44th & 45th Editions: 27 March & 3 June, 2007

Jun 04, 2007 03:31

Once again, I apologise on behalf of all of the editors here at rpg_prophet for not getting last week's edition up like we had promised. Everything dealing with the StrikeThrough 2007 stuff and among other things put us all a bit off schedule so we're doing another double-edition in hopes of making up for it all. :)

Ads & RPG Promotions

June 3
Growing tired of your typical fandom responsibilities? The burden of fame and fangirls got you down? Wish people would stop asking you when you will write the next chapter of your amazing story/draw more beautiful art/grant them the pleasure of your presence? Wish people knew you'd even written/drawn/pleasured for them?

If so, then storge_space is a tremendous opportunity that you cannot miss! Serve your fandom in new and exciting ways under the cover of anonymity! Participating in STORGE SPACE will give you valuable skills and life lessons that will continue to benefit you long after you're dead! Learn how to here! All available characters are located here and any other questions, comments, or glowing praise for storge_space can be sent to storge (at) gmail.com and include a firstborn dolphin.


marauder_elite is a Marauder Era RPG hosted by hogwarts_elite that follows the Harry Potter canon as closely as possible. Unlike the Harry Potter books as we know them, Marauder Elite is set in the time period when James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter were all in school, now currently taking place in February of 1978. Voldemort has begun his first attacks with his newly recruited Death Eaters and the students of Hogwarts, as well as the members of the Wizarding World outside the castle walls, are now facing the tough choice or choosing who is right and who is wrong -- the first war has just begun. We are currently in need of players for Lily Evans, Lucius Malfoy, Arthur Weasley, Rodolphus Lestrange, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and several other open characters. All game and application information regarding this RPG can be found here. If you are interested in joining please IM xferinoc on AIM before filling out the application, please! All non-members of hogwarts_elite must be sponsored by a current member so please let xferinoc know before applying!


Silent Twilight is an RPG played on a board rather than a journal and is currently looking for any players interested in joining. All information reguarding the game can be found here.


Oracle is a Canon-compliant, Post-war, GJ-based RPG set in the year 2000. On Halloween, seventeen years after their first confrontation, Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter faced one another for the final time. When both disappeared behind the veil in the Department of Mysteries, the Wizarding World hailed it as a victory for the light, but couldn't forget that Voldemort had returned from the dead once before. For more than a year afterward, the public cautiously returned to their everyday lives in the shadow of continued renegade Death Eater attacks. To aid in the capture of these rogue Death Eaters, the Ministry of Magic has implemented an experimental method of interdepartmental communication using computers and a parallel internet service. A select group of Ministry employees has been asked to test the system, keeping personal journals that chronicle the turbulent time that follows when the Dark Mark appears for the first time since Voldemort's death. There are still many characters open for the taking, including Hermione Granger, Daphne Greengrass, Theodore Nott, Terry Boot, Arthur Weasley, Remus Lupin, and Kingsley Shacklebolt! You must be 18 years or older to play at Oracle!

June 2

augury_rpg is a post-HBP, canon compliant game, focusing on the Second War and the battle on the home front. There is a traitor among us... The Ministry is reeling after the death of the Head of the Auror division, and attacks coming closer and closer to the heart of the Ministry, including next door to the Minister's own personal home. Everyone wonders who will be next, and who among them has been giving out Ministry secrets. But the Ministry is not the only victim of betrayal, as a member of the Order of the Phoenix has sold them out to Lord Voldemort.

Keep your friends close... Some reunite to in the relative safety of school, others to seek out the source of evil. Old friendships flourish, and new ones form from the most unlikely of alliances.

And your enemies closer... The powers of light and dark each vie for position, trying to gain the upper hand. Who will come out on top, who will be destroyed, and who will align with whom? There are still several characters available, including Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour-Weasley, Oliver Wood, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Zacharias Smith, and Seamus Finnigan! You must be at least 18 years old to play at augury-rpg!


giveamanamask is a Trio-era game set in Harry's sixth year. After the battle at the ministry, the Death Eaters, gripped with terror at having failed their master yet again, ran-sacked various departments in search of something - anything - that might be of use to him. News began to later spread of a powerful and ancient artifact that had been snatched from the Ministry that could drain any person of their magic. Several weeks later Tonks is found completely drained of her magic and Voldemort now possessing her metamorphagus ability. The night before Harry returned to school, Dumbledore confided in him that Voldemort had once again taken on a new face - that of a boy, or girl - school-aged. His design? To infiltrate Hogwarts, and succeed where his most faithful servants had failed. (For a more in-depth guide to the back story/plot, go here. :D) We're currently looking for any players interested in playing Neville Longbottom, Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Hannah Abbott, Millicent Bulstrode, Lucius Malfoy, and several more! You must be at least 18 years old to play at giveamanamask!

