Today is the last day of June which is called misoka in Japan. This day, as well as the last day of the year (December 31, oomisoka) are specially celebrated with rituals of purification in Japanese Shrines and Temples. The rituals of these two days are also called "Great Purification" ooharae 大祓, when people thank for the past half year and pray for good fortune in the following six months. Read about this tradition in the World Kigo Database, see the pictures, and I hope you enjoy learning about Japanese culture: -- Сегодняшинй день, 30 июня, называется в Японии мисока. Этот день, как и последний день года (31 декабря, оомисока), отмечаются особыми ритуалами очищения в японских храмах и монастырях. Эти ритуалы называются "Великое Очищение" ooharae 大祓, когда люди благодарят богов за прошедшие полгода, и молят об удаче в следующие полгода. Читайте подробнее на сайте Мировой Базы Киго, смотрите фото, и наслаждайтесь узнаванием нового о японской культуре.
There is still time to submit your haiku and related forms, to some of the best online and print publications. -- Время посылать свои хайку и другие работы в родственных жанрах, в лучшие печатные и онлайновые издания:
World Haiku Review (submission )
Moonset: Literary Newspaper -- This is a letter from an'ya, the Editor:
Now that it is almost July, just a quick reminder to have your submissions for our autumn/winter issue of moonset Literary Newspaper to us no later than 1 August. Please see the official website (URL) below for full details on how to submit haiku, senryu, haibun, tanka, and haiga to the appropriate editors. Old-timers and Newbies equally welcome.
Also please send any articles to an'ya and any news to Sasa; email contest entries, and/or dream-ku to peterB; email addresses also llisted at the website. Send your haiku submissions directly to an'ya who will shortlist them and pass them on to our "Guest Editor" for the next issue, Mike Rehling.
Thank you ever so much to a generous few, we are about 40% to our goal of becoming non-profit . . . also please update your subscription asap (if need be) so we can make certain that you receive our next issue .
Simply Haiku (accepting now for autumn issue: haiku, senryu, tanka, haibun, renku, traditional and modern haiga) -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Also, don't forget about haiku contests! These are some of the coming international contests, bookmark this page: -- Это линк на сайт Австралийского общества хайку, где постоянно обновляется информация о международных конкурсах: вот сделайте закладку, и не пропускайте возможности :)
And now, a different mixture: I invite you to a deliscious summer dinner -- OKROSHKA! -- А теперь переходим к летнему праздничному обеду, я приглашаю вас на ОКРОШКУ! :)
Okroshka (
Russian: окрошка) is a cold
soup of ukrainian and russian national cuisine. The name probably originates from "kroshit'" (крошить) which means to chop or break into small pieces. The classic soup is a mix of mostly raw vegetables (like cucumbers and spring onions), boiled potatoes, eggs and ham or cooked beef with
kvass, the so-called bread drink, which is a mildly alcoholic beverage made from fermented black or rye bread. Okroshka is usually garnished with sour cream. If you are a beer-lover, you may use beer instead of kvass -- but I don't recommend it as you will never know the real delicious taste of okroshka. The ingredients are diced and then mixed with kvass just before eating; the ratio of chopped food to kvass is similar to that of cereal to milk. This allows the vegetables to retain their texture. For that same reason, even though the ingredients are similar to those in the
Russian salad, the taste of okroshka is quite different from that of the salad. In Russia, okroshka is generally considered a perfect soup for summer time since it combines the refreshing taste of kvass and lightness of a salad. Salt can be added according to taste. (info, with my editing, from Wikipedia )
This is my latest okroshka, with the kind of kvass I prefer (clickable previews): -- Вот моя самая недавняя окрошка, с моим любимым квасом (превьюшки кликабельные):
Ready to eat -- enjoy! :) -- Вот она готовая, угощайтесь на здоровье! :)
Please share your favorite summer recipes, and also poems, photos, etc., about this one, or other summer dishes! -- А поделитесь своими любимыми рецептами самых летних блюд, для жары! И конечно, своими стихами, фото, и пр. об окрошке и другой подобно еде :)
Haiku: The Art of The Short Poem Official Trailer (extended)
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