(no subject)

Dec 14, 2009 16:34

Title: Home

Fandom: Stargate Universe

Rating: Hard R,NC-17 maybe, no actually porn but I'm not sure

Characters/Pairings: Eli/Rush/Young.

Warnings: Threesome, some angst, hurt comfort (I think), spoilers for episode 10.

Summary: Eli's attempts a reconciliation go awry.

Eli was used to being the go-between for Doctor Rush and Colonel Young, neither man could truly handle the other for long, and even though they got on better with each other than either got on with Colonel Telford when he showed up, they still wore on each other's edges.

Then everything changed, Rush, a man he was slowly beginning to look up to, had framed Young, a man slowly becoming a father figure to him, for murder, for the first time, Eli saw how cold this place was making people.

Then Young had come back from offworld without Rush, he wasn't sure if people truly believe Young could do nothing wrong, or that they just wanted to ignore the signs, but except for him, every one of them believed the older man when he said there was a landslide.

Then Rush had come back, and Eli knew right away his hunch had been correct.

Neither man was speaking to the other, though from the whispers around him, no one but him was aware of it, probably because every single time Young wished to convey something to Rush, he'd relay it through Eli, and Vice-versa, the two men where never in the same room except for the few times Destiny stopped and occasionally the Mess Hall.

He was beginning to feel like their own personal messenger service.

Finally, Eli had had enough, He spoke privately with both men and told them to meet him in his room, his words where simple.

"Be there, or everyone knows you're not speaking to each other."

To his surprise, the threat actually worked, both men seemed to want the rest of the ship to believe they where doing ok, getting on for the sake of moral, or some such thing, though it was likely Rush was more going along due to the Kino footage, than any real sense of moral boosting.

Eli's heart was pounding as he realised that this little meeting may well turn into an all out fist fight, with him stuck in the middle if he didn't tread carefully.

Then he figured if that's what was needed, he'd just stand back and watch the fists fly, so he dived right in.

"Okay, I know you both screwed each other over, and I know you're both angry about it, but sooner or later, people are going to start noticing you two never talk, Chloe's already asked me a few times why I keep running around for you two, though she thinks you're both taking advantage of my helpful nature at the moment."

Eli nearly fell over as both men verbally backed him into a wall, questions pouring from their mouths, was he alright, did he need to rest, was he eating enough.

Then both asked the unthinkable.

"Has he hurt you in any way?"

Both voices seemed to echo around the room as the two older men stared at each other, the knowledge that both though the other had hurt the one person who took all the crap from both of them, rendering them speechless.

Eli had always been ashamed of his body, he knew compared to almost everyone else, he was considered fat, maybe even ugly.

But he realised, if either man was going to at least be willing to attempt amends, they needed proof that he wasn't harmed in any way, at least from either of them.

So he took off his shirt, stepped between them and raised his arms to shoulder height.

"Nether of you has caused me harm....check for yourself if you need to."

He felt horribly exposed as both men started looking him over, he'd never really been naked in front of someone, let alone scrutinised so much.

Eli twitched slightly as Young's fingers ran over a bruise on his back, while Rush's hands touched a scratch that ran along his arm.

"hit a branch offworld."

"Caught my self on the corner of the counter in the Mess Hall."

Their hands ran up his torso to touch more marks.

"Self-defense with Matt.......hit a doorway......fell over a tree root."

Eli froze as he realised something unexpected, the gentle touches where giving him a hard-on, he was about to call a stop to the explorations, when behind him Young sank to his knees, pressing a gentle kiss to the bruise near his mid-back.

"We're sorry."

It was the first time he'd heard Rush apologise for something, to anyone, let alone him.

"But I've told you, nether of you has caused me harm."

"But we have."

This came from Young.

"Otherwise you wouldn't have called us here."

Eli couldn't deny the Colonel's words, anymore than he could ignore the way they were breathed along his spine.

Anymore than he could deny Rush's lips, now running along his neck.

"Let us take care of you."

Eli's mind went fuzzy, only registering again when it realised he was lying flat on the bed, the two older men looking down at him for a second before joining him there.

As Young's hands reached into his pants and Rush started pressing kisses along his chest, Eli wondered if the reconciliation had worked or not.

Then pleasure faded his mental capacity and he thought no more of it, worse comes to worse, he'd try it again and again, until they got it right.

stargate: universe, rating: r, slash

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