June 1

quarantine_rpg is a Post-war, Post-Hogwarts, AU RPG set in the year 2004. ...As the Red Plague reached epidemic scale, Minister Scrimgeour ordered a complete lockdown and quarantine of Wizarding Britain. All were to remain wherever they were at the announcement of the quarantine, with only a few chosen runners allowed free travel to provide supplies and transport the sick. Now, there is nothing to do but wait- and hope for a cure... (For much more information on the game and its plot, go here and here. :D) There are still characters in need of players, including Padma Patil, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, and Percy Weasley! You must be 17 years or older to play at quarantine_rpg!


nothing_goldrpg is a Post-war RPG where Harry Potter died, and Voldemort succeeded. Over two years ago, the Wizarding World lost its last hope as Harry Potter died at the hands of Lord Voldemort. Even as they sank into their grief, they soon learned to adapt or be crushed. Azkaban is populated with the few dissenters that still live while Bellatrix Black Lestrange rules over where she was once a prisoner.

With Hogwarts razed to the ground, the Death Eaters rule with an iron fist. Neighbour turns on neighbour and trust is almost non-existent. Executions are swift and public.

All hope is not lost as the remnants of the Order of the Phoenix have rebuilt themselves. High on the success of their attack against Voldemort, the Order has grown complacent and too self-assured. Retribution is sure to follow as the Death Eaters have discovered more about the Order than they think.

A new dawn just might be rising.

There are still characters available, including Percy Weasley, Ron Weasley, Fred/George Weasley, Draco Malfoy, and Rodolphus Lestrange!

May 27

priscusoraculum is a Trio-era, Canon-compliant game. ...At the beginning of the school year of 1997, the unthinkable happened. The Hogwarts Founders came to protect the castle that many a child had began to call home.

Long ago, when Hogwarts was just beginning, the founders made a stone, with each of their last initials engraved on it. They charmed this stone so that if anything were to happen to Hogwarts, dead or alive, they would instantly know and find themselves alive once again; to protect what belongs to them. This was very old magic. Magic so old that nearly all Wizards alive had no idea a thing were possible. But, as the attack was happening, the founders were being born again.

During the next few days, people that had long ago passed away were being brought back to life - some just their souls, formed as ghosts; others as humans - to finally defeat The Dark Lord once and for all. (For more information on the plot, go here. :D) There are still many characters available, including Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Rubeus Hagrid, Lucius Malfoy, and Draco Malfoy!

May 26

Application - Character List - Taken PBs - Contacts - Rules

Millicent Bulstrode wants to take over the Wizarding World. She's a dark force that is now sweeping over London with the help of her old mentor, Lucius Malfoy. Lord Malfoy still makes his demands from his portrait in Malfoy Manor where Millicent now calls home. Millicent plays a deadly game, trying to resurrect Salazar Slytherin. The long forgotten Veil in the Department of Mysteries is the key to bringing back all the evil forces she needs to take over the Wizarding World.

Can Harry Potter re-organize the Order and stop Millicent's plot? Or will it be too late? Will her new forces follow a woman's leadership? Will she succeed in bringing Salazar back and go on to bring back Lucius Malfoy and Lord Voldemort? More backstory can be found at hpr_ooc and here.

We have several main characters, but we need a few more before we get started.

Characters desperately needed: Lucius Malfoy, Percy Weasley, Severus Snape, as well as other Weasleys and Order Members.be're in desperate need of a Ron Weasley now as our current player has left the game.

Feel free to email the mods at: hpresurrectionmods@gmail.com if you have questions or would like to apply for a character. If you have any questions or need any more information, please let me know. Thanks!

Fan Art

May 20

Over at hf_voyeurs:

By: nightfallrising
Rating: Worksafe
Warnings: Large image, enthusiastic peer pressure, implied violence/humiliation, futzed-around-in-PS background.
A/N: The thread this is from is non-canon-compliant. No sparkles were squashed in the making of this picture.


Various News

Draco comes home to a bit of a surprising scene that sends Harry and Draco into a full-fledged argument about Harry's involvement in the Order and, most importantly, the safety of their family. All things involving the war are beginning to gear up and Draco can't help but prepare himself for the worst.

