I want a shield for the innocent, strength for the small

Dec 23, 2011 13:17

Who: The KH kids + OPEN to friends and invites.
When: December 24th and 25th.
Where: Riku, Sora, Kairi, and Ritsuka's home.
Summary: Celebrating the holidays as kids usually do: stories, games, food, presents and happy.
Warnings: Shenanigans, cuteness to the point of diabetes, possibly bawwww.

I would like hope for the weary and love for us all )

replica riku, kairi, xion, namine, aslan, axel, roxas, riku, aoyagi ritsuka, sora

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Comments 203

Christmas Eve walkthedawn December 23 2011, 18:18:17 UTC
[Decorating the tree, chatting, and eating. That's one thing Keybearers do best, right? And that's what they'll be doing for most of the night, just enjoying each other's company before bed.]


Roxas + open to all pullsheavendown December 24 2011, 06:30:48 UTC
[It's the second year in a row that they've done this-Roxas suppose that officially makes it a tradition. He's fine with that; it's a good tradition.

He's still not great at shopping for presents, but he's done his best over the last few weeks, and he's brought all of the nicely-wrapped gifts with him, along with a homemade dessert. It's nice to be able to relax together like this, casting off some of their usual worries aside just for a while. He wonders if this is what having a family is like.]


madeinoblivion December 25 2011, 00:57:39 UTC
Joe's been burning the metaphorical candle at both ends the past few weeks, so to speak-

This becomes visibly obvious when everything finally winds down after a bellyful of food and a hot cup of milky cocoa-

It's barely seven thirty, but the coziness of being surrounded by friends and finally relaxing hits him like a fast ton of bricks-

And so Joe keeps lightly dozing off on the couch, lower half wrapped up in a blanket, blinking blearily awake every few minutes or so to interject an opinion or two to the conversation, then slipping back off into a very light snooze.


pullsheavendown December 25 2011, 01:21:36 UTC
"Hey." Roxas flops down next to Joe with enough force that it'll probably jolt him awake again. "Want some eggnog?"

It's not his favorite drink, but it's festive in a unique way that it makes it appropriate for tonight. And it's not bad.


Christmas Day - Early walkthedawn December 23 2011, 18:18:50 UTC
[Opening presents, eating breakfast, and getting ready for the day!]


linkings December 25 2011, 01:23:30 UTC
[She's probably a bit early to get up; nerves working overtime from all the festivities from last night. Still, she is excited as she creeps around the sleeping bags and others to take a peek at the tree and all the presents.

It's strange. Namine didn't think she'd ever be able to make it to Christmas or even have the right to celebrate it. But as she stares at the tree they decorated last night, she doesn't really care that much, so long as the rest of them are happy.]


destinysembrace December 25 2011, 02:06:08 UTC
[She woke up the earliest, already balancing mugs on a tray to pour hot chocolate in. Her nightwear is covered by a ridiculous Christmas sweater, and her hair is swept up in a bun. When she sees Namine, she hesitates, before grinning and making her way over to her Nobody. The past shadow event might have put a lot of questions in her head, but Kairi reckons that's not a reason for her to ruin the holidays.

She nudges the blonde girl with a hand, offering a steaming mug of the chocolate concoction with the other.]

Morning. Eager to unwrap presents?


linkings December 25 2011, 02:25:14 UTC
[The little nudge jolted Naminé's awareness, and she blinks owlishly at Kairi before even noticing the mug. She looks a little embarrassed being caught staring at the tree, staring into hot chocolate.

...Even if she is just a tiny bit curious to see what these presents are.]

N-no! I just... ah, just got up early. That's all. I didn't want to disturb anyone.


Christmas Day - Later (OPEN for visitors/guests/friends) walkthedawn December 23 2011, 18:20:51 UTC
[When everyone else arrives for dinner, more gift-giving, and chatting. There's ham and turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, a salad, corn, biscuits, plenty of cookies, pies, and candy, and so much more.

There's also a cooked goose...but that's for Aslan.

Any visitors can drop off their gifts under the tree or give them to whomever.]


aslandish December 25 2011, 03:50:56 UTC
[ It isn't exactly clear when he arrives, but at some point during the day, there will be a great lion sitting near the tree.

Despite his size, he appears to fit quite well. ]


madeinoblivion December 25 2011, 04:34:58 UTC
You're here!

[Oh! How did he manage to miss Aslan's arrival?

Joe all but skids to his knees on the floor beside him, fixing a green sticky-backed present bow atop Aslan's great mane, just beside his ear.

Reverence? Nah, not quite. But he's flinging his arms around the lion anyway, in hearty hugs.]

Merry Christmas!


aslandish December 26 2011, 05:50:17 UTC
[ No, definitely not reverent, but Aslan isn't without a sense of humor. Letting out a quiet rumble -- like a laugh or a growl, it's hard to tell which -- he embraces the youngster nonetheless. ]

To you as well, my son.

It has been some time.


Joe and Naminé; Closed linkings January 2 2012, 06:34:14 UTC
[She hadn't really been avoiding him lately. It was hard to when he was one of your roommates. But at the same time, neither of them really sat down to talk with one another after the whole Shadow issue.

And even though Naminé's been going around the small home, trying to find the confidence to talk to him, she wonders if it's even right too. It's still Christmas, and they promised that they would have a better holiday than Halloween.

And the girl was still intent on giving him his present, even if she wasn't sure that it would be perfect or enough for him, after having taken the Shadow business hard.

So she's around the home now that it's quieted down, thinking along the lines that this could be her last chance at giving it to him. Determined, but a little scared at how things could play out.]


madeinoblivion January 2 2012, 07:08:34 UTC
[He still has hers too: Two boxes, wrapped up in soft blue paper with a big snowflake design.

The first is a dress, which he hopes is a perfect fit. The second has a necklace that he's even a bit more nervous about.

Too fancy of a present? Maybe he should have stuck to something fun, or more things for her art.

But he's nothing if not courageous, so eventually he reaches for her shoulder from behind, tapping her with a small nudge of the head, indicating they should slip off into the next room]

Hey. I've still got a gift for you. Like we promised.


linkings January 8 2012, 18:34:04 UTC
[When she turns around, she's almost at a loss for words, feeling more shy and nervous with him than before. It makes her clutch onto his present a little tighter.

But Naminé still nods and smiles, waiting for him to lead the way into the next room. She needs to swallow her nerves and just do it. He deserves it.]

We did promise, didn't we? I still have yours too.


madeinoblivion January 9 2012, 04:09:02 UTC
Here- Merry Christmas. You don't have to open mine in front of everybody else.

[He assures her in a half whisper once they settle on the stairs, Joe sitting about halfway up and presenting her with the boxes.

He says this in part because he doesn't want her to be opening under all the knowing looks from Roxas, Riku- maybe even Xion and Sora, who all seems to understand the way he feels for Namine better than he's able to have out in words, himself.]


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