late night rambles

Jan 29, 2007 00:04

As always when the husband is in the field I find it hard to sleep. There's just something peaceful about having someone lie next to you in bed, listening as they sleep.

So to keep myself busy for a little bit tonight I went through the eBay file from the last time I listed stuff and moved the pictures of the items that sold to a separate place and updated the text of the items that still need to be sold. Of course I have even more things to photograph and write up summaries for in the near future.

The books have been selling fairly well on We are already down to 109 books out of the original 121 (I listed something twice, oops. I removed it before it sold fortunately.). I know three of the books have made it to their new homes because I paid a little extra to get tracking numbers. No one has left any feedback yet, but that's okay. I need to see what you have to do to submit your own cover images as there are a few books I have listed that don't have them. It might help them sell if I did.

I only wish Amazon took a little less out of what you make when you sell items. So far we have brought in just over $80, but Amazon has taken out roughly $30 so we will only get $50. I realize that's not bad for 12 books, but the $80 would be much nicer. They charge you a per-transaction fee (only if it sells), a variable closing fee and then take a commission based on the final price. So far the largest fee was $2.87 - $2.19 of it was the transaction and closing fees.

On the health front, the boil is getting better. I only had to go back Thursday and Friday for dressing changes. Ouch! It felt like the doctor was cutting it open again both times he put a new wick in it to help drain the ick out. I was so glad I didn't have to go back over the weekend because that would mean sitting in the ER for several hours. The antibiotic seems to be working it's wonders because the area is getting smaller and itches more every day. I'll probably have a crater shaped scar when all is said and done. The doctor does want me to come back sometime next week so he can be sure everything is healing well. Just have to schedule the appointment at my convenience.

Gavin definitely seems happier and more cooperative when druidmage is around. When it's just the two of us he fight taking naps and wakes up more during the night. This next year will prove interesting as his personality emerges more and more. We think we have figured out what bedding we are going get for Gavin as he swaps from the crib to my old daybed some time in the future. Whenever we go somewhere that has images from cartoons, Gavin will spot Spongebob Squarepants no matter how small and far away it may be. It's the only cartoon he does that with even though he has only seen a few episodes (I can't stand the show - too idiotic). I don't mind really, I just wish he would have picked something else.

Barnes and Noble is having a spiffy sale right now and we could spend so much money on it. Through Jan. 30 they will be selling TV dvd box sets (more than 2 disks, min price $25) Buy One, Get One Free. If only they had some of the ones we had really been looking for (Forever Knight Part 3). We did get the first two seasons of the Justice League. Probably should have gotten both parts of Thundercats Season 2 (they had it at the counter instead of with the other boxed sets) instead of the Justice League, but for some reason I wanted JL more at the time.

Well I think I've rambled enough now. Maybe I'll actually get some sleep tonight. Would be nice. I had a head ache most of the day because I was tired. Don't want to have one again tomorrow.

amazon, health, gavin, rambles

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