In between waiting to go to Mass, waiting on my mom during her doctor's appointment, and just plain being bored, I decided to take pictures of various things.
Two new poster prints arrived in the mail for me on Tuesday night. So naturally I started my Wed. off by hanging them up:
Then I decided to try that newspaper nails thing for the first time. Can't say I did too-too bad for a first try:
My pets were, in general, insane yesterday. Up to and including Dusty crawling into Matt's car, which we didn't realize until after we closed the doors. Anyway, Lucy decided my floor was going to be her bed for a few hours. I had to hop over her to get out of the room:
I had Bojangles' for dinner on Tuesday night. It was the first time in ages. When I woke up on Wed all I could think about was that damn chicken. Which sucks, since on Ash Wed meat products are a no-no:
After all that, Mom and I finally went to the Noon mass. We had to go to St. Vincent's and not St. Gabe's, but eh, it worked. The priest however, well, I'm not going to even TRY and guess the message he was attempting to send when he got to my forehead:
I took pics of the lovely blue sky while mom went and had a doctor stick a needle into her spine to try and get some of the pain out:
Finally, came home and ate my leftover garlic bread from lunch. It always helps having a brother who is a manager at an Italian restaurant:
The rest of the night involved Matt and I watching trashy reality tv while he did laundry and I tried not to fall asleep. Good times, all around.
Now, time to leave for work. Afternoon-night shift. Bleh.
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