Jigen ==> 1st Reload (aka The Re-Intro)

Aug 11, 2011 01:17

Who: m19_lover and EVERYONE
Where: Near Lake Meridian
Style: Starts in third, will follow <3
Status: Open for EVERYONE

Cut for possible TL;DR and emoness )

daisuke jigen

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functionals August 11 2011, 19:27:02 UTC
Sherlock had no idea that he would find someone in the lake. But then again, his whole stay at Somarium has been a bunch of surprises. He didn't approach him though. Not yet

He observed the man's reaction. While Sherlock thought that Daisuke was overreacting (like most others). Something happened, probably the loss of a loved one, obviously. But he saw that the other knew how to use the Dreamberry from the start. He obviously knew something about the place.

Finally approaching Daisuke, he says in a casual manner, "You've been here before. Who did you lose?"


m19_lover August 11 2011, 21:56:07 UTC
Jigen's first reaction was to answer to that in a rather unpolite way, something along the lines of 'That's none of your business!', but after a second or two he realized that there was no point snapping at this stranger that approached him. It wasn't his fault that Ema vanished from that world. In fact, it wasn't anyone's fault.

"It's just someone I met here. I'll live trough this." Jigen said as neutrally as he could. Sure he was going to get over that, but boy, was that going to take some time. Something suddenly caught the gunman's attention though.

"So, is it really that obvious that I've been to this place already?" He asked, suspecting that Sherlock saw the whole thing. Great... Just what he needed was someone watching him throwing that little 'fit'.


functionals August 14 2011, 05:54:20 UTC
He raises an eyebrow at the man's response. He wasn't saying enough. It wasn't just someone, that he could figure out. "If it was just someone," he starts "it wouldn't have caused such a reaction from you. This means that it was someone close to you, close enough for you to throw a phone to the water. A romantic attachment, or family." Sherlock says in a detached tone, almost like a machine giving out results. He didn't care if the other had lost someone close, he just wanted to know that he was right.

"And yes, it is obvious." He adds, eyeing the man below him. A criminal, he concludes, thinking that he might just be someone interesting, and a slight smirk appears on his face at the thought.


m19_lover August 17 2011, 14:47:37 UTC
Jigen couldn't help but let out an inner sigh. Why the hell he had to throw that stupid device in the lake and draw attention to himself like that? Really. That place made him do a lot of things without thinking.

"Alright, fine, you want to know it so badly? Well, it was a friend of mine. We had a really good relationship and now she's gone." He answered, not getting into details about how much he liked Ema and how he actually believed that was going to work out, for once. Apparently he was wrong.

"Are you happy now?" Jigen crossed his arms, his fingers gripping on his arm. He certainly didn't know what this stranger would get from knowing such a thing.


functionals August 17 2011, 18:36:46 UTC
A smirk. Yes he was happy, he was right. "Yes, friends, though you probably wanted more. Hm." He stops there, shrugging. While he really didn't care about the other man's love life, it was nice to know that he was right. These days in Somarium were so bad for him, he needed to be completely right with something.

"I suppose, though according to the grip on your arm, you're not happy with me knowing such a thing. But the interesting thing is that you're back. How do you get back?"


m19_lover August 18 2011, 15:23:05 UTC
Oh, great. That guy was a smartass. Just the kind of person he wanted to cross paths with in a situation like that. What would be next? Sending him to the dentist? At least that guy changed the subject before Jigen decided to ignore him and go somewhere else.

"I don't really know. The first time I got here I had no idea how that happened and this time was no different. I just went to bed and woke up here." And, as far as Jigen was concerned, he would be better off back home.


functionals August 19 2011, 06:33:29 UTC
He listens closely to what he says, nodding slowly. It was hard trying to learn about something he had little clue of, especially with people who never gave enough information. But he had to manage.

"I see." He said flatly.

Giving Jigen a glance, he tilted his head, making note of the worn out clothing, and walking around to take another quick glance at his shoes which were also just as worn out.

"You're a man who constantly travels. But you don't do it for fun, no, you don't seem to have that outlook. You're running from something. The law?" He said smugly.


m19_lover August 20 2011, 00:33:35 UTC
If Jigen was in a more uplift mood - which was rare but it happened a little bit more often when he was in Somarium - he would probably shrug at that comment, maybe even chuckle at that and jokingly say something like 'you got me!'. But, he certainly wasn't in the best of moods, so he couldn't help but glare at Sherlock from behind the brim of his hat.

"You sure are the snoopy kind, aren't you?" Jigen let out a low grunt, visibly annoyed by that 'conclusion' from the other man. People probing into his life wasn't exactly his favorite activity.


functionals August 20 2011, 06:23:07 UTC
"I suppose. I do this because I'm bored." Sherlock shrugs. He really had no reason to do this, other than he was bored and there was no violin to use and he couldn't waste bullets shooting walls.

"So, did I miss anything?" He asks, completely ignoring the fact that the other is quite obviously angry at him. Oh well, he'd have to get in line for the people who want to punch him in the face.


m19_lover August 22 2011, 20:13:01 UTC
Marvelous... Now he's this guy's 'distraction'.

And why Jigen didn't doubt that there was a line of people wanting to hit that guy?

"Well, you were quite spot on." The gunman said rather bitterly, hating to admit that guy was right. But maybe doing that would stop Sherlock from making assumptions about his life. Right assumptions even, which made it even worse.


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