I want a shield for the innocent, strength for the small

Dec 23, 2011 13:17

Who: The KH kids + OPEN to friends and invites.
When: December 24th and 25th.
Where: Riku, Sora, Kairi, and Ritsuka's home.
Summary: Celebrating the holidays as kids usually do: stories, games, food, presents and happy.
Warnings: Shenanigans, cuteness to the point of diabetes, possibly bawwww.

I would like hope for the weary and love for us all )

replica riku, kairi, xion, namine, aslan, axel, roxas, riku, aoyagi ritsuka, sora

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Christmas Day - Later (OPEN for visitors/guests/friends) walkthedawn December 23 2011, 18:20:51 UTC
[When everyone else arrives for dinner, more gift-giving, and chatting. There's ham and turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, a salad, corn, biscuits, plenty of cookies, pies, and candy, and so much more.

There's also a cooked goose...but that's for Aslan.

Any visitors can drop off their gifts under the tree or give them to whomever.]


aslandish December 25 2011, 03:50:56 UTC
[ It isn't exactly clear when he arrives, but at some point during the day, there will be a great lion sitting near the tree.

Despite his size, he appears to fit quite well. ]


madeinoblivion December 25 2011, 04:34:58 UTC
You're here!

[Oh! How did he manage to miss Aslan's arrival?

Joe all but skids to his knees on the floor beside him, fixing a green sticky-backed present bow atop Aslan's great mane, just beside his ear.

Reverence? Nah, not quite. But he's flinging his arms around the lion anyway, in hearty hugs.]

Merry Christmas!


aslandish December 26 2011, 05:50:17 UTC
[ No, definitely not reverent, but Aslan isn't without a sense of humor. Letting out a quiet rumble -- like a laugh or a growl, it's hard to tell which -- he embraces the youngster nonetheless. ]

To you as well, my son.

It has been some time.


madeinoblivion December 26 2011, 21:17:38 UTC
['My son'-

Joe always feels sheepish about family words, even when he's calling Riku brother to keep things simple with strangers, or explaining to people that he treats Xion like a sister.

But to have Aslan calling him a Son- that's for some reason a little flattering. Because the lion is not just any lion, but a King of Light.

Joe, as much as he wishes to be like the knights in stories, doesn't really think himself worthy of being anything like a prince. There's too much darkness growing in his Soul Gem day by day, as a reminder of that.

So he goes a little pink in the face, nodding, and settles back on his heels.]

I'm really glad you're back in time for it. It wouldn't be the same, like last year, if you didn't come.


aslandish January 2 2012, 05:24:06 UTC
[ The smiles stays, his eyes alight with rare happiness. There are issues to be addressed, problems that have yet to be solved, but here, now, on this day of all days, it is neither the time nor place to speak of such things.

He is here, he is glad to be back, and that's all that matters. ]

I know.


madeinoblivion January 2 2012, 06:57:58 UTC
[He learns in then, glancing around to make sure no one's really listening in or watching-

He wouldn't want to spoil a lion's pride, after all.

But he murmurs out of concern, with a slight frown, because the whole ordeal didn't sit well with him at all, even if he had faith.]

The darkness didn't really hurt you, did it?


aslandish January 20 2012, 05:33:11 UTC
[ The question is met with a solemn look, neither sad nor thoughtful, but somewhere in between. ]

I passed from the world of the living to another.

My return is no less real than my departure.


madeinoblivion January 20 2012, 07:49:56 UTC
[So he did die. That...is still met with some deeply furrowed worry.]

Why'd you do something like that?


aslandish January 20 2012, 16:03:44 UTC
To protect those who live and remain.

[ Death isn't exactly a fun experience. ]


madeinoblivion January 21 2012, 04:17:13 UTC
Did you know you would come back?


aslandish January 21 2012, 04:39:42 UTC
I did not.


linkings December 25 2011, 05:01:47 UTC
[She notices the strange surge of light in the house, and stumbles upon the lion by the tree while looking for it.

She didn't know Aslan very well, and wasn't quite as affected by his death than the others, but still, having him here was nice. Namine smiles politely.]

You're here as well.


aslandish December 26 2011, 05:54:58 UTC
[ A quiet sort of humor shining in his eyes, Aslan nods once in greeting. ]

I was invited.


linkings December 26 2011, 22:13:14 UTC
[She steps into the room a little more and sits on her knees, close enough but still a foot or two away from him. Namine's heard about him, but she still doesn't know enough about him.]

I... didn't know. I thought after your... after you disappeared, you'd be gone.


aslandish January 2 2012, 05:30:41 UTC
[ He watches her approach solemnly, the warmth in his gaze no less than it has ever been. ]

There was no way of knowing.

[ Even for him, a being with so much power and knowledge. And yet, he is certain in one thing -- ]

My purpose is not yet ended.


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