Jigen ==> 1st Reload (aka The Re-Intro)

Aug 11, 2011 01:17

Who: m19_lover and EVERYONE
Where: Near Lake Meridian
Style: Starts in third, will follow <3
Status: Open for EVERYONE

Last thing Jigen remembered was that, welp, he was sleeping soundly at his small hideout in Australia and then, he woke up by the side of a lake.

Rubbing his eyes, it took him a long while to actually realize what the hell was happening. For all he knew, he was just dreaming but then as he started to feel more 'awake', everything around felt more real. Until it finally hit him:

He was back at Somarium.

Standing up straight almost instantly, he started looking around almost frantically, almost as if he was looking for something in particular. Last thing he remembered from Som was the flood and then he fell asleep somewhere and... before he knew it, he was back home living his life again, with no recollection of Somarium whatsoever. But now everything was coming to him. The places he visited and the people he knew...

In a rush, he started rummaging through his pockets, looking for the Dreamberry. He found it sitting neatly on the backpocket of his trousers - and in the process he also discovered that, this time, Somarium was nice enough to let him keep his original Magnum. Pulling out the device, he quickly went for the contact list to look for both Goemon and Lupin. They were all there by the time the flood hit Somarium, and Jigen was guessing that a pretty long time passed since then, as the whole place seemed to be restored quite fine. Although, much to his dismay, nor Lupin nor Goemon were on the list. Not even Zenigata was there anymore. Still, he just brushed that off with a shrug.

Hmph... Those idiots. And here am I worried about them while they are all back home safe and sound. Jigen thought to himself, rolling his eyes. As far as he was concerned, if he went back home again, he would have the chance to see those two again, so not really a big deal if they were missing from Som. In fact, he was relieved that they were able to 'escape' from that place and didn't get to come back, like him.

Still, there were some other people he wanted to check on. He scanned through the Contact List and couldn't help but beam when he saw that Flonne was still around. And so was Train. That was something, at least. He then remembered that maybe he should call Ema and tell her that he was back, and probably apologize for making her worry about him or something. He started looking for her name on the list and... OK, maybe he didn't look hard enough. He decided to give it a second, more throughout look... And her name still wasn't there.

Feeling a terrible sensation at the bottom of his stomach, he scanned the list again and a again, not quite believing that he couldn't find her name no matter what.

Da-damn... C'mon now you stupid thing! He looked at the list yet another time, his mind refusing to believe that she, of all people, weren't there. And he couldn't just shrug off her absence like he did with Lupin and Goemon, since he knew that, if he didn't see her at Somarium, he wouldn't see her ever again. It would be pretty much the equivalent of her being dead. And, heck, how many times did that have to happen to him anyway? To have to leave people or to have them die on him? That was starting to get old real fast, and being 'welcomed' by such bad news was heart wrenching and he clearly wasn't in the mood to deal with it, as he gripped the Dreamberry with his fingers and hurled into the lake, in an attempt to vent his frustration. Sure that wasn't going to do him much, but if he kept that thing around, he would keep looking at that stupid list.

Letting out a loud sigh, he just sat on the ground again, his fists clenching for a moment. He began watching the somewhat still surface of the like - which was slightly disturbed by his Dreamberry being thrown into it - thinking about why the hell Somarium decided to bring him back with his memories intact like that? Suddenly, he couldn't care less about the time he spent in that place.

daisuke jigen

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