Hear ye! Hear ye! The trial The Ministry of Magic v Lucius Abraxas Malfoy will now begin!
this link for a complete list of charges.
Comments are of course welcome, but no outrageous behaviour will be tolerated in the court!
The room is dimly lit for there are no windows, merely torches in brackets. The benches around the room are crowded with people, many from the media. Near the front, so the occupants backs are to the gallery, are tow tables, separated by a wide aisle. In the very front center of the room, facing the gallery, is a comfortable looking wooden chair. Next to this is a small wooden table with a silver pitcher of water and a glass standing on it.
At one table sits a distinguished, silver-haired gentleman of about 50. Several sheets of parchment are neatly stacked in front of him.
At the other is Lucius Malfoy alongside the defence counsel, a heavy-set, rather jowly man.