
Jun 26, 2008 15:54

Who: Delirium fishy_go_byebye, and Romeo majestic_blue are the hosts
What: A small garden party
When: Friday night
Where: A garden
Rating: PG-13? Just to be on the safe side.

Fun fun fun? )

tenth doctor, romeo, delirium, elle bishop, peter petrelli, chris perry halliwell, donna noble, yuan, adam monroe

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not_from_mars June 27 2008, 02:03:11 UTC
The Doctor made it out onto the lawn a few minutes late - as usual - , Donna not far behind. He hadn't quite been sure exactly what to expect, but he had to pause as he stepped out, took in the colourfulness of it all. It was pretty, put him in mind of a planet he'd been to a long time ago -- well, aside from the flying fish.

Hands in his pockets he stepped out, grinning, paused a moment before he turned his head to look at Donna.

"Isn't that brilliant."


walkingthedust June 27 2008, 02:31:05 UTC
Donna craned her neck to look at the decorations, then glanced back at the Doctor, a little surprised. "Are those fish flying?" Granted, just about anything seemed possible in Paradisa - and with the Doctor around - so she really should have been, well, expecting the unexpected.


fishy_go_byebye June 27 2008, 03:45:32 UTC
Del snapped herself out of whatever daze she had been in with the butterflies and looked up to see everyone there already. Drat, she had missed all the entrances and they were just standing there and they must be so angry and what was she going to do oh no?!

Taking a deep calming breath she decided to start at the beginning, always the bes place to start from. Unless the beginning didn't come until the end, but what could she do about that? standing up quickly, she tried not to race over to the Doctor and his plus one. Donna. Not plus one. Maybe one three and a half? That was so long... Donna...

"Hi! Hi... Doctor Ten and Donna both came and they like it? They seem to like it..." she grinne dup at them.


walkingthedust June 27 2008, 04:07:35 UTC
And Donna was still confused, but she was used to that, too. "Hello, um..." Had the Doctor mentioned their hostess's name? She couldn't remember if she had, but she clearly knew her name, while Donna was at a complete loss and, apparently, committing a huge social faux pas.

Now that she was used to.

"Er, it's lovely," she said, trying to cover up for her lapse. And it was lovely in a slightly off-kilter sort of way.


fishy_go_byebye June 27 2008, 04:12:37 UTC
Del sighed in relief. It was pretty, it was hard to make it pretty and not insanity. Pulling herself together to decorate, who would have thought it of her? Her eyes glazed a little as she drifted off into her own mind again before shaking herself out of it.

had she introduced herself? Rude Del, rude rude rude...

"I'm Delirium and Donna lady and Doctor came even though they hadn't met and it was nice and there's food..." somewhere... Where had she put the food? She looked around for a second and them smiled again, a little guiltily. "...Somewhere...?"


walkingthedust June 27 2008, 04:17:31 UTC
Donna offered Del her hand - ordinarily she would have introduced herself, but that was obviously taken care of. What sort of a name was Delirium? she wondered to herself. It did rather seem to fit the theme of the party, though. "Oh, don't worry, I'm not hungry right now," she said, trying to follow Del's manner of speaking. And if the Doctor decided he was before they found the food, she would elbow him in the ribs.


fishy_go_byebye June 27 2008, 04:25:47 UTC
Del looked at the extended hand for a second, vaguely confused before a light turned on inside her head and she reached out to shake it gently hoping nothing odd would pop out of her and into Donna. No, that wouldn't happen, the castle took away changing people. Only Del and things now. She smiled at the two of them still slightly vague trying to think of what else hosts mentioned. Lover would be so much better at this...

"Do they hear the music?" Was what she finally decided on.


not_from_mars June 27 2008, 10:38:34 UTC
The Doctor, keeping quiet to allow Donna and Del to introduce themselves - and, well, quite frankly, he was a little distracted by Del's decorations and the other people arriving anyway - zoned back in at the question.

"Um," he said, before -- "oh -- nice to finally meet you, by the way, Del." He grinned, extended a hand.

((ooc: lol fail x.x))


fishy_go_byebye June 27 2008, 20:02:18 UTC
Del looked at the hand again before shaking it, slightly more firmly this time. "They would have met. Doctors aren't very sane~" She said it like it was a secret smiling a conspiratory little smile up at the two of them.

Deciding the door probably wasn't the best place to hold people, Del gestured them more into the garden, still grinning like a loon. All these people were showing up and it was going to be great and she was so excited and all she had to be sure to do was hold everything together just enough not to fall apart at something that wouldn't make a normal person fall apart. Which was not as easy as it sounds but Del could be very stubborn. "So... Welcome-y welcomes~"


not_from_mars June 27 2008, 20:53:33 UTC
He grinned slightly at the comment, returned his hand to his pocket as he and Donna walked further into the garden. He smiled, nodded to her in a 'thank you' gesture.


fishy_go_byebye June 27 2008, 21:00:01 UTC
Del twiddled her fingers in a little wave, saying "Del'll be here so meet the people that're usually nice~" and glided off to greet some of the others coming in.


ooc fishy_go_byebye June 27 2008, 04:27:12 UTC
Ah... I wasn't sure if you used email notifications for comments, but I replied to Donna's and that mean you wouldn't get notified if you did so I figured I would let you know... You know, just in case.


ooc not_from_mars June 27 2008, 10:39:59 UTC
Thank you! I went to bed anyway, so we'll blame it on the Doctor's ADD. >_>


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