The One Where Everything Went Wrong

Oct 29, 2011 02:35

Who: Everyone in the Breeding Centre House!
Where: ...The Breeding Centre House; Assorted areas of Goldenrod City
When: Evening of October 29th into early morning October 30th, beginning about a half hour after THIS post.
Summary: Souji and Yosuke have a fight! All over the house! In front of everyone! And then things happen and Yosuke wanders ( Read more... )

merlin | merlin, yosuke hanamura | persona 4, osaka | azumanga daioh, asuma | hibiki's magic, souji seta | persona 4, rise kujikawa | persona 4, yumi ozawa | persona 4, bartz klauser | final fantasy v, nanako dojima | persona 4, ise nanao | bleach, kanji tatsumi | persona 4

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Comments 411

THE FIGHT THREAD usedkunai October 29 2011, 06:36:50 UTC
usedkunai October 29 2011, 06:43:34 UTC
[After waking up from his tiny nap, he checks the Gear before getting out of bed. But seeing Souji's post immediately sparks something in him, and he wastes no time getting up, flinging the bedroom door open and walking straight into the living room.]

[He stands in front of Souji, eyes narrowed.]

DUDE. What the hell?


usedeverything October 29 2011, 06:46:19 UTC
[ Souji looks up from his gear, clearly confused at what Yosuke is going "what the hell" about? ]

What's wrong?


usedkunai October 29 2011, 06:49:32 UTC
Uh... "I'm heading to Cianwood the first week of November?"

[Folding his arms.]

Were you ever planning on telling me this? Or was I just gonna wake up on like Wednesday to find out I'm running the Centre indefinitely?


THE SOUJI THREAD usedkunai October 29 2011, 06:37:41 UTC
usedeverything October 29 2011, 10:30:24 UTC
[ Souji honestly feels like complete crap now. At first, he has thought he might not take back that kiss because of how Yosuke has reacted to it during it, but soon after, he has completely regretted it. Just all of those different emotions on Yosuke's face before he has run out. Then, he has only really felt guilt and being hurt. ]

[ He keeps standing in the location he has been in before with his hands pressed to his eyes, not crying, but just trying to block out anything and everything. ]

[ A broken Souji is a poor leader and a broken Souji he is now. ]


wow feel free to ignore that previous comment usedjunes October 29 2011, 10:34:26 UTC
[there's a lot of emotions going through her and while Nanako doesn't fully understand exactly what's going on, she's able to gather that Souji's upset... and he's upset because he cares about Yosuke. this is the thought she clings to as she quietly heads over to him, worry and sadness on her face.

slowly, she stands on her tip toes and gently presses both hands to Souji's elbow.]


usedeverything October 29 2011, 17:33:00 UTC
[ Souji is busy trying to think over just how bad of a move that kiss is. Out of all the things he could have done, he has just chosen that one, but the moment- the emotions of anger, pent up love, frustration. It has just seemed like the right thing at that time. ]

[ When he feels little hands on his elbow, he moves one of his hands to look down and when he does, he feels a hundred times worse. Oh god, has... has Nanako been watching this all? He covers his eyes again, shutting them. ]

Sorry, Nanako. I... You should head to bed. [ said in the weakest voice ever. ]


THE YOSUKE THREAD usedkunai October 29 2011, 06:38:12 UTC
+ 1 Nanao as requested! used_glare October 29 2011, 09:34:29 UTC
{Guess who's wandering around Goldenrod, and who hasn't a clue what has just happened? This shinigami.}

{However, a running not!son friend is always going to catch his eye, and she looks on confusedly as he runs into a nearby alley. Something about him sets off alarm bells, so she walks on over, quiet and careful.}


usedkunai October 29 2011, 16:52:48 UTC
[In the alley, he is sinking to the ground; he is overcome with guilt and confusion, but he does finally hit a point where his eyes are dry and seemingly unable to produce any more tears.]

