
Jun 26, 2008 15:54

Who: Delirium fishy_go_byebye, and Romeo majestic_blue are the hosts
What: A small garden party
When: Friday night
Where: A garden
Rating: PG-13? Just to be on the safe side.

Fun fun fun? )

tenth doctor, romeo, delirium, elle bishop, peter petrelli, chris perry halliwell, donna noble, yuan, adam monroe

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majestic_blue June 27 2008, 09:14:02 UTC
It'd taken some time for Romeo-- Kousuke, really-- to make his way outside. For a while before the party he'd fretted about rehearsals, and then he'd fretted about how he was going to dress and act and whatnot at the party, but by the time evening set in he decided to make his entrance.

It wasn't grand, as far as entrances for him went. This, too, seemed to be something the castle enjoyed stealing from him. It felt like showing up at a party naked, and in many ways, it was... but after enduring rehearsals without being able to infect the place with Romeo's firey energy, Kousuke was pretty sure he could handle this. It was a party full of people he liked, or would like, people who would like him no matter what form he took ( ... )


fishy_go_byebye June 27 2008, 19:53:19 UTC
Del's head snapped up when she heard Lovers voice. Oh he had come good he had come. She had been scared. There had been all of those people, people had invited yes but... But it was better that Lover was here.

She slid around the table full of food and out of the foliage to greet Lover. She grinned at him and cuddled into a hug as quickly as she could to take a deep breath and give a little shiver. All these people... They were starting to get very confusing, but Lover wasn't confusing and she could be scattery here and not worry about losing him.

"The food got lost and all the people came and Del wasn't here and then the fishies sang and she hummed and Del kept missing th glitter..."


majestic_blue June 27 2008, 23:42:54 UTC
Kousuke was unique in that he always had one foot in Delirium's realm and the other on the ground. Sometimes he didn't understand her, just as he could never fully understand himself-- but he'd damn well try. He hugged her back without restraint, shamelessly taking her into his warmth. "I missed you too, Deli-chan. After all, I'm nothing without a little chaos..."

He pulled away a little and looked around. "I'd say this is a success-- even if the co-host isn't really himself..."


fishy_go_byebye June 27 2008, 23:50:51 UTC
Del mumbled a little more about puppies and the lady in the corner that one time as she turned a little to face the party, snuggling herself firmly under his arm against his side. She looked over the party with him. People were talking and seemed to be having fun and the fishies were supplying their music and the lights were pretty and...

Now she was just listing things she liked... Maybe she should have "had cherries. The boy was in that place and the cherries were good. But the food" was enough so no real bother but the people and wait... what had he said?

"Lover is Lover." How was she s'posed to comfort him when he really thought he was so different and Del thought he hadn't changed a whit.


majestic_blue June 28 2008, 00:38:32 UTC
Kousuke always liked how easily she seemed to fit against him, as if made for that purpose, but he knew that wasn't the case. She was ever-changing, but if she was changing for him, then... Though, sometimes he feared he'd change and leave her behind. Still, those promises he'd whispered to her remained true. Romeo was facing the greatest change within himself since arriving at Paradisa, and none of his feelings toward Del had changed.

That, at least was a comfort.

"Ah... you think so?"

'If you had to choose between the truth and the fantasy...'

Kousuke pulled his dark gaze from the party. His eyes were only on Del, now. He had to be sure, once more...


fishy_go_byebye June 28 2008, 00:53:06 UTC
Del looked up from the butterfly that had been whispering to her, straight into Lovers dark eyes. Did she think so? It was hard to tell what she thought and what was and what would be and what could be and with might be but was probably never going to happen and what really would never happen but she could have sworn she saw it five seconds ago. Which was all part of why she was nutters. She toyed with her hair nervously, while a flower next to her bloomed and died and bloomed again all wrong and painful and twisted ( ... )


majestic_blue June 28 2008, 01:52:34 UTC
Kousuke wouldn't have liked how quickly her thoughts sank, and perhaps he saw a bit of that in her mismatched eyes. Her answer reassured him. It was downright impossible for Del to say things she didn't mean. It was then that a sweet smile came to his face. "I'm glad," he said, brushing her cheek lightly. "It wasn't that I doubted you, you know... It was more like I doubted myself. And I have... all this time. But I'm changing. Because of you and Chris and my team, I'm changing..." He took her hand and kissed it gently, a completely natural thing between them now.


fishy_go_byebye June 28 2008, 03:01:05 UTC
Del shivered a little more at the kiss and sighed as the flower behind them died and bloomed again, this time in an odd rainbow of impossible colours. Changing? Changing how much? But what if...

