comment fic meme!

Aug 02, 2011 01:56

Following the results of the poll we took last month (don't make it easy on us or anything, guys, haha!), we've decided to hold a comment fic meme once every three months. This gives everyone time to write and prompt to their heart's content, and allows us mods to keep up with y'all. And we're starting right now!

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&comment-fic meme

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Sam is allergic to time (gen or Sam/Dean) de_nugis August 1 2011, 23:15:40 UTC
OK, this is an odd idea I've had kicking around since 5.22. What if the cage were timeless, or outside of time, and returning to time after being timeless had major repercussions? Physiological, where all Sam's heart rate and breathing rhythms and such were fouled up; psychological, where he no longer knows how to follow a conversation or text or train of thought consecutively without jumping about. Go wild: anything from nausea and dizziness to psychosis. Maybe strong rhythms, like waves or music with a regular beat, help ground him. Or sex, if you wanted to go the pairing route.


Re: Sam is allergic to time (gen or Sam/Dean) quickreaver August 1 2011, 23:28:35 UTC
OMG, this is brilliant. You, m'dear, are the queen of prompts.


Re: Sam is allergic to time (gen or Sam/Dean) de_nugis August 1 2011, 23:57:05 UTC
rainylemons is the queen of prompts. I could never aspire to be more than a kind of royal cousin.


Re: Sam is allergic to time (gen or Sam/Dean) quickreaver August 2 2011, 00:01:48 UTC
Fair enough! You can be the princess of prompts. :D Royalty, regardless!


Re: Sam is allergic to time (gen or Sam/Dean) emmram August 2 2011, 12:37:18 UTC
Oooooooooh. Wow. This--I want to write this.


Re: Sam is allergic to time (gen or Sam/Dean) geek_chic_girl August 2 2011, 16:34:32 UTC
I would love you if you did this. I saw this and went "ooooh" but I have too many other projects right now. Plus I'm not sure how I'd tackle it and would be really interested to see your take on it.


Re: Sam is allergic to time (gen or Sam/Dean) de_nugis August 2 2011, 17:09:08 UTC


FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 1/? emmram August 3 2011, 07:52:38 UTC
(A/N: Entirely weird. Doesn't really conform to the prompt, but here's my take on it, for it's worth.)

Don’t worry about me, Dean.

-there’s an insect crawling across his arm. It’s a perfectly innocent feeling at first, so Sam just sits and lets it keep going (he’s going to flick it off, any moment now) and when it crawls up to the crook of his elbow, it begins to bite and it hurts, so maybe it’s time he does something (any moment now), and then it gouges and breaks the skin and crawls underneath, and Sam can feel the pressure and the warmth begin to well just where the insect has entered (any moment now, except he can’t move)-

Then the world begins to fall apart.

Large warm restraints clamp over his shoulders and bite into his upper arms, and everything tumbles and blurs into each other as he rocks back and forth. There’s noise and warmth in his ear, and the noise is terrible and goes on forever and ever and ever-“Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(focus on me, sam, he would say. i'm so sorry. and there would be pain-all the pain he could fit into ( ... )


FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 2/3 emmram August 3 2011, 07:56:01 UTC
Sam can’t eat anymore. Not normally, anyway-in those long interminable times he sits on his bed and watches Dean sleep (fitfully, lines of stress and pain bracketing his eyes), he feels whatever he’s eaten like a lump of rock sitting in the pit of his stomach. Sometimes he’s puking up whatever he’s eaten, Dean holding him so that he doesn’t face-plant into the toilet bowl. Sometimes he’s curled up on bed as every single organ in his body ties itself into knots and the whole world is nothing but the (blessed) pain and the sound of his heartbeat and the cool touch of Dean’s fingers across his forehead.

Dean’s worried about how thin he’s getting. He tries to find something that’ll agree with Sam’s stomach-tries everything from soup and salt crackers to protein shakes and glucose water. It’s not me, Sam tries to tell him. It’s the world. Everything’s wrong. Moves too fast or too slow(the only thing that makes sense any more is pain. it was the only thing he was willing to face for two hundred years ( ... )


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 emmram August 3 2011, 07:56:32 UTC
Dean hides the weapons from Sam now. He locks them in the trunk of the Impala and locks the door of the motel room when he’s sleeping, but for some reason, he never tries to snatch away the amulet. Sam doesn’t ask why. He’s just grateful ( ... )


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 kettle_o_fish August 3 2011, 13:09:51 UTC
*wibbles* I loved your narration. I really felt Sam's disorientation. Poor bb.

...and Sam feels its absence like Dean just ripped something vital out of his body (and Sam thinks, he’s not even using rhetoric, here; he knows exactly how it feels, and the thought makes him want to laugh).

Broke me. BROKE. ME. (In a good way.)


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 emmram August 5 2011, 12:40:34 UTC
Thank you! I was worried that, in trying to get into Sam's head, I'd only ended up being incomprehensible, so I'm glad it worked for you. :)


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 de_nugis August 3 2011, 16:51:16 UTC
Oh, that was utterly gorgeous. I love the way you link pain and the passage or non-passage of time, because that is one of the psychological effects of torture, and it makes so much sense here. I love Sam's point of view, and Dean finding a way, however imperfect and full of damage, to ground him. Brava!


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 emmram August 5 2011, 12:43:17 UTC
Thank you so much! To be honest, I spent ages asking myself the question, "How, exactly, is the Cage 'timeless'?" And this was what I came up with.

Thanks again for the prompt and the comment!


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 quickreaver August 4 2011, 05:09:19 UTC
“Breathe with me,” Dean says. “Try and sleep.”

Just this. So good.


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 emmram August 5 2011, 12:43:44 UTC
Thank you!


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