Jigen ==> 1st Reload (aka The Re-Intro)

Aug 11, 2011 01:17

Who: m19_lover and EVERYONE
Where: Near Lake Meridian
Style: Starts in third, will follow <3
Status: Open for EVERYONE

Cut for possible TL;DR and emoness )

daisuke jigen

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ainoakuma August 11 2011, 04:57:08 UTC
Flonne hadn't been taken Jigen's disappearance well, to say the least. She's tried her best to stay strong, but in the end, she ended up sobbing with Allen and Lenalee comforting her. After that day, she was sad, but she kept up her usual smile and tried to be happy for him. After all, he was better off at home... Or at least... that's what she kept telling herself, trying to get herself to believe it.

At first, she thought she was seeing things. It was possible that someone just happened to look like him. She couldn't keep moping like this. Jigen would have never wanted to see her like this. But... the more she looked, the more her hope grew. She finally got the courage to check her contacts. She froze for a moment. She saw it. She saw his name. That name that had disappeared from her contacts a week or so ago.

Just like before, she suddenly dropped her Dreamberry in shock. However... This time it was different. She was... overjoyed. He was back! She didn't waste time on contacting him. She started to run to the lake since she recognized the area. It took her a little while, but once she saw saw him, she started to tear up. She nearly tackled him, latching onto him with a hug.
She was small enough not to make him budge too much.

"J-Jigen-san! Y-You're back," she finally made out, sniffling in her attempts to keep from crying.


m19_lover August 11 2011, 18:26:47 UTC
As much as Jigen was disappointed and pretty much thorn inside by the fact that Ema was gone - possibly forever - the sight of Flonne was actually a big relief. Besides, she looked emotional enough for the both of them so he decided to try and mask his own sadness, as to not worry her even more than he probably did by disappearing like that. He knew all to well how he felt when she was gone, and judging by her reaction upon seeing him again, it was obvious that she didn't take the blow any better than he did.

"Yes, I am." He said, putting his arms around her and smiling. "Looks like this place just wanted to give me a 'vacation' or something." He tried to sound as nice as he could, even though he was a little bit lost in that situation. In all honesty he never found himself in a situation where someone was missing him. It was usually the other way around, so he couldn't help but feel kind of weird.


[Action] ainoakuma August 12 2011, 18:38:25 UTC
She was hoping not to appear too emotional, but apparently that failed. She didn't mind so much since Jigen was there again. She hadn't known the feeling of losing someone she cared for by going back home. Cooro was the only other person who had done so. She still missed Cooro, but she was doing her best to be happy for him. Like she said before, he was probably better off back home.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she said softly.


[Action] m19_lover August 13 2011, 02:26:22 UTC
It was no problem for him if she felt emotional or not. In fact, he rather much preferred she did. Knowing all too well how bad it was to bottle up emotions, he didn't want Flonne going through the exact same thing. Not to mention he was far more used to losing things and people, so it was a tad bit easier for him, most of the times.

"Of course I'm OK." He patted her in the head, trying his best to keep a smiling face. "You shouldn't worry about me like that, you know? I can take care of myself." He chuckles, trying to make her feel a little bit better.


[Action] ainoakuma August 14 2011, 03:20:30 UTC
It didn't matter anyways. It always showed clearly on Flonne's face, even if she tried no to. She nodded lightly to him. "You're right. I'm sorry. I'm just happy to see you again," she said softly.


[Action] m19_lover August 17 2011, 14:40:42 UTC
"I'm glad to see you too. I mean, at least you didn't disappear." He said, not sure if Flonne was going to ask about that last bit. After all, he kind of let out more than he would like to with that, even if she didn't realize that.

Despite everything, it was nice to have her around. Certainly made things a whole lot more bearable.


[Action] ainoakuma August 18 2011, 03:08:27 UTC
She nodded to him with a wide smile. "I don't think I'll be leaving anytime soon. I think I was sent back to complete a mission," she said. Even though Lamington punished her and she's technically not allowed back since she's a fallen angel now.


[Action] m19_lover August 18 2011, 20:10:04 UTC
"I don't really know what this place was trying to 'teach' me by taking me back home for a couple of weeks..." Really. What was the point of that? If they were going to bring him back so soon, why even bother kicking him out in the first place?

"It's not like I had something important to do back there." He scratched the back of his head,. trying to understand that but, nope. Not a clue why that happened.


[Action] ainoakuma August 19 2011, 08:51:08 UTC
Flonne shrugged lightly. She didn't know either, but being brought back here was just kind of made her think there must be a reason to return. "I guess it's hard to say for sure. I think I was brought back to teach everyone what it was like to love," she giggled.


[Action] m19_lover August 20 2011, 00:46:35 UTC
The mention of love kind of caught Jigen off guard and he looked quite distressed, even if only for a moment, before doing his best to smile at Flonne again.

"It's nice that you believe in that so much." He said, actually a little envious about her outlook on life. He wished he could be that optimistic, sometimes.


[Action] ainoakuma August 21 2011, 23:33:59 UTC
"It's what Lamington-sama sent me to the Netherworld to do in the first place. Maybe that's my reasoning for coming back. I don't know, but I'm really happy to see everyone safe and sound," she smiled to him.

She really didn't like negative thinking. She always wanted to believe that things would always get better in time. It's part of the stuff that gave her hope. She had so much faith that things would be better and that things would be okay. She held those dear to her closely and cherished them while she could.


[Action] m19_lover August 23 2011, 02:52:44 UTC
"Well, I don't really think we have a 'mission' here, but you really should keep doing that." He smiled at her, glad that she had such a good outlook on love and feelings. Sometimes he kind of wished he was like that and while at Somarium, he did try to make an effort and be like that, but old habits die hard.

"And I'm glad nothing bad happened to you during that flood. I... kind of blacked out back there and didn't know what happened to you or anyone else, really." Honestly. If something happened to her he would flip.


[Action] ainoakuma August 23 2011, 02:59:46 UTC
"I'm such an odd fallen angel. I should be more devilish, but I'm still like how I was before. Etna-san told me that I had changed a little, but I don't see it," she said, giving off a faint smile. "As long as I believe in love and hope, I've always got something to work towards and it motivates me when I really need it."


[Action] m19_lover August 24 2011, 01:04:24 UTC
"I think you are fine just the way you are Flonne. I don't think you need to change at all." He really preferred seeing her all hopeful and joyful like that instead of anything else. It actually gave him a little bit of fate in humanity, even if that girl wasn't from his world.


[Action] SHORTTT.... ainoakuma August 24 2011, 03:02:37 UTC
Flonne nodded with a smile, "Everything will turn out okay!"


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