Get Down, Baby! [active/open]

Aug 09, 2008 14:44

Character(s):  Akutare and any other party-goers
Content:  To keep himself entertained, the Dark Hero decided to throw a party.
Setting:  The Wild Ginger
Time:  Late Afternoon going on into the night
Warnings: None as of yet... but I'd suggest you not be the last one out of there.

[Note: Since there's probably going to be a bunch of people in this post ( Read more... )

adell, akutare, rozalin, lust, nights, sora, ryuuji otogi, axel, the wild ginger, koki kariya, kairi

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Comments 106

firewheeling August 13 2008, 06:10:56 UTC
The walk had been pleasantly short, and Axel had used the time to check the journals while they talked to find further evidence of this party they were crashing. Fortunately for them, it seemed it was an open invitation.... Not that he minded crashing, if necessary, but it just made things easier. He took a moment as they pushed through the door to look around, for anyone or anything he might find familiar, aside from the lavish decor of the Wild Ginger itself. He didn't see Luxord yet, more's the pity--then again, they were a little early--but he did see Akutare. He took a moment to look him over, smirking in amusement; the demon looked like the partying sort. He also quite approved of the outfit; it complemented his own look rather nicely.

Axel let the door fall shut once Ryuuji had come in as well, cheerfully lifting a hand and heading over to greet their host. "Hey! So you must be the man of the hour, huh?"


dangeraddicted August 13 2008, 06:26:54 UTC
Ryuuji, while hanging around, had told the stranger (whose name he hadn't even learned yet) he planned on showing up. If nothing else, Otogi rarely held still for long - and he was quick to be social. He wanted to meet "Aaron's" mysterious friend - it sounded like he might find something in his element in here after all. Besides parties, of course.

Ryuuji grinned at the (rather odd-looking, but it suited him) man, nodding to him and greeting him familiarly. "Yo."


my_heart_shakes August 13 2008, 07:27:09 UTC
Akutare looked up when he saw the two arrive and grinned wildly, shoving his journal away before hopping up off the chair. He didn't think he'd seen the redhead before (though he dug the guy's hairstyle), but the other he remembered from his post. Guess they'd taken his request to bring all their friends to heart. Great!

"That's right!" the demon responded proudly. "Glad you two could come! Ready for the party of your lives?"


firewheeling August 13 2008, 07:37:39 UTC
"You know it!" Axel smirked, flashing Akutare a thumbs up. He would have been glad for the admiration of his hair--if, y'know, he'd known about it, or was capable of feeling gladness. So instead he was content to just chill out and chat the guy up, since Luxord was nowhere to be found yet. "So what've you got planned tonight, huh? Anything interesting?" He prompted, before snapping his fingers and offering a hand. "Hell! Sorry about that. The name's Aaron; nice to meet you."


eternitydreamer August 13 2008, 07:00:31 UTC
NiGHTS floated in through the door, looking at the surroundings. Not bad; then again, s/he had come here on a whim, and in a good mood; just about everything seemed nice right now.

S/he grinned at Akutare, dashing up to him and impulsively ruffling his hair. "Hello~!" s/he sang, happily bouncing along in mid-air.

[OOC: I left NiGHTS' gender as ambiguous, so that people can go by either "he" or "she" without being confused by others'. Too late. D8]


my_heart_shakes August 13 2008, 07:30:45 UTC
Akutare didn't notice NiGHTS come in at first. Not until he had touched his hair, anyway.

Akutare waved his arm frantically. "Not the hair, not the hair!" But once he finally stopped, he looked over. So Hallucination-Jester had come after all. He guessed hallucinations must have liked to party too. "Oh, hi," he responded, just a little suspicious. Last time Hallucination-Jester had talked to him, he had ended up confusing the hell out of the Dark Hero.

But really, he was more worried about people thinking him crazy for talking to thin air.


eternitydreamer August 13 2008, 07:57:48 UTC
NiGHTS tilted his head to one side, still grinning, and mimed putting Akutare's hair back into place - but of course, being NiGHTS, he only messed it up more. "What? That suits you. You look nice that way." He bowed, then, playfully mocking and theatrical as usual.

"I'm NiGHTS!" he said, remembering AKutare's tendency to call him merely by "Hallucination-Jester".


my_heart_shakes August 14 2008, 19:56:30 UTC
Oh, hey, it actually had a name. Huh. It was an interesting name, but he should have expected that his mind would come up with something cool for things it created. And NiGHTS fixed Akutare's hair for him and bowed to him. Ha! He sure showed this hallucination-jester who was boss!

"And you already know who I am, of course."


ladyepithymia August 16 2008, 06:40:55 UTC
Parties were always interesting things. Good places to meet and greet--information might be thrown about, people in power might have interesting chats... And Lust rather enjoyed such places. So, walking in with her usual aura of confidence, she looked the place over.

It wasn't very crowded yet, but it wasn't entirely empty. Good--she would not have wanted to draw undue attention to herself by being first or last. She would just blend in, converse, and see what she learned.

And maybe make a friend or two.


itsbeanpaste September 9 2008, 14:43:49 UTC
Kariya had never been a huge partying kind of guy. But there was one pretty reliable way to make him show up, and that was the promise of refreshments.

He'd showed up fashionably late, of course, although not late enough for the spread to be picked over yet. This was one of those things he was good at. He didn't bother with a plate, just hovered in the general vicinity of the table (not literally - he'd hidden his wings for now) and took stuff as it interested him.

