46th Edition: June 10th, 2007

Jun 13, 2007 01:03

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June 7

Growing tired of your typical fandom responsibilities? The burden of fame and fangirls got you down? Wish people would stop asking you when you will write the next chapter of your amazing story/draw more beautiful art/grant them the pleasure of your presence? Wish people knew you'd even written/drawn/granted for them?

If so, then storge-space is a tremendous opportunity that you cannot miss! Serve your fandom in new and exciting ways under the cover of anonymity! Participating in STORGE SPACE will give you valuable skills and life lessons that will continue to benefit you long after you're dead! Learn how to here! All available characters are located here and any other questions, comments, or glowing praise for storge_space can be sent to storge (at) gmail.com and include a firstborn dolphin.

June 4

rpg-afterglow is a Post-Hogwarts, Post-war, Canon-compliant game! After defeating Lord Voldemort in January of 1998, ending the war that threatened wizards everywhere, Harry managed to reenter school, pass his NEWT exams, and finish school with the rest of his class. Today, Harry has embraced his Muggle upbringing and Wizard heritage by using his skills as an Auror in the new Muggle-Wizard Liaisons Office. Has the Wizarding World become the paradise everyone hoped after Voldemort's demise? Would they ever get to live in the afterglow? (For more information on rpg-afterglow, go here. :D) There are still several characters open for the taking, including Ronald Weasley, Parvati Patil, Pansy Parkinson, Padma Patil, Theodore Nott, and Luna Lovegood!


Artis, despite its somewhat clichéd Latin name, is different. I know you’ve heard that before. Different. But, I promise, this time it’s true. The game is player-based. The quality of the characters, the quality of character development, and the quality of writing is what makes up Artis. The Latin word for art, skill (in its genitive form, because not only is it cooler as a possessive, but it sounds better), artis, is the game’s namesake for this reason. The players who will make up this game will each play a main character (see the list), in many different time periods and situations. The characters will be developed further than what you thought possible. This game is meant to be fun, of course, and there are some who will simply eat up details and character development. The players at Artis are the type who take great joy in describing the details of the time Hermione Granger read her first book, the first time she set foot in a Library, her emotional turmoil, her heart, her mistakes, her complete history, her future, her likes, dislikes, beliefs- anything and everything that might be of interest. The game is about the life of the characters, the drama, and the lulls. The journey, the road- that’s what matters. (For more information on the game (and for more links to more information on the game ;D), go here. :D)

- Fanworks -

In relation to the sad turn of events at wtf_drarry, Hermione, Daphne, and Millicent have posted their goodbyes. Check in at wtf-drarry and wtf-addicts to see if any of the other characters post their own goodbye drabbles and for any news that may come up.

- Various News -




Rabastan sends a letter to Dahlia Yaxley about some ingredients he's wanting. It's sort of sweet - the way Lucius is looking after Rabastan. where're my spankings, darnit?

Dahlia gets all the ingredients needed for the Polyjuice and meets with Rabastan and Lucius to give them over. There's visiting Aurors and introductions and all sorts of plotting going on.

Lucius's trial starts with the defence and prosection stating their cases. Quite a wide variety of people watching the trial, as well. The first witness called is Rodolphus who is quite brave in resisting until the Dementors come in. It looks like there's to be quite a bit of action coming on this one yet, so keep your eyes on it.


So, Ada has had the baby. ♥ Seamus is holding out for another Seamus running around, though a flaw in the form of the name William interrupts his master plan. Not to worry. William Seamus is a fine name, a damn fine name. Dean isn't sure one way or another, but instead talks about handling the baby instead of naming it, and how it all comes to Liam naturally. Some guys just have all the luck. Seamus tells Dean he does alright himself, and asks for a visit after work. Mpreg. Kidding! Though it would be ever so flattering on Seamus's clearly maternal form. Dean then pokes fun (we're all aware I'm following mostly the postscripts, yes? excellent, glad you're keeping up) and Seamus fires back with the age old defence. This is promptly turned around, and suddenly waiting an hour to see each other is just too long a time to wait. Oh, those two.

And, for logs?? OUR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED. This delicious early-morning romp certainly hits the spot, and posted after was this log in which Dean finally confronts Ignatius about his identity, and the boys get some good advice on their upcoming hearing.


Bellatrix intimidates requests that Morag run a Special Edition of the Daily Prophet detailing the victory at Azkaban. Morag doesn't seem all that enthused.

Speaking of not being enthused - Dean proposes that perhaps Seamus could be of assistance to the Plan (my way of saying Bringing Harry Back From the Dead or the Horcrux and OMG For Realz? - see why I need a smaller way of saying it?) Ron and Hermione wonder about safety and don't really react well to Seamus being a Death Eater.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Order wonders about whether they might be doing the right thing with the Plan (see above). Terry wonders if he would be willing to do everything to bring Susan back. Charlie, on the other hand, wonders if he could destroy the Horcrux before anyone would know about it. Remus and Tonks discuss the lack of leadership at the Order and if bringing Harry back is the right way to go.


