"Poop! Ahahaha" -some random kid upon hearing that someone we know finds the word 'poop' hilariousI walked to OP with my sister today cause it was nice out and I needed to do some shopping but I was too lazy to walk all the way to the dollar store. I spent far too much money but I bought this new battery charger and I'm actually really amused by it
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I know this has been a pretty crap year, but as livejournal was down for "emergency maintanence" I thought I'd write up this little bugger to remind you of some of the fastinating events I've been through.
1) Got into college 2) Left my crappy job at petcetera 3) Adopted and gave up my 2 cats, Tux and Dot 4) Kept none of my resolutions
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"It'll be the happiest 2 weeks of his life!" -my aunt on me marrying my uncle if she died so I could get her money *shudder*I was completely disappointed when I woke up this morning. I thought it was Christmas for some reason and I was looking forward to unwrapping presents and taking pictures and eating holiday foods and seeing relatives. Didn't
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"50 inches? That's not an ass that's a plasma TV!" -FeliciaSo Felicia popped over today (shocked that I was home) and stole Saw 1-4. I told her I'd let her borrow 28 weeks later when we got it since I was suppose to get it and 28 days later sometime. When my dad came home and opened his mail, I got 28 days later
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"So ... you can now consider yourself $1500 richer per year. Congratulations." -my managerDo you love my random raises? I do. But what do I not love? people with heavy accents who try and argue with me. You will not win. And also people who are nit-picky and bitchy about the way they express said nit-picking. I guess you would call it being blunt.
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"You suck, Tammy!" -random bunch of teenage assholes
Erm, ya, so guess I lied aboutbeing on MSN, though I blame my extended family for appearing unannounced and taking over my house. 3 aunts, 2 uncles, 2 ebil cousins = migranes. Anywho thought I'd steal this:
My dad has just exploded the bathtub faucet and is now screaming for someone to turn off the water. Genius! This is what happens when he attempts to fix something in our house.
So, in light of the flood that is exalting my bathroom, I've decided to post. I've also been inspired by the HP art work of lberghol and buttfacemakani.
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"What a bunch of cock .. roaches." -my dadI was nudged .. by the infamous oline! Pft, how dare you nudge me when you haven't updated in like .. ODG you've updated later than me. Fail! Anywho, I LIVE! Because I know some people are beginning to think I'm slipped my noggin on the adoption room floor and have been dead for the past few weeks
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"I'm sorry I don't sound more enthused but I've had a bad day: your promotion went through; as of Sunday you're officially an assistant manager." -StephYa, so got the promotion (finally!), but it really sucks, because I was going to quit if the promotion didn't go through this week (and I was silently hoping it wouldn't cause I was suppose to have
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