Wasn't too terrible a spread, either. "Check it out," he said to the nearest bystander, who just happened to be Lust. "Meatball on a stick. They thought of everything." (Then he bit the meatball in half.)

((orz I meant to join this thread forever ago. sorryyyyy))


ladyepithymia September 13 2008, 05:36:06 UTC
"A man of simple tastes, hmm?" she said, smiling at the man as she studied him while trying not to look like she was. A bit of a slouch, casual dress, hair that seemed to defy gravity to some degree--aside from that third bit, she had to wonder what had drawn him here. Maybe it was the food.

For her part, she did not select anything off of the table, although she did give it a cursory glance. She was more interested in mingling than eating. And since Paixao was such an unknown place, well, who knew who had power?

So she would entertain this man and try to learn what she could from him.


itsbeanpaste September 14 2008, 23:19:54 UTC
Kariya gave a noncommittal "Mm" in reply. Granted, it was probably true, if you thought about it. He discreetly sized her up at the same time, and came to the conclusion that she could really work the sexy black dress look.

As an afterthought, he plucked another meatball off the plate and offered it to her. "Want one?"


myfearsmylies August 24 2008, 03:51:07 UTC
She hoped they weren't late! Too late, anyway. But she had wanted to make sure Sora was remotely settled, and then she had gotten some groceries, and then she made sure to put those away. And she still wanted to pop by Cid's Shop at some point, but that would have to wait. Everyone needed some fun in their daily routine, even if somewhere across the city there was a monster tromping over buildings.

Kairi didn't want to think about that right now. She popped on in through the doorway to the Wild Ginger, a smile on her face as she glanced back to Sora, a shine in her eyes that she was glad that he was here - really here. She would try not to lose him again.

Looking back... she... didn't recognize anyone.


keychainheart August 24 2008, 06:27:10 UTC
Sora had spent most of his time following Kairi around, occasionally getting distracted with exploring the city, and generally trying to figure out how everything worked here. It seemed like money wasn't an issue, if it grew on trees like that, and that was good. But he hadn't seen anyone he knew yet. No sign of Riku, Donald, or Goofy. They must have really not been here.

But Kairi was here! And there was a party to go to!

"So, who's throwing the party?" Sora asked.


myfearsmylies September 1 2008, 00:07:54 UTC
Kairi made her way in a bit, glancing around at the crowd before pointing towards a fairly noticeable figure. "That guy, I think. Akutare. He's a bit odd." She chuckled at the thought. With a small pout, she sunk back. "I should have invited Naminé to come... I don't think the girl gets out much," she said, more to herself when the thought crossed her mind. Although the small girl probably wouldn't have accepted. When Kairi had mentioned introducing her to Sora, she fervently passed on it. Too bad.


keychainheart September 13 2008, 05:39:11 UTC
Sora stood on tiptoe to look around the crowd and at the person Kairi was pointing out. He had quite a hairstyle--and purple eyebrows--but it was nothing more than a momentary observation to Sora. Maybe he had just gotten used to stuff like that.

But then he had something more important to focus on.

"Naminé? She's here?" Sora gasped, his mood changing to a mixture of surprise, happiness, and seriousness. If she was here, and wasn't part of Kairi... What had happened?

Was time really this messed up here?


man_of_style September 30 2008, 17:28:00 UTC
The day had started...awkward to say the least. Neither Adell or Rozalin had touched the topic on the state Rozalin had arrived in. Adell simply didn't ask about it, even though he really wanted to, he didn't want to push Rozalin. Not after what had happened. He'd much rather have her tell him when she felt she was ready to talk about it.

So instead he had told her everything he knew of Paixao as he showed her around the ever-shining city. Somehow ending up at the Wild Ginger. "This is the Wild Ginger. Though I've never been here so I don't what it's about." He stared at the door for a moment, something about the name of this place was very familiar but he just couldn't remember why, before he looked back at Rozalin with his usual grin. "Let's check it out."

He pushed the door open, ready to step inside until he noticed the small crowd of non-natives that was gathered inside. Why were there so many people here? He frowned as he stood in the doorway uncertainly and slowly a realization dawned on him.

Wait a minute....didn't Akutare ( ... )


a_sinful_rose September 30 2008, 18:09:20 UTC
To say it was awkward would be perhaps an understatement. Rozalin wasn't sure what to explain to Adell. She was rather frightened to. What would he say? Would he leave her if she told him? She didn't want to be alone. Then again, he did promise to protect her. Would he change his mind? ...But that wouldn't really be his... style, would it ( ... )


man_of_style October 5 2008, 15:11:52 UTC
The could he have forgotten?

While still mentally berating himself Adell turned around to face Rozalin, scratching the back of his head with an almost solemn expression. to put this?

"I just remembered this is a bad place to be right now. Why don't we go check out the museum?" Really, he was just naming the next closest thing he remembered seeing on the map. He wasn't interested in the museum at all but hopefully it would interest Rozalin. She would probably like that better anyway, right? ...Whatever it took to get away from here before Akutare spotted him.


my_heart_shakes October 6 2008, 21:26:05 UTC
Too bad Adell was just a little too late. Of course the demon wasn't going to miss his rival--and it looked like he had the princess in tow, too! Well, well, he wasn't going to miss out on an opportunity like this!

"And here I thought you weren't coming..." Akutare began, a wide grin spreading across his face. "What can I say? No one can resist the Dark Hero's top-notch parties. I knew you'd see the light."


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