I don't think I can properly articulate my love for this RPG. T_T Gay Marauder love all around...well minus Peter, that is. We start off going back a few days where Sirius and Remus are up to no good in the boys' dormitory room. Things come to a grinding halt though when Sirius happens upon an interesting picture of Regulus in a tutu in Remus's pocket. Uh oh. In the words of the Great Sirius Black: "Remus Jane you've got some splaining to do."

Later, Sirius and James are up to even more trouble. Oh boy. Drunken flirting, erections, finger sucking and...engagement rings? That's right but it all takes a turn for the worst when the engagement ring doesn't exactly want to come off Sirius' finger. Needless to say, James begins to panic and the conversation definitely goes where no conversation should go. If you want the ultimate mood killer, you got it right here. :\


Oh noes the drama! It continues to build as Ron makes good on that threat of his and gets a flat of his own. I hope this doesn't spell more trouble for the trio! Speaking of trouble, it seems that Fred and George are back with a vengeance. People, watch what candy you put in your mouths...

More and more clubs and businesses seem to be springing up as the wizarding world gets back on its feet. And next up is a Book Club. Anyone else surprised that Hermione's running it? *cough* Makes sense though... her being the one person who probably knows Hogwarts: A History by heart. And even the shelter is getting attention as the vet, volunteer, architect and builder (AKA- Greg, Mandy, Dean and Roger) make plans. That... almost sounds like a joke. So a vet, volunteer, architect and builder walk into a bar... Finally, community-wise, there's a town meeting with some exciting news from the Minister. And after all those months of work, Cedric's dream of the museum finally becomes a reality.

Hey, it's the breakfast of champions! Or at least a meeting of past champions as Harry and Fleur meet up. But a meeting of champions just doesn't sound as cool. *sniff* Poor Zach! Seems as if everyone lately is having bad dreams (hrm... could it be the damned war?). At least Zach makes matters better by going to see Mandy -- even if it is in the middle of the night. And can we all say aaaaaaaw? Ginny made lasagna for Bill. Such a good little sister.

In a rather emotional move, Roger takes Hermione to visit his childhood home in Devon. And it's up to Hermione to help him erase the bad memories. But apparently bad memories don't stop Fleur and Bill from nearly getting involved once more.

And where there's Gilderoy, there's drama. Only this time... it doesn't exactly come from him. *gasp* Avery gets some rather disturbing news the night before his wedding. And it's time for the wedding only... one of the grooms is missing. YIKES! And now we know the reason why! But fear not, Avery! help is on the way! In addition to all the wedding drama, Remus and Severus seem to have a bit of their own. Silly Remus and your misunderstanding of Severus.


A Malfoy demanding something? I never though I'd see the day. But, to be fair, Malfoy's birthday passed. Not just one, of course. Even Harry has to take notice, although the 'gift optional' clause really has him in a bind here.

But, besides our favorite ice prince (although I do admit to absolutely loving Will Ferrell, I don't care what anyone says) turning... whatever age he's turning in each universe, there is business to attend to. James needs to set some BOUNDARIES in his dormitory, and Theodore has some future planning to attend to. Meanwhile Neville could do with a real quick intervention an Adrian Pucey could do with a question answered.


A very happy birthday to Draco, or at least a birthday if nothing else. While he is in the midst of some mild mayhem at Parkinson Manor, there is another adventure going on in the form of a flat search. Very serious business, and you know two Ravenclaws and a Slytherin won't mess around. Well, unless there's thinly-veiled and not-even-clost-to-veiled comments flying around. Still.

as a direct result of their very rigid search, Morag has a few choice words for Anthony, in the form of many owls and an adorable wee drawing, despite the subject matter. :}


Sad news, you guys. As I'm sure many of you have heard wtf_drarry has come to an end. Hermione, Daphne, and Millicent say their good-byes but keep an eye on the post just in case a few other players plan on commenting as well!

- Thread to Check Out -

Can I cheat? Aw hell, we've done 46 editions, I'm going to. This thread made my whole week, because I seriously have the best Draco and Pansy ever. And who doesn't love a little bit of Gryffindor baiting?

A blatantly copied from the last edition's note for the Various News: We're terribly sorry to say but due to inactivity for several months, we're no longer going to be featuring a_little_rough & leaky_redux. Because of this though, that means we have two open spots for active RPGs!

So if you think you're RPG is a good candidate to be featured on rpg_prophet, please send us off an email to rpgprophet@gmail.com explaining the premise of your game, how long you've been active, and any current plots going on in your RPG at the moment. Hopefully by next week or the week after(depending on how many emails we receive) we'll reveal our choices and hopefully offer every one a more diverse and entertaining Various News. :)

Don't see your RPG up here? Think we missed something? Send us an email at rpgprophet[at]gmail[dot]com or comment here.
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