(no subject)

Dec 24, 2012 23:00

Title: Anomaly Lights

Chapter: 6

Rating: PG-13

Pairing/Characters: Tom Ryan, Connor Temple, James Lester, Nick Cutter, Stephen Hart, Claudia Brown, Abby Maitland, Jon Lyle, possibly implied Ryan/Connor, Original characters created by fredbassett and one other person I think, if it's you let me know.

Warning/s: Excessive Cuteness, Swearing

Summary: All sorts of weird stuff comes out of the anomalies, including kitten rays.

Part 1: http://sheneya.livejournal.com/40158.html
Part 2: http://sheneya.livejournal.com/41072.html
Part 3: http://sheneya.livejournal.com/42517.html
Part 4: http://sheneya.livejournal.com/48876.html
Part 5: http://sheneya.livejournal.com/55545.html

Lester glared at the three felines and their accompanying humans, but even he couldn’t keep it up against all six of them. They looked worn around the edges, the strain of trying to keep within the safe distance of each other showing in their posture.

The three kitten-like members of staff had found different places to hold onto, their legs too small to keep up with their larger counterparts.

Ryan had taken to hiding under the hat on Connor’s head. He’d tried the brim at first, wanting to keep an eye on things, but he had quickly discovered that even his small weight tended to push the hat over Connor’s eyes, which wasn’t safe for anyone.

Stephen had found that he fitted perfectly into one of Blade’s many tac-vest pockets; usually his fluffy head was the only thing people saw unless they’d stopped to check on the artefact.

And when he’d realized that Becker was having trouble keeping up, Professor Cutter had taken to zipping the young captain into his jacket, giving him the odd look of having two heads most of the time.

Lester sighed.

“How close are you to finding out how to reverse this?”
It was a few seconds before Stephen’s voice popped into his head.

“We’ve discovered the on switch, we’re trying to reverse engineer it, as well as seeing if there’s an off switch somewhere.”

Connor continued from there.

“We’re hoping if we look into both avenues, one of them will work.”

Lester brought his hands up to his forehead and began to massage it.

“So, do you have any idea how much longer it might take?”

This time it was Cutter who piped up.

“We’re hoping a week or two, but we can’t guarantee it.”

“Fine, just get back to work.”

It was a few days before another meeting was called, this time, however, it was slightly different.

The six affected people stared at the two new members of their odd little group.

Lester now had black fur with grey tips; it was slightly tangled, wiry and looked to be in good need of a comb.

Claudia Brown was now carrying a rather large handbag at all times.

Like the others, she now needed to keep Lester near her at all times, unlike the others, she didn’t wear a hat, didn’t use tac-gear and was entirely unwilling to carry her fellow bureaucrat around inside her clothes.

This was something Lester whole-heartedly agreed with. Even in his new form he was expected to run meetings, give visitors the tour and play nicely with certain government officials.

It was hard enough being dignified at the best of times, but he could barely maintain said dignity as a kitten, especially with such unmanageable fur.

His pride would stand no chance if he had to run everything from between Claudia’s breasts.

At least with the bag he looked kind of in control, and Claudia had made it very clear she wasn’t going to take comments about the similarity to certain rich and famous people lying down, and even as a kitten, he could still threaten anyone who tried to continue the trend with unemployment.

Still, it wasn’t hard to see that Lester was cranky, his tail was lashing violently from side to side, and even Stephen wasn’t willing to make a joke at his expense.

Nick sound slightly apologetic as he filled the angry new kitten in on the latest.

‘We’re nearly done sorting everything out, I’m pretty sure we’ve found out how to reverse it, but Ditzy wants to run a few more tests, to make sure changing back won’t turn us inside out or something.”

“Right, well keep working on it, and let me know as soon as it’s ready, I have a major meeting in a week and no one attending it knows about the anomaly project, so I need to be human by then.”

With a quick, “Yes sir,” from the three military personnel and various sounds of agreement from the rest, the main group filed out; meanwhile Claudia unzipped the bag she was holding.

Lester was grateful she let him climb in by himself, most people, he was pretty sure, would just pick him up and drop him in.

“Thank you, Miss Brown.”

“You’re welcome, sir, I hope this is over soon though, it was funny for a while, but with the dangers, and the inability to move away from each other, it’s more and more worrying as well.”

James Lester blinked over the top of the open bag.

“Yes, it is, but we have to wait until they find a solution.”

primeval, fic, primeval fic, pg-13, rating: pg-13

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