(no subject)

Dec 18, 2009 16:52

Title: Anomaly Lights

Chapter: 3

Rating: PG-13

Pairing/Characters: Tom Ryan, Connor Temple, James Lester, Nick Cutter, Stephen Hart, Claudia Brown, Abby Maitland, Jon Lyle, possibly implied Ryan/Connor, Original characters created by fredbassett and one other person I think, if it's you let me know.

Warning/s: Excessive Cuteness, Swearing

Summary: All sorts of weird stuff comes out of the anomalies.

Part 1: http://sheneya.livejournal.com/40158.html
Part 2: http://sheneya.livejournal.com/41072.html

Cutter was Glad to see his hopes confirmed when he walked into the infirmary, Connor was sitting up, and Ryan was swearing roundly at Ditzy as the medical officer tried to examine him.

"How are you two doing?"

"I'm fine, killer headache, but my nose has stopped bleeding...."

Connor's reassurances where cut short as Ryan, still a kitten, leaped away from Ditzy's grasp and burrowed into the gap between Connor's neck and the bed, an action that showed just how much the kitten part of him was in control.

Nick moved around the bed, sat down on the chair and bent over until he was eye-level with Ryan's whiskered nose.

"How about you Captain?"

The glare would have been scary on Ryan's normal face, on his new features, it was just cute.

"I would be fine if that Transylvanian excuse for a medical officer stopped trying to impale me."

Nick looked over at said medical officer, noting the needle he had been trying to take blood samples with.

Ryan's fears where looking justified, even with the smallest needle at his disposal, one wrong move and it could skewer the captain half-way through, at the least.

Cutter was thinking on it, when he had an idea.

"Abby still works at the zoo, I'll see if she could find a smaller needle for you."

Both Ditzy and Ryan sighed with relief, the zoo wasn't far away so it would only take a few minutes.

Nick left to find Abby, the sounds of Ditzy trying to coax Ryan from under Connor's neck fading in his ears, being punctuated by Connor's yelp as Ditzy got tired of it and tried to pull the Captain out at the same time as Ryan dug his claws into the closest grippable area, namely Connor's neck.

Looking around, he found Abby and Claudia having Lunch.

"Abby, does your work have needles for your smaller animals?"

"Yes, I'm assuming you want them for Captain Ryan?"

"Yes, the one's Ditzy has are too big."

Grabbing her bag, Abby stood up to follow Dr Cutter.

"I'll walk with you both for a bit, I'm going to see how Stephen and Blade are doing with that machine."


Cutter and Abby decided to let the two men know where they where going before they actually left, so they where there to witness what Claudia found.

Blade was doubled over, trying not to laugh as a small ginger kitten sat hissing and swearing in a familiar voice at the still unknown machine.

Cutter stared at the kitten for a second.


The kitten sat up, the now calm voice a complete contrast to the mass of fur still sticking up on end.

"We had an incident."

"I can see that, you'll need to get Blade to take you to Ditzy, after what happened with Connor and Ryan, we'd rather not risk a repeat incident."

Blade and Stephen both nodded, before Blade winced as Stephen used his claws to up the soldier's arm, before gripping his shoulder harder than Cutter thought was needed.

"Ouch, what was that for?"

The latest kittenified member of the group just glared into Blades right eye for a second.

"It wasn't funny."

"Sure Stephen, if you say so.....OWWOWOWOW....alright alright"


primeval fic, pg-13

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