It's been a Frank Turner music-filled day. I love those days. Even if my mother probably wonders why I keep singing Love, Ire, & Song at the top of my lungs.
I started making the fifth Hillbilly Jones fanmix (seriously, too many songs and too many verses where he, you know, plays music). In doing so I also started making a mix for his character in So Spoke the Wanderer. I have so much headcanon for his past and character in that 'verse and if I didn't have all this fic-finishing goals, I'd probably just spend months writing his history in that one, world-building the whole community of Sirens.
I'm also writing an ultra ridic modern-au ficlet due to far too much research on folk festivals. It's a good thing I no longer get Historial Abstracts or JSTOR free.
Taylor Swift and the Civil Wars put out a video for the song Safe and Sound (Pretend there is a vid link here, I didn't want to put up anything from Vevo). It's off the Hunger Games soundtrack. The video makes me want to read an antebellum or civil war-era au and honestly, my copy of Beadle's Dime Song Book No. 6 isn't helping anything.
In other news:
It's that time of year again: SPRING TRAINING. Oh, baseball, my love, I've missed you. Now if only A-Rod would fall off the face of the Earth and stop making me hate my own team. (I know, I know, the Yankees have a shit ton of other problems to deal with. I just really dislike A-Rod. Didn't used to be that way, back when he appeared to care more about the game than his image, but hey, people change.) (Granted, I'm still uber-pissed by the way Jorge was treated there until the end.) (Basically, not happy. At least when Billy Martin was around it was still entertaining with all the epic mess ups.)
Trying to see if I can get to Mass on Wed. Still don't know my work schedule, so if I go, I'll probably have to go to a morning service and then spend 8 hrs explaining to many of my customers that, yes, I know I have a smudge on my forehead and no, I can't wipe it off. (By and large, people in the Bible Belt aren't that bad about things. Minus the ones who like to tell Catholics we aren't real Christians and that we're going to burn in Hell. But those people are just crazy anyway.)
Still have no idea what I'm giving up for Lent.
Carrie's new obsession is Monster High. She basically wants a doll of every single character. It amazes me how much some of these things cost. She got two for Christmas, and one for our birthday, but yeah, she's getting the "collect the all" mentality. Granted, she also wants a
My Little Pony Princess Celestia. I'm not sure how Bratz-as-Monsters and Pony Princesses tie in together, but hey, it makes her happy.
Considering where she was a year ago health wise, mom and I will buy her all the ridic toys in the world.
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