"50 inches? That's not an ass that's a plasma TV!"
So Felicia popped over today (shocked that I was home) and stole Saw 1-4. I told her I'd let her borrow 28 weeks later when we got it since I was suppose to get it and 28 days later sometime. When my dad came home and opened his mail, I got 28 days later.
Ya, so once again, not a real update, but there's a meme attached:
01. I've come to realize that my butt: is useless when it comes to saving my tailbone from pain.
02. I've come to realize that when I talk: my words often come out mixed up, in the wrong order or slurred together (and that's when I'm not drunk) because I think too much about what I'm going to say.
03. I've come to realize that if I love someone: I should keep the realization to myself.
04. I've come to realize that I need: to let go and loosen up.
05. I've come to realize that I've lost: my sense of humor.
06. I've come to realize that I hate it when: people have high expectations of me and when I don't quite get there, they condemn me.
07. I've come to realize that if I'm drunk: I talk too much, laugh too much and act like a child (so, really, no change).
08. I've come to realize that money: doesn't matter when you can't do anything with it.
09. I've come to realize that my mother: is angry when she's drunk and therefore should never drink.
10. I've come to realize that I'll probably always be: run by my parents.
11. I've come to realize that I have a crush on: the worst person for me.
12. I've come to realize that the last time I cried was: when my mom passed out in OP.
13. I've come to realize that my cell phone: is always dead and never used.
14. I've come to realize that when I wake up in the morning: it's no longer the morning.
15. I've come to realize that before I go to sleep at night: I think about work and if anything has gone wrong that day or if there's anything I have to do I will go over and over the situation in my head for 3 hours.
16. I've come to realize that right now I am thinking about: how happy my life will be when I leave Petcetera.
17. I've come to realize that babies: should fear my mother.
18. I've come to realize that when I get on livejournal: I read my friend page and never post on my own journal.
19. I've come to realize that today I will: do absolutely nothing and not get in trouble.
20. I've come to realize that tonight I will: sleep well.
21. I've come to realize that tomorrow I will: want to take a hammer to several people's heads.
22. I've come to realize that I really want to: get away from everything and go back to England.
23. I've come to realize that the person most likely to repost this is: Andrew? I doubt the others will.
24. I've come to realize relationships: don't mean a lot to me at this point in time.
25. I've come to realize love: for family and friends is all I have.
26. I've come to realize my best guy friend: is someone I rarely talk to or see anymore and it aggrivates me.
27. I've come to realize my best girl friend: is someone I don't think I deliberately ignore but whom I haven't had a conversation with in several months.
28. I've come to realize food: is going to make me fat because I can't stop eating.
29. I've come to realize that when I'm a girlfriend: I suck.
30. I've come to realize girls and boys: should never have an unequal amount in the same room.
31. I've come to realize over the summer: I will be extremely busy and ignore everyone around me.
32. I've come to realize heartbreak: is something I can't avoid, even when I didn't know I liked the guy.
A real update is on its way ... along with The Adventures of Tammy Ze Emo in Dungville.
//don't ask