 13 2011, 02:26:22 UTC
It was no problem for him if she felt emotional or not. In fact, he rather much preferred she did. Knowing all too well how bad it was to bottle up emotions, he didn't want Flonne going through the exact same thing. Not to mention he was far more used to losing things and people, so it was a tad bit easier for him, most of the times.

"Of course I'm OK." He patted her in the head, trying his best to keep a smiling face. "You shouldn't worry about me like that, you know? I can take care of myself." He chuckles, trying to make her feel a little bit better.


unluckystray August 11 2011, 05:04:00 UTC
Train, unlike Flonne, hadn't shown much emotion when Jigen left. That wasn't like Train. Still, even if he didn't show it, he couldn't help but feel left behind in some sense. Jigen had been his best friend at Somarium and kind of his twin. Even with his usual demeanor about things that happened, he did miss him. He just figured it was best to get over it.

This feed had caught him off-guard, but only for a moment. His normal expression came back as he glanced to him. He was still silent for a while. He was thinking about how to answer this, but after a bit of thought...

"You're back," he said dryly.


m19_lover August 11 2011, 21:32:17 UTC
Jigen was still sitting and watching the lake when he heard Train talk to him. He obviously could make the younger man's words hiw own, on the matter of them being pretty alike. In all his life, Jigen couldn't remember ever seeing someone as similar to him as Train, and in a sense that was a little bit scary.

He chuckled lightly at that before getting serious again. Yes, Train sure was like him. Showing so little emotion like that.

"I am. Looks like Som couldn't get enough of me." He said, eyes still focused on the lake.


unluckystray August 12 2011, 19:24:47 UTC
It was pretty scary how identical they were. He hadn't met anyone else that was almost exactly like him. While in one hand he found it sort of cool, the other hand he found it sort of weird at the same time. Still, he was pretty emotionless. Still, he felt a little glad to see him again, but he wouldn't show that.

"I guess so. Nothing left to do now but wait for next time I suppose," he shrugged.


m19_lover August 13 2011, 02:30:05 UTC
"Hmph... It's funny how I couldn't remember anything from this place when back home, but as soon as I got here, everything came back to me." He would actually appreciate if he could keep his memories of Somarium when going back, because some of them were certainly better than his 'regular' ones.

"Last thing I remember from this place is the flood though. Seems like I missed some stuff." He took a look around. Everything looked more or less intact now, so he was guessing that the flood happened quite some time ago. Enough for the whole place to recover itself.


functionals August 11 2011, 19:27:02 UTC
Sherlock had no idea that he would find someone in the lake. But then again, his whole stay at Somarium has been a bunch of surprises. He didn't approach him though. Not yet

He observed the man's reaction. While Sherlock thought that Daisuke was overreacting (like most others). Something happened, probably the loss of a loved one, obviously. But he saw that the other knew how to use the Dreamberry from the start. He obviously knew something about the place.

Finally approaching Daisuke, he says in a casual manner, "You've been here before. Who did you lose?"


m19_lover August 11 2011, 21:56:07 UTC
Jigen's first reaction was to answer to that in a rather unpolite way, something along the lines of 'That's none of your business!', but after a second or two he realized that there was no point snapping at this stranger that approached him. It wasn't his fault that Ema vanished from that world. In fact, it wasn't anyone's fault.

"It's just someone I met here. I'll live trough this." Jigen said as neutrally as he could. Sure he was going to get over that, but boy, was that going to take some time. Something suddenly caught the gunman's attention though.

"So, is it really that obvious that I've been to this place already?" He asked, suspecting that Sherlock saw the whole thing. Great... Just what he needed was someone watching him throwing that little 'fit'.


functionals August 14 2011, 05:54:20 UTC
He raises an eyebrow at the man's response. He wasn't saying enough. It wasn't just someone, that he could figure out. "If it was just someone," he starts "it wouldn't have caused such a reaction from you. This means that it was someone close to you, close enough for you to throw a phone to the water. A romantic attachment, or family." Sherlock says in a detached tone, almost like a machine giving out results. He didn't care if the other had lost someone close, he just wanted to know that he was right.

"And yes, it is obvious." He adds, eyeing the man below him. A criminal, he concludes, thinking that he might just be someone interesting, and a slight smirk appears on his face at the thought.


m19_lover August 17 2011, 14:47:37 UTC
Jigen couldn't help but let out an inner sigh. Why the hell he had to throw that stupid device in the lake and draw attention to himself like that? Really. That place made him do a lot of things without thinking.

"Alright, fine, you want to know it so badly? Well, it was a friend of mine. We had a really good relationship and now she's gone." He answered, not getting into details about how much he liked Ema and how he actually believed that was going to work out, for once. Apparently he was wrong.

"Are you happy now?" Jigen crossed his arms, his fingers gripping on his arm. He certainly didn't know what this stranger would get from knowing such a thing.


candidate_no_12 August 13 2011, 01:55:37 UTC
He was standing near the shore of the lake, unusually tranquil. With no one pursuing him for the time being, he found little need to conceal himself. The surface of the calm lake did strange things for his nerves, quieting his one wrathful soul.

The plop of a metal object in the water disturbed his quiet, and he shifted an eye towards the one who had thrown it.

"Daisuke Jigen," he addressed the younger man, acknowledging him. He did not express relief at the gunman's sudden re-appearance in Somarium--nor anything at all, save for a a crack of a smirk. "Your home is an absolute wreck."


m19_lover August 13 2011, 02:13:16 UTC
Well, just when Jigen thought his day couldn't get 'worst'.

Sure enough he didn't even bother checking if Wrath was still around or not. It would be a relief if he wasn't, but then again, said relief wasn't going to make him feel any better.

"Well, the good news just keep on coming, don't they?" Jigen snapped at the older man, not even looking at him. He just kept watching the lake, wondering what the hell he was going to do next. It wasn't like he had an objective or anything. He kind of had one before, but now, with pretty much everyone missing, he had no idea what he was going to do with his life there.


candidate_no_12 August 20 2011, 00:13:59 UTC
"You seem rather lost without your friends," he remarked, noting the gunman's aloof reaction to him. The latter was rather distraught. The warrior--and the thief, they had both left Somarium, as was his understanding.


m19_lover August 20 2011, 00:39:27 UTC
If those two morons were the only ones missing from Som, he would be OK with that. At least he wouldn't have to worry about them - sure that he didn't exactly need to worry, since both were more than capable of taking care of themselves, but he couldn't help it.

But, well, Wrath knew nothing about his relationship with Ema, and Jigen intended to keep things like that. He already knew a little bit too much about his life.

"Did you just come here to make things even more miserable or do you have something important to say?" Because, honestly, the gunman wasn't in the mood to 'chit chat'.


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