comment fic meme!

Aug 02, 2011 01:56

Following the results of the poll we took last month (don't make it easy on us or anything, guys, haha!), we've decided to hold a comment fic meme once every three months. This gives everyone time to write and prompt to their heart's content, and allows us mods to keep up with y'all. And we're starting right now!

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&comment-fic meme

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Comments 1114

si_star_x August 1 2011, 23:08:07 UTC
Sam has a headache and Dean tries to make him feel better.
Any pairing/season/etc.


FILLED - Headache 1/2 verucasalt123 August 2 2011, 00:32:13 UTC
The beginning was just…well, like the beginning always was. Dean asked me if something was wrong, to which I automatically replied “no”, like there was an inherent weakness in saying “yes ( ... )


FILLED - Headache 2/2 verucasalt123 August 2 2011, 00:33:34 UTC
They were migraines. And they were triggered by sugar. FUCKING SUGAR.
Jesus Christ. No more caramel frappuccinos. No more half-a-bag of Twizzlers as an afternoon snack. No more giant Styrofoam cups of sweet tea when we were hitting a drive-thru in the southern states.

The doctor gave me a sympathetic look as she handed me a giant bag of sample nose-spray Imitrex and told me to keep my intake of sweets to an absolute minimum.

Good news: the Imitrex made every single symptom disappear in less than half an hour. Bad news: I was kind of hoping maybe it was a curse. I was really going to miss those caramel frappuccinos.


Re: FILLED - Headache 2/2 greeneyes_fan August 2 2011, 04:05:43 UTC
Oh, Sam. No more sugar? Now that's cruel!


Sam is allergic to time (gen or Sam/Dean) de_nugis August 1 2011, 23:15:40 UTC
OK, this is an odd idea I've had kicking around since 5.22. What if the cage were timeless, or outside of time, and returning to time after being timeless had major repercussions? Physiological, where all Sam's heart rate and breathing rhythms and such were fouled up; psychological, where he no longer knows how to follow a conversation or text or train of thought consecutively without jumping about. Go wild: anything from nausea and dizziness to psychosis. Maybe strong rhythms, like waves or music with a regular beat, help ground him. Or sex, if you wanted to go the pairing route.


Re: Sam is allergic to time (gen or Sam/Dean) quickreaver August 1 2011, 23:28:35 UTC
OMG, this is brilliant. You, m'dear, are the queen of prompts.


Re: Sam is allergic to time (gen or Sam/Dean) de_nugis August 1 2011, 23:57:05 UTC
rainylemons is the queen of prompts. I could never aspire to be more than a kind of royal cousin.


Re: Sam is allergic to time (gen or Sam/Dean) quickreaver August 2 2011, 00:01:48 UTC
Fair enough! You can be the princess of prompts. :D Royalty, regardless!


verucasalt123 August 1 2011, 23:25:09 UTC
Sam/Dean, established relationship, slash or gen. Dean finds out Sam has become addicted to some kind of very hard street drug (heroin, meth, cocaine, something like that) and tries (with or without success, surprise me) to help him kick. Any season, or even pre-series, doesn't matter.


verucasalt123 August 2 2011, 02:36:25 UTC
Yes! This! I hope someone fills your prompt!


FILLED - Taming the Dragon 1/2 mentholpixie August 2 2011, 10:06:08 UTC
Taming the Dragon ( ... )


Re: FILLED - Taming the Dragon 2/2 mentholpixie August 2 2011, 10:06:50 UTC
“Son of a bitch,” Dean mutters, shoving himself up off the bed and stalking to the bathroom. Grudgingly, he wets a washcloth with cold water and stomps his way back to Sam ( ... )


elliemurasaki August 1 2011, 23:33:42 UTC
Post-6x22. Sam falls apart. Dean tries to help. That is all.


Fill- Real 1/2 brokenangel6662 August 3 2011, 04:19:58 UTC
Summary: Sam has trouble separating Dean from the archangels because when he was in the Cage, they would make him think he was back with Dean, only to snatch everything out from under him again ( ... )


Re: Fill- Real 2/2 brokenangel6662 August 3 2011, 04:20:19 UTC
“You…He-“ Sam cuts off with a growl, seeming frustrated with himself and his nails dug in more. “Did this before. Let me go for years, decades, thinking ( ... )


Re: Fill- Real 2/2 elliemurasaki August 3 2011, 04:28:16 UTC
Oh, Jesus. Just rip my heart to shreds, why don't you. *cries*


greeneyes_fan August 1 2011, 23:33:50 UTC
Early teens Sam. He's not proud of how the latest hunt (maybe his first hunt?) turned out, and Dad's already off somewhere else. Dean steps in to help.


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