
Jun 26, 2008 15:54

Who: Delirium fishy_go_byebye, and Romeo majestic_blue are the hosts
What: A small garden party
When: Friday night
Where: A garden
Rating: PG-13? Just to be on the safe side.

Fun fun fun? )

tenth doctor, romeo, delirium, elle bishop, peter petrelli, chris perry halliwell, donna noble, yuan, adam monroe

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Comments 108

not_from_mars June 27 2008, 02:03:11 UTC
The Doctor made it out onto the lawn a few minutes late - as usual - , Donna not far behind. He hadn't quite been sure exactly what to expect, but he had to pause as he stepped out, took in the colourfulness of it all. It was pretty, put him in mind of a planet he'd been to a long time ago -- well, aside from the flying fish.

Hands in his pockets he stepped out, grinning, paused a moment before he turned his head to look at Donna.

"Isn't that brilliant."


walkingthedust June 27 2008, 02:31:05 UTC
Donna craned her neck to look at the decorations, then glanced back at the Doctor, a little surprised. "Are those fish flying?" Granted, just about anything seemed possible in Paradisa - and with the Doctor around - so she really should have been, well, expecting the unexpected.


fishy_go_byebye June 27 2008, 03:45:32 UTC
Del snapped herself out of whatever daze she had been in with the butterflies and looked up to see everyone there already. Drat, she had missed all the entrances and they were just standing there and they must be so angry and what was she going to do oh no?!

Taking a deep calming breath she decided to start at the beginning, always the bes place to start from. Unless the beginning didn't come until the end, but what could she do about that? standing up quickly, she tried not to race over to the Doctor and his plus one. Donna. Not plus one. Maybe one three and a half? That was so long... Donna...

"Hi! Hi... Doctor Ten and Donna both came and they like it? They seem to like it..." she grinne dup at them.


walkingthedust June 27 2008, 04:07:35 UTC
And Donna was still confused, but she was used to that, too. "Hello, um..." Had the Doctor mentioned their hostess's name? She couldn't remember if she had, but she clearly knew her name, while Donna was at a complete loss and, apparently, committing a huge social faux pas.

Now that she was used to.

"Er, it's lovely," she said, trying to cover up for her lapse. And it was lovely in a slightly off-kilter sort of way.


cloakand_danger June 27 2008, 02:15:15 UTC
Yuan was not, ordinarily, one for parties or social gatherings. But s/he had met a number of strange and interesting beings in this castle, and anyone calling herself Delirium sounded like she might be one of them. Not only that, both Chris and Romeo seemed to know and like her, so she came highly recommended.

Thus, Yuan found himself - well, herself, at the moment - wandering down into the shining garden, eyeing the bright colors all around. Interesting, indeed...


fishy_go_byebye June 27 2008, 03:52:42 UTC
Del glided down the path towards Yuan, continuing to greet the guests as best she could. She paused a slight distance away from him her when she realized this was somebody for Lover, and they had never actually met before. She chewed on her thumb a second, watching as he she looked at the decorations before deciding to man up and greet the guest.

"The fishies sing." Was all the spilled out when she opened her mouth.


cloakand_danger June 27 2008, 03:59:57 UTC
Yuan eyed the odd girl with curiosity, considering her words. "I haven't heard them; I suppose I'll have to listen more closely."

S/he bowed slightly. "I'm Yuan, a friend of Romeo's. Pleased to meet you, miss...?" This was probably Delirium herself, given her appearance and the odd ways mana coalesced around her, but it didn't do to assume things here.


fishy_go_byebye June 27 2008, 04:07:19 UTC
"Delirium! I'm Delirium its nice to meet Lovers Thunder. But the fishies sang before." She was smiling up at her him as she toyed with the edge of her sleeve, a couple more fishies breaking off from the hem of her dress.

Having decided s/he was nice, Del shanghaied his arm and led him over to the frog part of the decorations to sit down on a bench.


touchwithaspark June 27 2008, 03:28:41 UTC
Elle had told Del she was going to go to her party if she could remember, but since actually getting out of her room and out with everyone else for the fireworks, and well everyone else really was just Adam, but that counted for a lot to her. So when she remembered about the party she was actually looking forward to it. Del seemed really nice, and seemed like she was someone that Elle could probably be friends with.

Plus if she was going to end up sticking around this place it would probably be better to get out there instead of being a recluse in her room. So to the Garden Party it was!

When Elle got there she wasn't sure what she was supposed to expect, but it hadn't been this at all. This was sort of amazing looking and Elle hadn't ever seen anything like it at all. Staying in Hartsdale was mostly sterile colors and green medical scrubs that matched the painted brick.

Looking around there Elle actually couldn't help but smile.


fishy_go_byebye June 27 2008, 03:59:37 UTC
Del saw Lectricity and decided it was high time to say hello. Taking a deep breath she marched herself over to the girl that had never seen her and grinned like a light bulb.

"Welcome to the gardeny party!"

She didn't know how the girl was going to react it might be bad don't let it be bad. She continued to smile as one hand came up to toy with a moving strand of rainbow hair nervously.


touchwithaspark June 27 2008, 04:08:16 UTC
Elle despite rumors of her being a sociopath was actually a very lovable sociopath as long as people seemed that they were being nice to her, and she liked Del, so when the girl with the pretty rainbow hair walked up to her she recognized the voice from some of the journal recordings and smiled right back.

