The One Where Everything Went Wrong

Oct 29, 2011 02:35

Who: Everyone in the Breeding Centre House!
Where: ...The Breeding Centre House; Assorted areas of Goldenrod City
When: Evening of October 29th into early morning October 30th, beginning about a half hour after THIS post.
Summary: Souji and Yosuke have a fight! All over the house! In front of everyone! And then things happen and Yosuke wanders ( Read more... )

merlin | merlin, yosuke hanamura | persona 4, osaka | azumanga daioh, asuma | hibiki's magic, souji seta | persona 4, rise kujikawa | persona 4, yumi ozawa | persona 4, bartz klauser | final fantasy v, nanako dojima | persona 4, ise nanao | bleach, kanji tatsumi | persona 4

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THE SOUJI THREAD usedkunai October 29 2011, 06:37:41 UTC
usedeverything October 29 2011, 10:30:24 UTC
[ Souji honestly feels like complete crap now. At first, he has thought he might not take back that kiss because of how Yosuke has reacted to it during it, but soon after, he has completely regretted it. Just all of those different emotions on Yosuke's face before he has run out. Then, he has only really felt guilt and being hurt. ]

[ He keeps standing in the location he has been in before with his hands pressed to his eyes, not crying, but just trying to block out anything and everything. ]

[ A broken Souji is a poor leader and a broken Souji he is now. ]


wow feel free to ignore that previous comment usedjunes October 29 2011, 10:34:26 UTC
[there's a lot of emotions going through her and while Nanako doesn't fully understand exactly what's going on, she's able to gather that Souji's upset... and he's upset because he cares about Yosuke. this is the thought she clings to as she quietly heads over to him, worry and sadness on her face.

slowly, she stands on her tip toes and gently presses both hands to Souji's elbow.]


usedeverything October 29 2011, 17:33:00 UTC
[ Souji is busy trying to think over just how bad of a move that kiss is. Out of all the things he could have done, he has just chosen that one, but the moment- the emotions of anger, pent up love, frustration. It has just seemed like the right thing at that time. ]

[ When he feels little hands on his elbow, he moves one of his hands to look down and when he does, he feels a hundred times worse. Oh god, has... has Nanako been watching this all? He covers his eyes again, shutting them. ]

Sorry, Nanako. I... You should head to bed. [ said in the weakest voice ever. ]


usedjunes October 30 2011, 03:53:04 UTC

[she shuffles closer to him, wrapping her arms around his waist as far as they can go.]

I want to stay with Big Bro.


usedeverything November 2 2011, 05:28:50 UTC
[ While it should be reassuring and it is a bit, it just makes him feel so much worse. That whole Big Bro image, the one always so calm, so much for that. ]

[ He takes a deep breath and swallows around that large lump in his throat. ] You shouldn't had seen that.


usedjunes November 2 2011, 05:48:07 UTC
[she shakes her head, looking up at him.]

It's not your fault! You and Yosuke-nii love each other, don't you? You got mad because you care, but... you didn't know how to show it.

You did that to show Yosuke-nii how much you love him, right?


sunshine_fruit October 29 2011, 10:37:15 UTC
[Oh, god. Talking to Rise made her so confident. Yet, this is the complete opposite of how it's always been. Souji has seen Yumi at her worst. He's seen her violently angry, he's seen her the most sad she could ever be, and he's seen her switch from one to the other in drama to hide from life. The fact that now she needs to approach him and say's honestly terrifying.

She slowly moves closer. There's only one thing she can think of right now, something he'll definitely remember. She's not going to ramble on about things, she just wants to start by letting him know that she's here, like she wants to be.

He didn't hug her on that day, but that's fine. Her eyes still a little damp from tears, she wraps her arms around him and gives him a soft hug from behind. There's no romance in it, though. She worries briefly if he won't recognize the gesture, if this won't make sense to him, but words spill out of her mouth--]

I'm here. ...Let's go, okay?


usedeverything October 29 2011, 17:58:01 UTC
[ It takes a few seconds for Souji to realize what's going on and just whose arms these belong to. He doesn't react much though, continuing to stay in his same spot, with his hands where they are. He does manage to crack out something in a low voice, full of defeat; ]

I'm fine. I... I can handle it.

[ This again, exactly the point that Yosuke has brought up; trying to do things on his own. It's his biggest flaw because that's what a leader does and that's what he's going to do. ]


sunshine_fruit October 29 2011, 20:37:20 UTC
Don't be stupid, silly.

[She rests her forehead on his shoulder, speaking quietly. Like always, her words have that harshness to them, but she's being completely honest. Her tone is much more gentle than it usually is as well, as it's been a while since she's wanted to call Souji an idiot. He really can be sometimes, but she knows they all are.]

You taught me that I can't do everything by myself, remember?

[It's sad, she thinks, that he has this problem, but she always saw it. They way he helps everyone, those times she was jealous because he had so many friends and she was alone...she remembers them all so well. It's not about that anymore, though.]

I'm not letting go.


usedeverything November 2 2011, 05:33:56 UTC
[ He takes a deep breath and exhales harshly. He lowers his head shakes it as he speaks. ]

It was such a stupid mistake. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have let my temper rise. [ That's who he is, who he's suppose to be. Always the calm Senpai, Sensei, Leader, Partner, friend, everything. He's always suppose to be rational and logical. Why has he let his buttons get pushed on so easily? Why? ]


sunshine_fruit November 2 2011, 07:12:50 UTC
[She knows exactly who he's supposed to be. She's been living in the breeding center, and for the first time she's been able to see how his life really affects others.]

I'm not going to say that it wasn't a mistake, or that you shouldn't have done that...but it happens to everyone. [She squeezes him a little tighter.] If...if I broke down every time I was that angry, though, there would be nothing of me left. You saw me at my worst. Why won't you talk to me? I want to help, too.


youngforhisage October 29 2011, 22:51:55 UTC
[...Where do you even go from a fight like that? And the fact that Asuma was far from involved with anything related to the fight made it even more awkward.

Still, it's clear the older boy needs support, and Asuma will do his best to give that.]



usedeverything November 2 2011, 05:37:12 UTC
[ Souji doesn't lift his head from his hands, but he clearly tenses up when Asuma says something. People has been watching that fight, watching him lose his temper and say things that should have been a secret. ]

[ He reminds himself to breathe and replies after half a minute. ] Sorry... You-- You should just forget about tonight.


youngforhisage November 2 2011, 05:42:20 UTC
Easier said than done, I'm afraid.

[He smiles, but it's definitely a bit wan.]

...Do you want to talk, or would you rather not?


mimicofthewind October 29 2011, 23:24:46 UTC
[ Man, this sucks a lot. You two are so complicated for his brain, really. He was hoping that the kiss would have fixed everything, but it didn't look like that right now.

He knelt down in front of his friend. It hurts, he knows. He can see it. What should he say in that moment... ]

Hey, buddy. I'm here for you, okay? You need to rest...


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