Not Dreaming [Complete]

Jul 29, 2008 22:33

Character(s): Otogi, Axel.
Content: Otogi arrives in Paixao and meets Axel. Theme songs and general pyromania ensues.
Setting: Muspelheim Gate
Time: Mid-afternoon.
Warnings: Organization XIII time. :o

Ryuuji sat up, groaning slightly as the bright light pervading the area assaulted his vision. Suddenly dizzy, the teenager shut his eyes and covered them with a hand, nearly swaying where he sat. “Uhhn…” Okay, so this definitely wasn’t a dream. The dark-haired boy forced himself to stand up, removing his hand from his eyes, although they remained closed for a few moments more. When he was able to open them, he looked around, a confused expression on his face.

Definitely not Domino. Then again, while there was no place like home, there was definitely something to be said for travel. Ryuuji shrugged, half to himself and half to the guard near the dome that loomed before him. I may as well, Ryuuji thought, noting the desolate silence of his surroundings, it’s not as if there’s anywhere else to immediately go, from the looks of it.

Flipping his hair out of his eyes, he walked forward, realizing that, as always, he may as well make the best of it.

muspelheim, ryuuji otogi, axel

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