The following day Draco accompanies Shane and Charles for some ever enticing furniture shopping. Not only that but Draco cooks! Nah!, you say but I do not lie. Harry convinces Draco to make an attempt at cooking by saying that "cooking ought to be, more or less, very similar to brewing potions" so Draco whips up a relatively simple soup. It seems Harry is determined to have Draco learn more about cooking and I wouldn't exactly say it's particularly for the benefit of having another cook in the house either. Things take a turn for the Awkward when Shane and Charles stop by and Harry accidentally lets some information slip. Draco tries to come to Harry's aid by covering the slip but it's too late and Harry admits that he ended up "spying" on Darren and Shane a few days ago which leaves Shane none too pleased.


Happy Anniversary, boywholives & dracolicious!

The two celebrated their four year anniversary on the 1st of June but with major plans still being put together for Draco's birthday and with whatever surprise Draco has up his sleeve, the two discuss the benefits of birthdays and other topics of sexual nature. In the midst of these conversations, Draco says something that peaks Harry's interest as a possible idea of how to kill Voldemort. Upon hearing Harry's possible plan, Draco asks Harry to talk to him about this after they've gone on their much-needed vacation and the conversation shifts to the argument that occurred last week with Shane.

The next day Draco talks of his preparations for the family vacation on Tuesday in celebration of Draco's birthday and the topic of having Emmy go to a nursery school every now and then comes up. Draco feels it would be better for her to make more friends but Harry is a bit more reluctant on the idea of Emmy being out of the house so soon but Draco knows exactly how to distract Harry in his thinking process. ;) Even though Draco's birthday is on Tuesday, Harry lets Emmy give Draco the birthday present she made for him and it's oh-so-adorable. :3 It's clear though that Emmy is missing Amelia and Harry begins to think he should talk to Shane and try to make some sort of amends but Draco tells Harry to hold off and wait for Shane to contact them first before doing anything.

It seems that Rabastan did his homework before killing off Caradoc Dearborn. He's thorough at least (even if I do think him a jerk *winks*). Lucius is very forceful here... I guess no means no unless it means yes once I keep going? Naughty boys I like it.

Oh man, Young Parvati is a thing of cuteness. I love the photos and the diary entry and just about everything there.

Dear Percy and Penelope I love you lots and lots and lots. Srsly, me. You guys are so cute with the computer thing and ok, there were other things going on about data protection and information storage and stuffs but go look at how beautiful these two are together. I love that Percy seems so human and w00bie nice and Penelope is so helpful and kind and, oh jeez, you guys are cute!!!!

However, Remus and Snape are not so cute when there's a werewolf attack and unresolved issues and unhealed scars. But, I can see the basis of their interactions in canon really well so I have to applaud the players here for pulling off an amazing set of characterisations. I ♥ you guys. Add to it that Gilderoy calls Remus "bunny" and I'm all atwitter.

Dear Bellatrix, you creep me out like major and I love you for it. Never change, me.

As an aside - applications are now open.


Rodolphus has to assess Severus's people skills. I echo Barty's sentiment... good luck with that, you're going to need it. I, um, yeah, I'm sporfling with everyone else too. Sorry, I'm sure, deep deep down, Severus has people skills. Somewhere. *shifty look*

Greyback's worst nightmare and it's a good one.

Barty Crouch Jr compiles a list of various Ministry personnel. Then, oh man, let me tell you, my little Barty/Gilderoy loving heart...err, I mean my absolutely HUGE and GINORMOUS heart, err, anyway, it warms with the w00bie that is Barty/Gilderoy in this thread even if they're arguing and stuffs. They're still cute.

An article surfaces about Lucius's campaign for Minister. It probably would've been a good career move but the timing kindasorta blew chunks, huh, Lucius? Perhaps you'll have, err, um, well, maybe you'll have better luck next time? Or, maybe Draco will have better luck?

Dumbledore writes a letter to moody about the stirrings of the first rise of Voldemort (and I always feel like there should be creepy ominous music when I say that sort of thing...). There's a return letter from Moody to Dumbledore and it has the cutest little drawing of the infernal chicken Fawkes.

Dear Remus - I like you. Really I do. But Gilderoy is not for you. He's meant for Barty Bear... didn't you see the above? Please to stop breaking up the OTP. Much love, moi. Actually - other than the issues with the whole Gilderoy flirting with Remus thing, this is really well played and is almost enough for me to wonder...

Just one log from the boys with week, and it's just what the need. Dean and Seamus take a breather from all that Ministry hubbub and just go back to being Dean and Seamus.


WE HAVE INVISIBLE NOTES THIS WEEK. But before I get to those, a couple logs as well. The boys talk more with the mysterious helpful portrait, known from here on as Ignatius Waters. While vaguely familiar to the boys, they can't seem to place him. (Theories yet, anyone??) Thennnn: the call we all knew was coming. !!!

