Get Down, Baby! [active/open]

Aug 09, 2008 14:44

Character(s):  Akutare and any other party-goers
Content:  To keep himself entertained, the Dark Hero decided to throw a party.
Setting:  The Wild Ginger
Time:  Late Afternoon going on into the night
Warnings: None as of yet... but I'd suggest you not be the last one out of there.

[Note: Since there's probably going to be a bunch of people in this post ( Read more... )

adell, akutare, rozalin, lust, nights, sora, ryuuji otogi, axel, the wild ginger, koki kariya, kairi

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firewheeling August 13 2008, 06:10:56 UTC
The walk had been pleasantly short, and Axel had used the time to check the journals while they talked to find further evidence of this party they were crashing. Fortunately for them, it seemed it was an open invitation.... Not that he minded crashing, if necessary, but it just made things easier. He took a moment as they pushed through the door to look around, for anyone or anything he might find familiar, aside from the lavish decor of the Wild Ginger itself. He didn't see Luxord yet, more's the pity--then again, they were a little early--but he did see Akutare. He took a moment to look him over, smirking in amusement; the demon looked like the partying sort. He also quite approved of the outfit; it complemented his own look rather nicely.

Axel let the door fall shut once Ryuuji had come in as well, cheerfully lifting a hand and heading over to greet their host. "Hey! So you must be the man of the hour, huh?"


dangeraddicted August 13 2008, 06:26:54 UTC
Ryuuji, while hanging around, had told the stranger (whose name he hadn't even learned yet) he planned on showing up. If nothing else, Otogi rarely held still for long - and he was quick to be social. He wanted to meet "Aaron's" mysterious friend - it sounded like he might find something in his element in here after all. Besides parties, of course.

Ryuuji grinned at the (rather odd-looking, but it suited him) man, nodding to him and greeting him familiarly. "Yo."


my_heart_shakes August 13 2008, 07:27:09 UTC
Akutare looked up when he saw the two arrive and grinned wildly, shoving his journal away before hopping up off the chair. He didn't think he'd seen the redhead before (though he dug the guy's hairstyle), but the other he remembered from his post. Guess they'd taken his request to bring all their friends to heart. Great!

"That's right!" the demon responded proudly. "Glad you two could come! Ready for the party of your lives?"


firewheeling August 13 2008, 07:37:39 UTC
"You know it!" Axel smirked, flashing Akutare a thumbs up. He would have been glad for the admiration of his hair--if, y'know, he'd known about it, or was capable of feeling gladness. So instead he was content to just chill out and chat the guy up, since Luxord was nowhere to be found yet. "So what've you got planned tonight, huh? Anything interesting?" He prompted, before snapping his fingers and offering a hand. "Hell! Sorry about that. The name's Aaron; nice to meet you."


dangeraddicted August 13 2008, 07:52:09 UTC
Otogi laughed. "I know I am," he responded, unconsciously brushing his hair out of his eyes. "Ryuuji Otogi. Nice to met you in person." He gave the place a cursory glance - it wasn't a bad place for a party. If this whole thing turned out to not be a complete disaster (though the green-eyed gamer didn't see how a disaster could occur thus far), he'd have to remember it.

"How's it going?"


my_heart_shakes August 14 2008, 19:42:01 UTC
Oh, right. He didn't even know their names, didn't he? He had just went ahead and invited them to the party. Oh well, that was changing now, wasn't it? And he could respect anyone that knew an awesome party when they saw it. Akutare shook Aaron's hand. "Akutare, the Dark Hero." He hoped that one of them might recognize the name, but it seemed like no one else had (stupid human world). But maybe it had gotten out somewhere. ...Maybe. Hopefully?

"Pretty awesomely," Akutare replied. He had a sweet party in the works and was going to shoot right back into stardom once he found a way home. How could anything possibly be bad?

Well, yeah, there were those monsters around, and the kidnappers, and the fact that they couldn't go home yet, but someone would figure that out eventually. ...Right?


firewheeling August 18 2008, 21:34:01 UTC
"Oho... The Dark Hero, huh? Pretty slick moniker you've got there; I'd believe it. Nice to meet you, Akutare." Axel returned the shake with a grin, apparently impressed. "What'd you do to earn it, if I can ask?" It looked like Luxord still wasn't here.... A few others had filtered in, though. Maybe he'd get to go meet those guys soon. Not that Otogi seemed impatient just yet, either, which was good. After all, who knew when their little rendezvous would fall into place? Better to enjoy the party for all it was worth as if that was the main reason they'd come.


dangeraddicted August 20 2008, 06:08:12 UTC
Otogi smiled at Akutare, his eyes flickering around the room again. "Otogi," he replied simply, by way of introduction. "Or Ryuuji. Whatever." He didn't particularly care whether he was addressed by his familial or given name. "Nice to meet you.

