Apr 18, 2008 13:32
This morning has been weird....
..and not in a good way.
To quote the local (online) newspaper...
"Residents across the Midwest were awakened today by a 5.2 magnitude earthquake that rattled skyscrapers in Chicago's Loop and homes in Cincinnati but appeared to cause no major injuries or damage.
The quake just before 4:37 a.m. was centered six miles from West Salem, Ill., and 66 miles from Evansville, Ind.
No damage has been reported in the Quad-Cities area."
I think I missed that one ^^
"It has been confirmed that the 10:15 occurrence was another earthquake and not an aftershock. "
That one I felt. My freaking bed was shaking!!!
I'm just hoping that's it...for a while at least.
Now for the bad news....*sniffles*
The company we had, what was it, Wednesday?, yeah, it was...that's when I rushed to post...Anyway, they stayed for almost 10 hours. OK, it WAS a nice visit. But geesh!, there went my plans for the day. Sure, mostly all I was planning on doing was more cleaning and more writing. But NOPE, I didn't get anything done. So I got some cleaning done yesterday....when suddenly BAM!! I got sick. Like sick-to-my-stomache sick. In other words, I spent way too much time in the bathroom yesterday.
I started feeling better last night. Which is good, cuz my muses gave me some decent lines and stuff.
Oh yeah, there's definately going to be more chapters for Beauty and the Beast....*pats muses heads*
They're such good boys. Helping me out just when I need it most.
And on another half-good, half-bad note...my schedule for next week is kinda light. At least in comparison to some of the previous weeks. So, to help out my poor paycheck, I'm using some of me earned time..(meaning paid days off) to make the check up where I need it to be. But..I'll also have more free time. Like a mini-vacation at the end of my actual vacation.
Now I just need to decide when to take the next one (or 2 maybe). I've worked there long enough to get like 3 or 4 weeks off with pay. ^^
So, that's kinda what I've been up to for the last few days. Now I'll go read your comments. And hopefully have some witty comments to add to them. Then I'll get back to writing. Before the muses decide to go play outside...
real life