So, on with those invisible notes!

first | second | third | fourth | fifth | sixth | seventh | eighth | ninth | last!

In which none of us fangirls comprehended anything but the interesting proposition Seamus... proposed.

After last week's failure and losses (I still miss you, Moody. No one could say 'fuck' in as many ways as you though I do try), the Order has started its mourning. Remus feels regret that he hadn't been able to save Katie and has moved back to Edinburgh. Hermione, on the other hand, feels like she's murdered Moody. She's also vowed to start something and what that something is, I'd really really like to find out. Neville relives Bellatrix's taunts and vows revenge.

Severus is haunted by Dumbledore in the aftermath of Azkaban. Michael has retreated to Tenby and reflects on life, death and everything in between.

Unwilling to let things lie, Tonks goes in search of Remus and tries to reason with him. The Order is without a leader and who better than Remus? Remus is, understandably, nervous about this development.

Meanwhile, in Ireland, completely oblivious to all the attacks, Seamus decides to go back to London and it's now up to him to break the news to Dean.


The Death Eaters meet regarding the Azkaban attack and they are quite satisfied with themselves. Bellatrix, after waiting just a bit investigates the dropped portkey and finds nothing. She pitches a tantrum reacts poorly.

While Britain is changing, Dean and Seamus start their trip back and have no clue what they're coming back to. Seamus asks about Dean's safety while Dean wonders about Seamus's. They come up with a fairly brilliant code to convey their safety and messages. Remus and Snape, in the meantime, strike a detente and it seems that Snape might be willing to turn traitor. Maybe. I don't really trust him.

Seaking of being left out of the loop, Cho wonders about where Michael is. Michael, thankfully, sends her an owl. Dean, on the other hand, goes to rejoin the Order

Augustus Rookwood wonders about the patterns in the Order attacks. He then sends an owl to Snape for sane conversation.

Speaking of sane and change and ok, this gets me here.... wtf? Hi, Ron and Hermione? Are you saying what I think you're saying? Cause, um, OMG, dude, YOU ARE!!!! You're seriously going to bring him back? I mean, cause, look, I get the whole you-lost-bigtime thing but are you sure that this is the best way to go? I'll be eagerly waiting for the follow through on this one.

Snitched is back! James goes to Remus wondering when exactly the school year is over. A simple enough question for any student looking forward to the summer hols but James is actually looking for a place to live... and perhaps with Lily. The two of them somehow stumble across the topic of James Potter having kids and joke around about the possibility of Remus and Sirius living with him and Lily. Right, because we all know Lily would LOOOVE that idea. ;D

Seems that not everything is all happy and fluffy bunnies. Hermione is still having bad dreams and I think she's more than glad she has Roger to wake up next to. A letter with news about birthdays and his mum's in particular, finds Kenneth feeling rather wary -- I think jewelery would be a perfect gift or even books work too! A very heartfelt ouch for that meeting between Marietta and Crabbe. And what should have been an evening together... of the quiet sort for Narcissa and Sanguini, ends with a... very unexpected guest. One might almost say unwelcome as well. It's a reminder that the world still isn't perfect. Alicia has found the cottage of her dreams, even if it's a little less than perfect right now. She sits and stares, and neither Arabella nor Charlie can pass without stopping.

Things for Bill seem to go from bad to worse lately. Now Padma comes to see Bill in regards to the impending divorce *sniff*. Of course, comparatively, I'd take a 'chat' with Padma over one with Severus. Now armed with information, Severus is back and going to force Remus to talk. If I were Remus, I'd shut up and talk.

On a more positive note, Gilderoy and Hermione discuss books, something Hermione knows quite a bit about. And there's news about Stoatshead's resident Sleeping Beauty as Proudfoot's (I so want to say Proudfeet's...) parents meet with Luna and Gawain. And Tonks is back! Or at least, no longer on crutches as she goes walking and runs into Kingsley. Now home once more, Dennis decides the flat needs to smell of cooking, and Fleur investigates. Can't say I blame her -- a man who cooks!

The best news of all came this week when it turns out that Wizards aren't quite so useless when it comes to Muggle things. The task force has done their duty and at long last, the lights are back on in Stoatshead once more. Just watch for that orangeish tinge they may have. Then again... seeing Daphne try to ride a bike... I may take back the earlier statement.


