So, got an email back from the cosplay peeps at SakuraCon, so am now actually planning on attending, here's the progress list for Saku, Kagetoki, and my karaoke songs, to be updated as the month progresses: ( Read more... )
I may or may not have spent the last three hours in photoshop working on a texture and gradient set for damnned Shitenhouji jersies. Now to test to see how the Yudu handles it and then start the epic search for a yellow knit that Jess and I can actually agree on.
For anyone wondering what I'm going on about... Take a look at this team's uniforms
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Ten years ago, on a much smaller and more insular internet, I found a website for a little gathering called 'YaoiCon'. I was still two years and a month too young to attend, being only 15 with a birthday coming up in September
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I'm considering so many options right now that I felt like a list would be a good idea:
-Hisui from Haruka 2 - for Jess, to go with Akram. Though looking at him, we'd have to work on finding a reasonable way to open bind, he's got a lot of exposed chest.