Jun 05, 2012 23:19
So I went to the doctor today and was diagnosed with allergy-induced cough-variant asthma, for which I was put on Prednisone and two inhalers. I've been coughing for well over a month. I hope this kills it. She also told me that my excessively dry and cracking lips are due to a vitamin D and Zinc deficiency, so I picked up some supplements at the store.
Dan hasn't signed a contract anywhere yet, but he's got a couple of leads down south. One in Marietta, one in Chatanooga. His residency ends at the end of the month, and our lease is up June 30, so we've been trying frantically to downsize. We're getting rid of a lot of stuff, including some major furniture. Going through boxes of stuff that never got unpacked because we didn't have the space... going through stuff in general and deciding what we really need and what we can get rid of. I'm taking a lot of pictures of things that are sentimental but will never be displayed, then getting rid of the actual item. Some stuff is going on ebay, some on craigslist, some I will try to sell at our group yardsale with friends in two weeks... some I'm just throwing away or donating. It's a long and difficult process.
In other news, I won 3rd place in a local art show, which runs through the end of June, so that's cool. I also sold some art to the electrician who came to fix the bathroom ventilation fan. Go me!
I can't believe we're only going to live here for 3 more weeks. We haven't scheduled a truck... have no idea where our stuff is going (storage? if so, in what state?)... The plan for me is to stay on friends' couches on work nights for the month of July, going up to the cottage in NH after work on Thursdays and coming back Monday mornings (I don't have to be at work until 11 on Mondays). Dominic and the cats will be up with my mom at the cottage. Dan is probably going to head down to Atlanta and stay with family and look for a position. It's all so up in the air right now, and it's so close... it's very stressful and anxiety inducing.
Dominic's stuff will get packed in the back of the truck and we'll drop it off at Rob's new house (rental) in Virginia on our way to Georgia. After he spends time in NH Dominic will be moving in with Rob, his girlfriend Amber, and three of her kids. Her eldest child, the one who I was concerned about, no longer lives with her and will be 18 by the time Dominic gets there and will not be living in the new house with them. So that makes the whole living-with-dad thing much less of a stressful concept for me. I think Dominic will be in a lot more stable position to finish high school with Rob than with Dan and I, since our immediate future is so completely up in the air right now. I also think Dominic will benefit from living with other kids. He's often lonely and I think that will help.
I'm going to miss my job. I like the people I work with and I like my job duties. It's going to be sad leaving. I'm also going to miss all of the friends I've made in the area. At least I have the cottage in NH that I visit every year to give me a reason to return to the area, so I can visit them.
I have all these things I want to write about, but I'm so frantically busy that I don't have the time. I want to write a review of The Hunger Games, but can't find time... etc...
Well, that's about all I've got in me for now. More later.
art show,