Apr 19, 2007 23:45

Know that the wizard Lucius Abraxas Malfoy stands accused of the following crimes:
Use of Crucio (charged under Unforgivable Curse Act of 1662)
Use of Imperio (charged under Unforgivable Curse Act of 1662)
Use of Avada Kedavra (charged under Unforgivable Curse Act of 1662)
Belonging to a Subversive Organisation
Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor
Trafficking in Illegal Goods with Intent to Distribute
Receiving and concealing stolen/dangerous merchandise
Torture (other than Crucio)
Reckless Endangerment
Harbouring Fugitives
Carrying a concealed weapon without a permit
Willful Destruction of Property

It is the contention of this court that Lucius Abraxas Malfoy did willfully, and with knowledge and malice aforethought, engage and participate in the above mentioned crimes. Further, it is the intention of this court to pursue each matter to the fullest extent allowable under the law.

The trial will begin on Sunday, May 20th.

Over the next few days, various people will be receiving summonses from this office to testify as witnesses at the trail. This is being done now in order that we may begin coordinating testimony before the Walpurgis Night Event. Please note that not all people receiving a summons will actually be called upon to testify. It should also be noted that a failure to appear in response to the summons will result in a charge of contempt of court. Said charge is punishable by a sentence of not less than seven (7) days in Azkaban and a fine of not less than one hundred(100) galleons.

If my colleague for the defense would contact me at, I will submit to him my list of potential witnesses. Also, I would like to discuss the admission of expert witness testimony as well as how the verdict of this trial will be decided.

Until the summonses have been issued, all questions and concerns about the trial will be addressed at this post.

In order to facilitate the delivery of the summonses, we ask that you make sure your contact information is up-to-date.

Thank you and I’ll see you in court.

John H Smith
Special Prosecutor for the Ministry of Magic

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