comment fic meme!

Aug 02, 2011 01:56

Following the results of the poll we took last month (don't make it easy on us or anything, guys, haha!), we've decided to hold a comment fic meme once every three months. This gives everyone time to write and prompt to their heart's content, and allows us mods to keep up with y'all. And we're starting right now!

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&comment-fic meme

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Fill- Real 1/2 brokenangel6662 August 3 2011, 04:19:58 UTC
Summary: Sam has trouble separating Dean from the archangels because when he was in the Cage, they would make him think he was back with Dean, only to snatch everything out from under him again.

Dean held his hands up and apart in a placating gesture wondering where the hell Bobby had gotten off to because Dean didn’t know what to do.

Sam scrabbled back against the wall, hitting his head hard on the plaster. He made a wounded sound that tore through Dean and gripped his head, curling up as small as something his size ever could.

“Whoa. S’okay Sammy. It’s me. You’re okay.”

“J-Just don’t-“ Sam clenches and unclenches his jaw. “Don’t…touch me, okay?”

“Sammy, it’s me. I swear. I don’t know how to convince you…” Dean searched his mind for something, anything. It was dangerous territory, but… “Hey, you remember me getting you back, right? Remember the last few months? We’ve been hunting again.”

He was careful to skirt around the soulless year even though he was fairly positive Sam knew about it all now. But his brother wasn’t exactly firing on all cylinders at the moment. Who knew what years he had squeezed in his head and how many just wouldn’t fit in there at once. They seemed to cycle around, only adding to his little brother’s confusion.

Sam shook his head, closing his eyes and trying to wrest some control over himself. It took a vast amount of effort for Dean to restrain himself from leaping at Sam when his brother dug his nails into the side of his face.

“No. No, not that easy.” A hysterical laugh bubbled up before Sam opened slitted eyes to glare sideways at Dean with a loathing that took his breath away. Just as quickly, it shifted to gut-wrenching grief as his baby brother choked out his name. “De…”

Testing out a tentative smile, Dean’s about to reach out to Sam again when everything shifts once more. Hatred and hope, some strange mix of the two. Sam’s never sure which one he is.


Re: Fill- Real 2/2 brokenangel6662 August 3 2011, 04:20:19 UTC
“You…He-“ Sam cuts off with a growl, seeming frustrated with himself and his nails dug in more. “Did this before. Let me go for years, decades, thinking…”

Emotion began to bleed from Sam’s face, hazel eyes going cloudy.

“You got me out. Dean…we got out and everything was perfect. Hunting again like when everything was new and I found you because you didn’t stop and you saved me. You were so happy.” Dean’s gut clenched with dread. “Decades, decades, and we never got any older. Just kept going. The Impala and Bobby and I let myself forget. Stupid, stupid…They took it all away again.”

Angels and their mind games. Dean cursed softly wanting, not for the first time, some way to exact revenge on the two archangels that had torn his little brother’s mind and body apart.

“Got bored. Said he missed how I screamed the first thousand times he tore you away…They wanted to make it new again…to take it all away…”

Dean couldn’t take it anymore. He wrapped himself around Sammy, absolutely smothered him with arms and neck and chest to hide him from the world. To remind them both that the top of Sam’s head was wet with tears, not blood.

“Shut up, Sammy. Just…” He couldn’t bear to hear any more now and it only seemed to be making Sam worse, pulling him further away.

Sam didn’t fight against his hold and that terrified Dean anew. Sam had fought and raged against everything since he’d hit adolescence. He was never quiet, never complacent. But he was absolutely malleable in Dean’s arms.

Dean unfolded just enough to move Sam into a more comfortable position against him, his body picking up the rocking pattern that his exhausted brother had already established. Anything that would soothe Sam even a bit.
Sam’s eyes were still unseeing, but he was murmuring, pleading with ‘Dean’. The one who was never Dean. The one who might be, maybe, he prayed, was Dean.

“Just pretend, just pretend…just a little longer. I’ll be good if you…Oh, god please. Just…”

Dean didn’t even look up as Bobby finally reentered the room and settled on the floor across from them. There was a perfectly good comfortable chair not ten feet away, but it was summarily ignored. The man sat as close as he dared to his boys. Not able to reach out and touch, but less than a few steps away.

Dean pretended not to see the tears in the older hunter’s eyes and Bobby was good enough to do the same for him.

“I’m here Sammy. I’m right here. I’m gonna find a way to make you believe that.”


Re: Fill- Real 2/2 brokenangel6662 August 3 2011, 04:28:16 UTC
Oh, Jesus. Just rip my heart to shreds, why don't you. *cries*


Re: Fill- Real 2/2 elliemurasaki August 3 2011, 11:13:04 UTC


Re: Fill- Real 2/2 authoressnebula August 3 2011, 13:03:17 UTC
Oh. Oh. SAM.



Re: Fill- Real 2/2 vail_kagami August 3 2011, 21:39:01 UTC
I really like the idea of Lucy and Mike making Sam believe he was out. Been playing around with it myself time and again and I'm happy to see someone else does as well.
Lovely fill!


Re: Fill- Real 2/2 tahirire August 5 2011, 03:00:20 UTC
Sam asking if they could pretend a little longer made me leak stuff outta my eyeballs. :(


Re: Fill- Real 2/2 jagfanlj August 5 2011, 03:16:02 UTC
*wraps arms around Bobby and Dean and Sam*


Re: Fill- Real 2/2 monicawoe August 6 2011, 02:12:32 UTC
So sad-- and so excellent!
poor boys


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