(no subject)

Nov 15, 2009 21:49

Title: Anomaly Lights

Rating: PG-13

Pairing/Characters: Tom Ryan, Connor Temple, Lester (what's his first name again?), Nick Cutter, Stephen Hart, Claudia Brown, Abby Maitland, Jon Lyle, possibly implied Ryan/Connor.

Warning/s: Excessive Cuteness, Swearing

Summary: All sorts of weird stuff comes out of the anomalies.

The Anomalies were renowned for throwing out all types of things great and small, so the ARC team was always ready for everything.

Until they weren't.

The Anomaly in question, had appeared not too far from ARC headquarters, and Captain Ryan, and his team, along with Cutter and the rest of his team, had made it there in record time, armed to the teeth in case of impending disaster.

The soldiers kept their eyes on all levels, some watching the ground for the smaller creatures, others keeping an eye above them, in-case there were critters that could climb.

Meanwhile, Captain Ryan was talking with Professor Cutter, Connor Temple just in front of them, taking magnetic readings in the hopes he could add the template of their effects to the Anomaly Detector.

It was Cutter who first saw the strange, extra glow in the anomaly, but it was Captain Ryan who noticed it was heading straight for Connor, the youngest member of the team let out a small squeak as the Captain shoved him down, blocking the light with his body.

The entire group watched in disbelief as Captain Ryan started glowing bright blue, until their eyes couldn't take anymore and they all turned their heads away.

When the glow finally faded, all they could see was a pile of clothes and tactical gear lying on top of and around Connor.

The group all started bowing their heads solemly, already mourning the loss, when Connor started to giggle.

"This isn't funny Connor."

"Hahaha, I can't help it.....bwahahaha, it tickles."

The pile of clothes and tactical gear started moving, prompting all the soldiers to aim their weapons at it, and coincidentily, Connor's chest, which made the entire scientist team explode.

"Are you Crazy!!!"

"You Can't shoot at Connor."

"It might not even be dangerous."

"It, what it?"

The fight stopped as Captain Ryan's voice rang through the group.

"What the fuck is going on, I can't see a bloody thing, what it."

Lyle was the first one to figure out where the voice was coming from, slowly, with his gun still raised, he moved to where Connor was now sitting up, pushing the firearm into the pile of items in the young computer geeks lap.

"Uh...Lyle, could you point that somewhere else."

This came from a very nervous Connor.

Lyle lifted the pile up and away from Connor's lap.

"Jesus Christ...What the Fuck....Earthquake!!!"

Was all heard from the pile, before a very small, furry object tumbled down into Connor's lap.

"You taking steroids kid?"

Connor blinked as the, what appeared to be a kitten, addressed him with Ryan's voice, the mouth not moving at all.

"Uh, no Captain, you where hit with a light."

The kitten turned to where the sound of Lyle addressing him was, it was almost amusing to see the kittens head slowly tilt up as he tried to find his second in commands face.

For the first time since the incident, The small kitten opened his mouth.


"What the hell is wrong with my voice....wait, it's the first time I've tried speaking to them, how did they know it was me?"


"That is so cool, it appears to be some form of telepathic communication, probably so whoever designed this could talk with people while in a different form."

Ryan turned to the voice, he knew that tone in Connor's voice anywhere.

"Temple, Explain 'Different Form' now please?"

"Oh." Connor's very large hand seemed to shadow the entire room as he reached down, Ryan baulked for a second, before resigning himself and stepping into Connor's open palm.

"You appear to have been transformed into some kind of a small catlike creature Captain, when you pushed me away from the weird light, it hit you instead."

The kitten looked at Connor incredulasly as Claudia handed the boy a compact mirror.


Ryan tilted his head back and forth, the mirror image doing the same, he reached his hand forth, hoping that it was some weird illusion, but it hit the smooth glass in front of him at the same place the mirror paw was.

"What The Fuck....How do we fix it?"

This was addressed to Nick Cutter, but the scientist looked just as lost as the rest of the group.

"We need to get back to headquarters."

"Not wanting the changed captain to feel uncomfortable, Connor handed him over to his second in command, knowing he'd prefer his team, even if they did rib him about it.

"So, lets look on the bright side sir, if we can't fix you, I have a niece who'd like a pet to play with."

A light hissing sound came from the kittenified captain at the same time as the clear thought. "You wait until I get my hands on a gun again Lyle."

"Sure you'd be able to hold it sir....let alone fire it?"

The muttered comments would have made a sailor blush.

While Lyle was carrying the captain, Connor had decided to wait with Cutter and the others, seeing if they might be able to figure something out before they got to the ARC, but his concentration was wavering, and a headache was starting to form in the area around his eyes.

He turned to Stephen, who was considering if they should go through the Anomaly, and grab whatever had effected the captain.

Connor was just about to respond, when the pain hit, he couldn't hear Stephen, who had caught him as he dropped to the floor, his own screams ringing through his ears, as he felt what he feverently hoped wasn't blood running from his nose and eyes.

Lyle heard the scream just as Ryan collapsed in his palm, little paws twitching as his body started seizing up, knowing he needed to get back, Lyle turned on his heels and bolted down the way he'd come, frantic with worry as the captain's entire body started shaking.

Moving too fast, he transferred the kitten to one hand, rolled his shoulder forward and slammed into the door, the room beyond filling with debres as the fragile wood shattered on impact.

Connor's Screams where slowly stopping, The captain was no longer shaking so badly as Lyle moved towards the scientists, though both appeared to be unconscious.

With a sudden, massive twitch, Ryan was tumbling out of Lyle's hands, only to land on Connor's stomach.

And just like that, the shaking stopped for both of them.


primeval fic, rating: pg-13

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