What if she didn't want him to change. He was right how he was and what would Del do if he changed...? Del's people changed all the time. They changed to get there, and then they changed to leave. Wasn't change that word "where things aren't what they were anymore...?" Del didn't like that word very much. Not very much at all... Bad things happened when things weren't what they were anymore. Her hand came up to clutch at the back of Lovers shirt, pressing herself against his side so he couldn't float away like her thoughts did on bad days. Del didn't want a bad day to happen...


majestic_blue June 28 2008, 19:57:21 UTC
"... Deli-chan?" came the quiet inquiry. What was it about that word that scared her so much? He could sense fear in her reaction and frowned in concern, holding her against him again. "I promise not to change too much, okay?~ It's like... if I don't confuse myself anymore, then I can help you and everyone else more. I've changed a lot already, and I still --..." He paused, voice dropping a notch. "I still... need you like I did then."


fishy_go_byebye June 28 2008, 20:23:01 UTC
Need? Well, even if he didn't need her anymore sometime maybe she would still need him and that would have to be enough. Because Lover wouldn't change her and then leave like he did. He wouldn't do that not at all...

Del sighed, content, as her mind drifted back to the mouse that had been stealing something. Her shadow had been very upset about that, after all. Taking the differences and making them into little balls of fuzzy grapes.


majestic_blue June 28 2008, 20:51:34 UTC
Kousuke sifted his fingers through her hair and held her close, his lips brushing over her temple briefly. "Deli-chan..." He didn't have much to say, for once, and focused rather on the peculiar way his heartbeat skipped whenever they had a moment like this. Even if he had a good chance of leaving tomorrow, or next week, or next month, Kousuke had learned to seize every moment here that he could.


fishy_go_byebye June 29 2008, 06:54:16 UTC
Del felt her hair grow long to make more for Lover to pet while they not really talked and kinda stood in a way that Del liked but would be very confusing soonish now. It could be better worse very good.

It was time to get lost, was what ended up being decided as a few more fishes broke off to fly away. Lost always made more sense than it did before.


majestic_blue June 29 2008, 07:22:01 UTC
If Kousuke's forwardness hadn't destroyed Del's last party, he might have taken the chance to kiss her. Everything inside of him fluttered like the butterfly-fish that trailed Del, but he couldn't act on it. So, he took a deep breath to calm himself and played with her hair more. Funny. When it came to acting on his true feelings, he was helpless.


fishy_go_byebye June 29 2008, 07:27:28 UTC
She should probably move. Bad but not bad things were looming in places Del couldn't go and everything was going to explode, and soon. Well, everything was always going to explode, so that wasn't saying much, but it was going to explode in a bad way that Del didn't want well... she never wanted it, it just kinda happened but she just knew she was going to fall all apart to pieces that nobody would want.

Uncurling her hand from his shirt, she smoothed it down his back before starting to pull away. See the people, make them sing for the doggy jumping over the cow over the moon over the...


majestic_blue June 29 2008, 07:43:52 UTC
Kousuke couldn't help but look a little disappointed when she pulled away, but he quickly replaced it with a smile. "We'd better play host before the party leaves us behind." A little laugh, something shy, and he remembered to let go of her hand.


fishy_go_byebye June 29 2008, 07:49:08 UTC
"They might jump over the moon with the doggy cow." She agreed, nodding. Maybe she didn't want to leave all the way, either, because she just so happened to forget to let go of his hand. He didn't need his hand. She would just keep his hand. It was warm, and nice, and Lover scented and everything.

She needed a puppy. Or a stuffed animal. Or maybe Barnabas, he always let her hang on to him... Except when he went to Disneyland without her cuz he wanted the food and she had to go find him except she forgot so he found her but she found a nice man on the way who wanted the song that went round...


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