(no subject)

Dec 17, 2012 17:53

Title: Anomaly Lights

Chapter: 5

Rating: PG-13

Pairing/Characters: Tom Ryan, Connor Temple, James Lester, Nick Cutter, Stephen Hart, Claudia Brown, Abby Maitland, Jon Lyle, possibly implied Ryan/Connor, Original characters created by fredbassett and one other person I think, if it's you let me know.

Warning/s: Excessive Cuteness, Swearing

Summary: All sorts of weird stuff comes out of the anomalies, including kitten rays.

Part 1: http://sheneya.livejournal.com/40158.html
Part 2: http://sheneya.livejournal.com/41072.html
Part 3: http://sheneya.livejournal.com/42517.html
Part 4: http://sheneya.livejournal.com/48876.html

Captain Ryan's voice rang through the infirmary. "Get off me you ginger fluff-arse."

It was becoming a common occurrence, Stephen had found out quickly when the captain had tried to bolt out from under Ditzy’s thermometer holding hands, that in this form, he was slightly stronger than the military man.

His playful kitten side had taken to pouncing on the other man whenever he had the chance, something Tom Ryan objected to, strenuously.

This was usually followed by a tussle, often interspersed with childish seeming insults.

"At least I'm not a hat ornament."

"No, but if you ended up in the lady's bathroom, they'd mistake you for their powder-puff and you'd come out looking like a ghost cat."

This always occurred, however, within a set distance from Connor and Blade.

After numerous test runs, it had been decided that ten metres was the maximum distance allowed before Connor, Blade and the two felines started exhibiting dangerous symptoms.

The one time they'd accidentally gone further than that had driven home how bad it was when Blade, who'd been only slightly further from them than Connor had suddenly collapsed with a bloody nose.

Luckily, they'd learned from what happened to Connor the first time and immediately came back into range.

The other thing their kitten sides seemed to like doing was climbing things, sheets, curtains.... trouser legs.

Even Lester, who had to wear his suit in for appearances sake, had taken to sequestering some old pairs of jeans to change into as soon as he'd entered the office, only putting the trousers back on for visitors and when he had to make a personal visit.

Becker, it also seemed, was taking to the new job a lot better than they'd thought as well, he had only been momentarily fazed by the dinosaurs coming through a sudden anomaly, and seemed genuinely interested in listening to the scientists, even if he didn't always understand everything they were saying.

He also got on well with Captain Ryan, even deferring to the still cat-like man’s experience when it came to certain dinosaurs.

Though at the moment, he wasn't too happy about the outcome of Ryan's advice to always listen to Professor Cutter, even when Professor Cutter asks for your help looking at strange artefacts.

Ditzy thought the Siamese-looking kitten currently hanging from Nick Cutter's fingers looked remarkably depressed.

Another look between the sheepish-looking professor, and the kitten, precluded most of the explanation.

"All right, who is it now?"

Before Cutter had a chance to answer, a voice piped up from the newest feline’s general direction.

"It's Captain Becker Lieutenant ….. but it's not all Cutter's fault."

"What happened?"

This time Nick got in first.

"We were checking out the artefact, WITHOUT touching it, when one of the other scientists dropped their clipboard on it."

Ditzy brought his hands up to his temples.

"I see."

"On the plus side, the clipboard hit the same area one of Stephen's hands were touching when he was transformed, so we've probably found the general vicinity of the 'On' button."

"That's good news, now the scientists have something to concentrate on."

Ditzy paused for a second.

"I've also found matching enzymes in the blood-work of Connor and Captain Ryan, Stephen and Blade have similar enzymes, but they're different to the ones in the other two, which goes towards explaining why they only react when separated from their respective, partners, for lack of a better word."

Both the Siamese-looking kittens’ and Nick's eyes widened at the plethora of medical items Ditzy started pulling out. Ditzy just sighed in exasperation at the standard flattening of the ears that always followed the appearance of the thermometer, though Becker's following comments nearly made him giggle though.

"Not the best first week on the job I've ever had"

Nick's eyes widened as Ditzy pulled out a standard thermometer as well.

"I decided to check the temperature of the still human partners as well, see if there's any fluctuations on that front."

Nick winced.


"Now, now Professor, I'm a medical professional, I promise there will be no 'Buggering' involved."

"Very funny."

Becker looked a little less miserable.

"At least it's not just me that has to suffer."

"Shut up."

primeval, fic, primeval fic, pg-13, rating: pg-13

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