Going Unpunished

Jun 05, 2008 09:11

Very itchy today.

Last night I watched a weird angel flick at Stasia's.
It was called Gabriel, which is her favorite (or I think?) angel. In the movie, I definitely enjoyed Uriel the most...
Gotta say, though, it was a pretty strange film to watch. Something about it was terribly disorienting.

I've realized that I'm willing to really help out Noel, regardless of the weird living situation at Stasia's.
Personally, I really think that I'm going to be focusing on making things run smoothly over there instead of just waiting for them to break up.
As much as I want them to.
That said, I'm helping Noel with his detox and if I can't get him in fast enough at Quick Chek, I'm going to help him look for a job. I'm going to try and keep him sober for as long as possible.
Also, I'm going to go through my cabinets and look for food that no one at home is eating and give it to Stasia. Plus, next week (or so) we're going to go to Target and I'm going to buy her some basic household stuff. You know, things you don't know you need until you don't have them,... like ice cube trays.

Maria told me that she'll probably have me out of 3rd shift by next week or so.
Fuck. I have to get another job FAST.
I say this because I know she won't have enough hours for me there either.
I wish there were a way I could make her a better boss. Just glue a backbone onto her or something. It's kind of awful watching her get walked all over. Everyone gets away with so much shit there, it's sick.
On an amazing note, after all the shit I have to take care of is finished (or before. I'm pretty sure it'll work out that way.) Jenn and I are going to hang out and hopefully run towards some elevators.
I don't know where we're going to go, but I'm going to find a place where we won't get in serious trouble.
If you want to know why we're doing this, I highly suggest this site. (I highly suggest it regardless. This girl's blog is FUCKIN' RAD!)
If you have a good elevator location in mind, call me and let me know! Better yet, JOIN US!
And if you want to come, you get extra points if you have a camera. =)

On an another amazing note, I'm going to start planning stuff up for the zine, guys.
I think the next pizza night I have is going to be Symposium, but I don't know when I'll have the next night available. (Possibly this week?)
Also, the novelty of widespread announcements (such as myspace/facebook invites and mass texts) has really worn off for me.
So if you read this and have information concerning any free time or ideas, feel free to leave a message here.
Otherwise, I'll probably call you.
If you're reading this, want to be involved and don't have my number, let me know. We'll do a funky exchange.

That calling thing really applies to everyone I know.
I'm getting really sick and tired of bullshit communication like facebook and myspace (even lj, how ironic.)
I would really like to talk to some folks, have a real exchange of words.
I'm not adverse to e-mails, however. Those are damn near close to letters and a lot quicker in delivery. Look, something I appreciate about the internet!
Regardless, let it be known that if you and I haven't hung out in a while or haven't hung out ALONE in a while, one of us should call the other.
That doesn't mean you have to wait for me, either. It means that at some point, a phone call needs to happen.
The next 3-4 months are going to start moving pretty quickly, so I suggest if you want to make a call, get it in soon.
If I call you, I win. =P

On that note, I'm off for a nap-ish thing. Respite.


summer, parties, bored, problems, home, frustration, friends, drugs, ambitions, technology, coworkers, plans/planning, leaving, pizza night, work

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