I want a shield for the innocent, strength for the small

Dec 23, 2011 13:17

Who: The KH kids + OPEN to friends and invites.
When: December 24th and 25th.
Where: Riku, Sora, Kairi, and Ritsuka's home.
Summary: Celebrating the holidays as kids usually do: stories, games, food, presents and happy.
Warnings: Shenanigans, cuteness to the point of diabetes, possibly bawwww.

I would like hope for the weary and love for us all )

replica riku, kairi, xion, namine, aslan, axel, roxas, riku, aoyagi ritsuka, sora

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Joe and Naminé; Closed linkings January 2 2012, 06:34:14 UTC
[She hadn't really been avoiding him lately. It was hard to when he was one of your roommates. But at the same time, neither of them really sat down to talk with one another after the whole Shadow issue.

And even though Naminé's been going around the small home, trying to find the confidence to talk to him, she wonders if it's even right too. It's still Christmas, and they promised that they would have a better holiday than Halloween.

And the girl was still intent on giving him his present, even if she wasn't sure that it would be perfect or enough for him, after having taken the Shadow business hard.

So she's around the home now that it's quieted down, thinking along the lines that this could be her last chance at giving it to him. Determined, but a little scared at how things could play out.]


madeinoblivion January 2 2012, 07:08:34 UTC
[He still has hers too: Two boxes, wrapped up in soft blue paper with a big snowflake design.

The first is a dress, which he hopes is a perfect fit. The second has a necklace that he's even a bit more nervous about.

Too fancy of a present? Maybe he should have stuck to something fun, or more things for her art.

But he's nothing if not courageous, so eventually he reaches for her shoulder from behind, tapping her with a small nudge of the head, indicating they should slip off into the next room]

Hey. I've still got a gift for you. Like we promised.


linkings January 8 2012, 18:34:04 UTC
[When she turns around, she's almost at a loss for words, feeling more shy and nervous with him than before. It makes her clutch onto his present a little tighter.

But Naminé still nods and smiles, waiting for him to lead the way into the next room. She needs to swallow her nerves and just do it. He deserves it.]

We did promise, didn't we? I still have yours too.


madeinoblivion January 9 2012, 04:09:02 UTC
Here- Merry Christmas. You don't have to open mine in front of everybody else.

[He assures her in a half whisper once they settle on the stairs, Joe sitting about halfway up and presenting her with the boxes.

He says this in part because he doesn't want her to be opening under all the knowing looks from Roxas, Riku- maybe even Xion and Sora, who all seems to understand the way he feels for Namine better than he's able to have out in words, himself.]


linkings January 9 2012, 05:12:53 UTC
[She blinks up at him for a moment, having taken a seat just below him, and gingerly takes the boxes with a hand to set them aside. It didn't seem right for her to just open them up without giving him his.]

Merry Christmas, Joe. [She passes his and sets hers back on her lap. Despite having some permission, she's a little hesitant in opening it up straight away. She can't help but be a little curious to see what his reaction will be first.]


madeinoblivion January 9 2012, 06:34:27 UTC
[He takes his own onto his knees, and couldn't help but notice that her wrapping job was much better than his, no matter how hard he'd tried... but watches her expectantly first, with a hopeful smile.]


linkings January 10 2012, 02:25:34 UTC
[She ducks her head just a little, feeling shy at being watched, but places the smaller package down beside her. Might as well start with the biggest one, carefully slipping her fingers underneath the paper and tape.

And when she catches the dress inside, she can only stare at it. It looked so delicate and fragile and pretty, folded up neatly in the box.

She wasn't expecting something so beautiful from him.]

Joe... this is-- I... it's really beautiful.

[And yup, she's forgotten all about the second box.]


madeinoblivion January 10 2012, 04:57:16 UTC
[He grins bashfully, pleased with her reaction.]

I remembered what you said about the snowflakes- I figured you could wear it for Christmas, and after, for the whole winter.

I hope it fits okay. I'm not sure how girls clothes fit, so I just guessed.


linkings January 10 2012, 05:16:33 UTC
[She takes it out of the box, letting it unfold a little in her hands so that she could look at it better. It looked like it was her size, just from eyeballing it, but she wouldn't know for sure until she tries it on.

Which a small part of her is tempted to do, the second box escaping from her mind, but it would be fair if she tried it on immediately.]

I can try it on a little later, but... I'll wear it as much as I can.


madeinoblivion January 10 2012, 06:18:10 UTC
The other one goes with it, too.

[He adds, leaning back against the stairs to admire how it looks just held up in front of her, nodding to himself in hopeful approval. He's also weighing the package in his lap, wondering what could fit in wrapping this size and shape- as a few guesses, but endless possibilities are the best part about presents]


linkings January 10 2012, 17:29:52 UTC
[She nods and folds it back up as best as she can back into the box, and opens the other box just as carefully as the first one.

For her face to fall. The dress had been enough in her opinion, but the necklace almost felt like it was more than what she deserves. And too beautiful for her to have as well.

She ducks her head and curls into herself a little. This was so kind of him, even after she had hurt him recently with the Shadow.]

Joe... this is too much...


madeinoblivion January 10 2012, 20:25:30 UTC
No, it's just right!

[He tells her in earnest, biting his lower lip, a little worried that her expression seems to fall, that she seems to fold in on herself instead of glowing, pleased.]

I wanted you to have something special- can I help you put it on?


linkings January 10 2012, 22:23:01 UTC
[Special wasn't right though. She was already more than 'special' (more like dangerous) enough.

Her fingers graze the necklace in a moment of silence, still unsure and not quite daring to look at him just yet.

But there's still a nod and she unfolds herself a little.]


madeinoblivion January 11 2012, 03:43:01 UTC
[He takes the necklace out of the box and kneels up on the stair to gently fit it around her neck, fumbling a little with the clasp, mumbling a little awkwardly that she should turn toward the light, so he can see the tiny latch better over her pale hair.

Finally, he eases back.]

There. It looks even prettier on you, Namine.


linkings January 11 2012, 03:53:51 UTC
[She tries to move her head as he puts it on, not too much though but just enough to be able to help him.

Namine turns to him when he's done, eyes still wide and slightly disbelieving, and there's a faint blush at his words. He always was kind to her and it never felt like she's done enough to deserve it or to repay him.

Her fingers play with the edges of the pendant before her hand falls, and she smiles.]

You... y-you still need to open yours, too.


madeinoblivion January 11 2012, 04:02:32 UTC
Oh right.

[He grins, pleased with the pink in her cheeks and her quiet awe with the gift.

His hands tear along the edge of the paper, pulling out the set of headphones first. And if that's not a good sight at first, then-]

The Paopu on them...did you do that?


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