Methinks I see some sparks flying between Bill and Harry (or else it's just an overactive slasher brain at work here *shifty*). No matter what the case, that Egyptian dinner he cooked for Harry looked mighty good to me! Speaking of nights out -- apparently the best time to be had is in Paris, at least so it seems to Fleur, Dennis, Seamus and Dean! My gosh has it been a party week! Ladies night out for as Rita coordinates a hen night as a last harrah for Gilderoy. We also have a massive get together thrown by Ernie and Eleanor. Of course, afterwards, it can't all be sunshine and butterflies, as Eleanor finds out just why Ernie's so sore.

Orla decides it just might be a good idea to give into Sigmund's demands-- so it's off to Mandy at the Animal Shelter. Not to be outdone, Parvati and Lavender go shopping in London for that very important thing: shoes. Speaking of female bonding, there's some bonding of a brotherly nature for Ron and Percy. And as for shopping? Daphne rediscovers Florean's ice cream and it still is the best. Well of course it is!

Daddy Marcus brings Violet home to Tracey and... an interesting discussion ensues. Meanwhile, young love continues to bloom! Parvati finds herself in Hammerside with a few things she needs to tell Dean. And while Zach may have expected a solo dinner he gets company in the form of Roger. While I may not be a morning person, apparently flying is the best way to start the morning according to Orla and Wayne.

The saga with Remus and Bill continues as Remus finally informs Bill of his decision. OUCH. And there you have it, folks. Bill Weasley has been bitten. And now it's up to Severus to pick up the pieces.

James and Lily have found a name! Which I swear is a big deal even though they've probably come across many of their sons at this point. ANYWAYS. I'm already distracted by Zacharias running around starkers and Draco Malfoy apologising. Yes, you read that right. Granted it is in all likelihood an Evil Malfoy Plot of Doom, but we'll take it at face value, what do you say?

And, poor Harry. He always seems to have these various problems, doesn't he? Though if they're all the kinds of problems that this one Harry's having, I say the more the merrier. Though this isn't the mindset of one Draco, who seems to have an entirely different opinion altogether.

Except, look. Tiny cakes. :}

But! Life's not all tiny cakes and good times for some people. Some people have to deal with Muggles and kidnapping from broomclosets, and further still are problems with the un-shaggable ladies and colourful knickers!! Well, I never. Lily then started talking about sex dreams and all the males or female-played-males collectively lost all brain function.

Thank you, and goodnight!


Just when you thought you finally got that Avril Lavigne song out of your head, James has something to say. LOUDLY, I might add. But never fear, it isn't all flowers and candy and annoying catchy tunes. There is badassery afoot, and I for one am loving every minute of it.

But let's not get to thinking that a week in TDR can pass without people needing help in some way or another. Fred's having some nigghttime troubles and I absolutely LOVE that he started off with: "I have nightmares. Not just your run of the mill Voldy's comin' to getcha nightmares."


Right. Problems. Bill has one of the personal sort and Dennis has one the hypothetical sort and Harry... is unconscious? Poor Harry, doen't even fit the pattern. :(

Fred Weasley issues a blankey apology and assure the public at large that they have nothing to worry about. Riiiight. And we believe it, don't we?

On a less potentially-harmful note, Morag counts down to a very special day, regardless of others' previous engagement. Cap off this week with an exchange of owls between Owen and Dennis. :)

Thread To Check Out
Ah, tough tough. So much to choose from this week but I think my joy at seeing a little bit of action at snitched probably wins out. Not to mention I lovelovelove seeing James talk about the prospect of having a kid with Lily. :3

Okay aaand, well, I lie. There's a tie because I can't help but also love the Harry and Bill thread on stoatshead_hill because I can't help but look at it from a slash-y point of view either and see the great potential there for those two xD xD


A note for the Various News: We're terribly sorry to say but due to inactivity for several months, we're no longer going to be featuring a_little_rough & leaky_redux. Because of this though, that means we have two open spots for active RPGs!

So if you think you're RPG is a good candidate to be featured on rpg_prophet, please send us off an email to rpgprophet@gmail.com explaining the premise of your game, how long you've been active, and any current plots going on in your RPG at the moment. Hopefully by next week or the week after(depending on how many emails we receive) we'll reveal our choices and hopefully offer every one a more diverse and entertaining Various News. :)

Also: PLEASE REMEMBER. IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW COOL YOUR USERNAME LOOKS TO US OR HOW MANY VALIANT ATTEMPTS YOU MAKE, YOU CANNOT BE A MEMBER OF rpg_prophet. Only editors of RPG Prophet are allowed to be members but we humbly accept watchers more than you guys will ever know. So please stop trying to join because you ain't comin' in, buddy. Thank you!

Don't see your rpg listed? Have some news you'd like us to mention? Have a discussion question you'd like us to feature? Then please feel free to email the editors at rpgprophet[at]gmail[dot]com!
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