A Fractured Fairytale
Title: Beauty & The Beast
Chapters: 6 /
sabersenshiBand(s): alice nine./GazettE/ Miyavi..and maybe a few other J-guys.
Pairing: several… eventually.
Rating: PG-13..for now.
Warnings: let’s see..fluff, angst, eventually smut? You name it, it’ll probably end up in here somewhere.
Disclaimer: *sniffles* They're Not Mine.
Notes: Yet another “Fractured Fairytale”. The series is moving right along. ^^
What has come before...
Shou White:
11 (at the same time)
Sleeping Beauty:
7 Previously:
4 /
Aoi's POV
Walking into the kitchen, I stop.
Noticing the serious looks on both Kai's and Miyavi's faces.
"What's wrong?"
"I've spent some time studying this," Miyavi answers, pointing at the amulet resting on the table between them. "And I think Mana lied. If Uruha tries to walk thru the gate wearing this, something unpleasant is going to happen."
"Sit," Kai orders me, "We don't know for sure what Mana knows and doesn't know. So don't go storming off looking for blood."
I reluctantly take a seat. "But he said.."
"That's not what's important," my brother interrupts. "What we need to figure out is how to get Uruha out of here safely."
"Then you can kick Mana's ass," Miyavi adds with a grin.
"I thought for sure he'd had a change of heart," I give my head a shake. "Why can't people be reasonable?"
"His vanity is clouding his judgment. He should've known we would've checked before letting Uruha walk thru that gate."
Which makes me feel foolish.
Because I hadn't thought of it.
Lucky for Uruha I'm not alone here.
"So, how long have you two been at this?" I ask, trying to kick my brain into gear.
"Long enough to think of something that might work," Kai smiles.
"That long, huh?" I tease him.
"Ha-ha," he jokes back. "The point is, Miyavi thinks he can work around the spell. Making it something we can work with."
"Yeah. Instead of blowing Uruha up, it could just bind him to something else.
"So I'd be trading one prison for another?" Uruha asks from the doorway.
Standing, I walk over to him.
"It'd only be temporary. Right?" I ask, turning back to Miyavi.
"Absolutely. As soon as we're a day or two away, I can remove it."
"What would I be bound to?"
"Not the amulet. But it could be something as simple as a ring. And as long as your within a certain distance of it, you'd be fine."
"Can it be something of his?" I ask, trying to make this as easy for Uruha as possible.
Miyavi shakes his head sadly.
"I don't think that'd work. If we try binding him to himself it could all backfire. Making things worse for all of us."
"Can he at least decide what he's bound to? I mean, if he's going to have to be a prisoner, even if it's only for a few days, shouldn't he have a say as to what kind of cell he's kept in?"
"Ok, Aoi. That's more than reasonable. So why don't you take some time to think about it? And me and Aoi will go searching for Mana to give him a piece of our minds."
Be careful," Kai speaks up before we get very far. "My brother doesn't have much of a mind to start with."
Making our way upstairs, Miyavi and I stop outside Mana's room.
Rapping sharply on the door.
Getting no answer after the second knock, I push the door open.
Calling "Mana?", as we both step into the room.
But there's no sign of the guy.
"Shit! He couldn't've left during the night. Could he?" I ask, looking around the room for something.
"Only one way to find out," Miyavi says, moving to take a closer look in one of the dressers.
After searching every room upstairs and half of the ones on the first floor, I'm positive Mana left.
Slipping out sometime after we'd gone to bed.
"I swear, if I ever see the guy again, I will kill him. With my bare hands."
"Good," Miyavi doesn't look any happier than I do.
Which only makes me feel slightly better.
"I can't believe how stupid I've been about this," I say, throwing myself into the nearest chair.
"You're not the only one that didn't think about him running."
"Maybe not. But at least you thought of checking the amulet. I was ready to let Uruha walk thru the gate."
"Don't beat yourself up over that. I don't think Kai thought of it either. You guys aren't used to dealing with the jealous type. I am. It kinda goes with the territory, ya know?"
"Bad news," Miyavi says, stepping into the room before me. "The sneak left in the night."
"What?" both Kai and Uruha look up.
"Mana's gone," I supply, sitting down across from them.
"Why's that a big deal?" Uruha asks after a moment.
"Well, I would've liked to ask him a few things about the amulet," Miyavi says, frowning. "Like where he bought it. In case I need to talk to the guy to completely un-spell it."
"Oh. I can see how that might have helped."
"Is there going to be a problem?" Kai asks, sounding almost as worried as I am.
"Oh no. There shouldn't be. I can still adapt the spell so that Uruha's not stuck with the house. Speaking of," he turns to look at the other man, "have you decided on something?"
"I suppose it doesn't matter. That is if you really think it'll be OK to undo it once were far enough away from here."
"If you'd rather wait until I get a chance to talk with one of my superiors, we can. But that means you'll haveta stick fairly close to whatever we use."
"I would. If you don't mind. Just to be safe, you know?"
"Sure. It's your hide we're talking about. But that brings me back to the main question. What should we use?"
"Since Aoi and Kai offered for me to travel with them, why not something of theirs? I mean, we could use something in the house. But I'd rather not take something of Mana's. That'd kinda make me a thief."
Miyavi nods, turning to look at Kai and then me.
"Have you guys got anything you can think of?"
"Aoi's ring," Kai supplies with a quick smile at me.
Oh, I know what he's thinking.
And I'll have to make a point of thanking him later.
"So what do you need to do?" I ask Miyavi.
"Well, first let's see this ring of yours," he answers, holding out his hand.
I take it from my finger, rolling it around for a moment before passing it to the other man.
"Nice," he says, "a royal signet?"
To which I just nod.
He studies the ring for a few minutes.
"OK. Give me about a half an hour and we should be able to go."
He stands, giving Uruha a pat on the shoulder before leaving the room.
"So, what should we do to kill a half hour?" Kai asks.
"How about gather supplies and then get the horses ready? And we're taking one of Mana's, so don't argue. He owes you," I point out to Uruha.
Who, thankfully, doesn't raise a fuss.
"OK, now that that's settled, Kai, you're in charge of getting food. Uruha, round up anything you want to bring along. And then you can help me saddle up the horses. By then Miyavi should be ready."
A/N: So, obviously there's going to be MORE of this story. My muses want. And I'm helpless when they look at me like that ...
*pounts at Uruha's pout, Aoi's smirk, Miyavi's grin and Kai's dimple*
Oh yeah, as if any of YOU could deny them!
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