"You're Del right?" Elle asked already really knowing the answer to that.

"I'm glad you invited me, this is really pretty."


fishy_go_byebye June 27 2008, 04:19:09 UTC
Del melted slightly in relief. Lectricity was nice, silly people confusing things.

"Does Lectricity hear them singing?" She wondered, reaching out to pet one of the flying fish as it went by. The fish were perfect, she thought. They had been at the other one and she thought people had liked it maybe hopefully everything.


makemethe_hero June 27 2008, 04:29:51 UTC
Peter was coming, Adam was fairly certain, but he'd wandered down to the party himself. For a few moments, he hung in the shadows beyond where the lights twinkled. The colors were amazing and beautiful and unlike anything he'd really seen before. A real smile tugged his lips. He might have been perfectly happy to kill off most of humanity, but that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy this spectacle and the idea of meeting his intriguing hostess.

Who he clearly needed to find a puppy for.

His eyes searched the party, picking out the girl he was sure had to be Del, and noting Elle was present as well, before he finally stepped out into the lights, smile settling to just the barest hint of a turning up of his lips, eyes generally watchful, as per usual.


fishy_go_byebye June 27 2008, 04:55:33 UTC
Del paused in her created activity that kept her circulating to lay eyes on Healing, who had just stepped out of his oh-so-concealing shadows. She smiled a little smile and started weaving her way over to say hello. She didn't weave quickly, in case he wanted to talk to someone, but move she did. It was kind of worrying. Talking to all of these people was one thing, but having them meet her was something else entirely. Not everyone reacted well...

Taking a deep breath, and tugging at the fishnet parts of her dress she stopped in front of him and smiled up. "Welcome to the gardeny party?"


makemethe_hero June 27 2008, 05:32:21 UTC
Adam tilted his head to study her, curious to finally see her in person, not just her writing and voice through the journal. All the colors were so very different than what hew as used to in a world without magic, a world where his kind of people were the most extraordinary ones. Peter had told him things were different, and he was learning what truly extraordinary meant, but it was still enough to widen his eyes and tug a brighter smile to his lips.

There had been so very little new in his life in centuries, and Del was different, she was new.

"Thank you very much for inviting me," he said with a slightly teasing grin, giving her a bit of a courtly bow. "It is extraordinarily beautiful."


fishy_go_byebye June 27 2008, 05:53:50 UTC
Oh, Del wasn't new. She was OLD. So very very old and always doomed to be the youngest of all. It was so confusing, sometimes. Everything made sense, and then suddenly the entier world was broken and wrong and distant and impossible to understand. Things had been so nice lately, Del felt something bad creeping in. Something horrible that was going to end up in pieces everywhere. But not now. Del was damned if it was going to be any time nowish.

"Healing is welcome. And he likes it?" She looked around at the colours and the lights and smiled. She had made light, and it was good~


majestic_blue June 27 2008, 09:14:02 UTC
It'd taken some time for Romeo-- Kousuke, really-- to make his way outside. For a while before the party he'd fretted about rehearsals, and then he'd fretted about how he was going to dress and act and whatnot at the party, but by the time evening set in he decided to make his entrance.

It wasn't grand, as far as entrances for him went. This, too, seemed to be something the castle enjoyed stealing from him. It felt like showing up at a party naked, and in many ways, it was... but after enduring rehearsals without being able to infect the place with Romeo's firey energy, Kousuke was pretty sure he could handle this. It was a party full of people he liked, or would like, people who would like him no matter what form he took ( ... )


fishy_go_byebye June 27 2008, 19:53:19 UTC
Del's head snapped up when she heard Lovers voice. Oh he had come good he had come. She had been scared. There had been all of those people, people had invited yes but... But it was better that Lover was here.

She slid around the table full of food and out of the foliage to greet Lover. She grinned at him and cuddled into a hug as quickly as she could to take a deep breath and give a little shiver. All these people... They were starting to get very confusing, but Lover wasn't confusing and she could be scattery here and not worry about losing him.

"The food got lost and all the people came and Del wasn't here and then the fishies sang and she hummed and Del kept missing th glitter..."


majestic_blue June 27 2008, 23:42:54 UTC
Kousuke was unique in that he always had one foot in Delirium's realm and the other on the ground. Sometimes he didn't understand her, just as he could never fully understand himself-- but he'd damn well try. He hugged her back without restraint, shamelessly taking her into his warmth. "I missed you too, Deli-chan. After all, I'm nothing without a little chaos..."

He pulled away a little and looked around. "I'd say this is a success-- even if the co-host isn't really himself..."


fishy_go_byebye June 27 2008, 23:50:51 UTC
Del mumbled a little more about puppies and the lady in the corner that one time as she turned a little to face the party, snuggling herself firmly under his arm against his side. She looked over the party with him. People were talking and seemed to be having fun and the fishies were supplying their music and the lights were pretty and...

Now she was just listing things she liked... Maybe she should have "had cherries. The boy was in that place and the cherries were good. But the food" was enough so no real bother but the people and wait... what had he said?

"Lover is Lover." How was she s'posed to comfort him when he really thought he was so different and Del thought he hadn't changed a whit.


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