[He is trapped in his own thoughts, so he doesn't hear Nanao approaching. He doesn't see her, either, face buried in his hands.]


used_glare November 4 2011, 12:22:20 UTC
{She literally drops what she was doing and jogs over when she sees that - what if he's hurt - runs through her mind, and she frowns, because shouldn't Souji or Rise be out looking for him? A fight, then. It has to be that.}

{So Yosuke, you have one (1) electric sheep bleating at you quietly, and one (1) Nanao kneeling by your side.}

I'm guessing things aren't very okay, are they.


THE NEXT DAY usedkunai October 29 2011, 06:38:47 UTC
now with more accurate locations usedkunai October 29 2011, 17:09:56 UTC
[He's been out all night; he ultimately had decided against staying at the inn or the Pokémon Center. They had their appeals, but it was easier to avoid people if they couldn't find him.]

[It's eating him alive though. He has nothing -- no Pokémon, no music. Absolutely nothing to give him any semblance of normalcy. Sunlight is beginning to peek through the spaces between Goldenrod's skyscrapers, and Yosuke thinks now is the time.]

[Everyone - Souji included - should be asleep now. But it doesn't matter; if anyone is awake, he's going to have to deal with him. It's bad enough any of them came running after him when he stormed out earlier. He doesn't feel he deserves it, not a single thing. But going back to the house also meant seeing Souji... and that's the absolute last thing he wants right now. The guilt is crushing his chest, but fear of the truth is driving him more ( ... )


usedeverything October 29 2011, 18:22:41 UTC
[ Throughout the night, Souji has been doing nothing but beating himself up and feeling guiltily over that fight, that kiss. He regrets letting his anger out of control like that, saying harsh words in retaliation to Yosuke's. He regrets that he has done that in front of everyone to see- for Nanako to see. He regrets everything and just staying any longer in that house is reminding him of that fact. That's why he has slipped out in the middle of the night to head next doors, back to the Breeding Centre ( ... )


usedkunai October 29 2011, 19:17:38 UTC
[Seeing Souji at the top of the stairs, Yosuke freezes immediately. It's the last person he expects to see here. He wants nothing more than to turn around, go back down the stairs and go somewhere else. He's not sure he's ready to face this, despite the feelings that are overcoming him, that have been eating him alive throughout the entire night ( ... )


Takes place after his talk with Yosuke tiercelet October 29 2011, 10:49:07 UTC
[Trudging back into the Breeding Centre without Yosuke in tow wasn't exactly part of the plan, but with the way everything had gone today, it isn't too much of a surprise.

He shuts the door behind him quietly, in case anyone's resting, and just...tilts his head back, leaning against the door for a moment with his eyes closed. What follows is a long, tired sigh.]


sunshine_fruit October 29 2011, 10:53:35 UTC
[Someone definitely isn't resting, though. Upon coming back to the living room, Yumi had found the glass she had accidentally shattered and cleaned up. While she did that, though, she realized she didn't know who was here and who wasn't.

That's why there's tea on the living room table, and Merlin will hear an almost too-loud clink (thanks to nervous hands) as Yumi puts down the glass and moves over to the entryway.]

Oh, Merlin...[She doesn't sound disappointed. She's glad to see him, honestly, Yosuke or not.] Are you alright?


tiercelet October 29 2011, 16:53:22 UTC
Yumi. [He looks up at the sound of her voice, attempting a smile, but it just looks strained. He drops it quickly and just shrugs.]

I'm all right. But it's not me I'm worried about right now. [He suspects everyone in the Breeding Centre's going to be worried about Souji and Yosuke for a while, if things get drawn out.]


sunshine_fruit October 30 2011, 06:16:56 UTC
Just make sure you take care of yourself, too, alright? If you don't, after all of this, I probably won't forgive you. [It's said like she half-decided it was a joke, but it's clear that things are bothering her too much to make one of her usual snarky, harsh comments.] I'm guessing it didn't go too well.


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