He wondered if that friend of Aaron's would show up anytime soon, but he wasn't feeling too impatient.


my_heart_shakes August 21 2008, 00:05:39 UTC
Now that was what he was talking about! About time he got some respect around here. At least these guys knew a Dark Hero when they spotted one. "Oh, you know, general deeds of mischief, using my powers for awesome instead of good, that kind of thing. It's not a title used lightly, you know!"

He then turned to the other. "I'll just call you Otogi, then," he decided. "You guys waiting for anyone in particular to arrive?" Akutare had noticed them looking around the room, but he wasn't sure whether or not they were just checking out the decor.

The place did look pretty nice, he would admit, even if it wasn't really his style. Looked more... high-class than the regular night club. Way less hip. Oh well.


dix_des_coeurs August 23 2008, 05:50:22 UTC
Luxord was never late. He might arrive a bit past the starting time of an event, certainly, but he was never late. One was never late when one controlled any aspect of time.

Plus, it had been well worth it to take time out of his evening to visit Rosette. He'd rather enjoy seeing how that worked out.

So with all that confidence, he strolled into the Wild Ginger - not his favorite establishment in the city by a long shot, but certainly more than passable for a party of this size. Axel was, of course, easy to spot, and Luxord made his way over to him and his friend - friends, actually, as he seemed to have picked up another stray. There was something to be said for being falsely affable.

"Good evening," he greeted them. "Quite the party tonight." A bland enough greetng, but the proverbial ball was in Axel's court. Luxord would take his cue from him.


firewheeling August 23 2008, 06:35:57 UTC
Axel grinned back, laughing at the description. "Sounds wicked cool. Must be a lot of fun; how'd you end up with a title like that anyway, huh?" It was certainly an interesting way to put it, that was for sure.... Did 'dark hero' mean 'anti-hero' in this case? Or was it just some fan-bestowed or self-made title for a star or wannabe? Hell, who knew, maybe the guy was even a cult celebrity. "Yeah, I was hoping to introduce Ryuuji here t--well, speak of the bastard and he comes. If it isn't the cardshark now ( ... )


dangeraddicted August 23 2008, 06:59:34 UTC
Otogi chuckled as he listened, his attention perking up when he finally heard Axel talking about his friend's arrival. He glanced up, green eyes sharp and alert as they scanned the room, settling on what appeared to be a young to middle-aged man with pale blond hair. Taking a chance that this was the right person, he nodded to him, his lips curving in a half-smile.

And, judging by Aaron's reaction, his gamble was correct. He broke out into a full smile, then, ignoring the reaction that threatened to course through him at the sudden contact, although he did tense up for the briefest of moments. "Hey," he greeted casually, gaze flickering over the other in order to size him up a bit. The other man carried himself with the utmost confidence, and something about him seemed almost predatory. There was no doubt in Otogi's mind, then, that this man was indeed an experienced gambler. "Pleased to meet you," he continued, laughing at Aaron's joke.


my_heart_shakes August 26 2008, 02:09:30 UTC
Akutare took a moment to look around. People were filing right on in. Awesome. He thought he'd talked to the red-haired girl before (spikey near her must've been one of the friends she'd mentioned), but he hadn't seen the woman before. It seemed Hallucination-Jester had tagged along, too. Ugh, well, he'd see what Hallucination-Jester wanted and then would go check out the lady.

The demon happened to look over just as the blond man, Tobias, had come in. He didn't really look like the partying type, but maybe he was just one of those secretly wild kind of guys. Oh well, Axel was giving him the introduction he deserved, at least.

"Tobias, huh? Well, you're gonna enjoy this party," Akutare said, grinning widely. Oh, so he was a gambler was he? Well, Akutare would just have to stay out of any games. He knew better than to get into a game he couldn't win, but that could be said about a lot of things.

Tobias seemed to be more interested in hanging with Otogi, anyway. Maybe there was something he'd missed?


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