comment fic meme!

Aug 02, 2011 01:56

Following the results of the poll we took last month (don't make it easy on us or anything, guys, haha!), we've decided to hold a comment fic meme once every three months. This gives everyone time to write and prompt to their heart's content, and allows us mods to keep up with y'all. And we're starting right now!

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&comment-fic meme

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Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 emmram August 3 2011, 07:56:32 UTC
Dean hides the weapons from Sam now. He locks them in the trunk of the Impala and locks the door of the motel room when he’s sleeping, but for some reason, he never tries to snatch away the amulet. Sam doesn’t ask why. He’s just grateful.

There’s a day when Dean stumbles into the motel room, reeking of alcohol and state cigarette smoke. Sam only watches as his brother half-tumbles into bed, kicks off his boots, and mumbles incoherently as he tries to get comfortable.

Something falls out of one the boots, glittering even in the dull electric light. It’s one of Dean’s knives, Sam knows. The one he keeps stashed away in his boot for emergencies, although Sam can’t really remember a time he ever used it.

He’s not even aware of moving; in the space between closing and opening his eyes, he’s picked up the little knife and set it to his elbow. The world slows down and his heart rises to his throat as the blade breaks skin and blood wells to the surface. Blackness is already eating at the edges of his vision and he’s beginning to feel dizzier than ever, but-those things don’t really matter-

Dean’s hand closes over his, stops the knife from going any deeper, but doesn’t remove it. “Sam,” he says, settling down behind him, pulling him to his chest. “Sam, listen to me,” Dean says against his ear, smelling of cheap whiskey and the only kind of grief Sam’s ever known from him in his life. “Just... listen.”

And so Sam listens. He listens to the steady thud-thud of Dean’s heart, not the stuttering rhythm in his own ears; he listens to the rush of Dean’s breath against his ear, feels it tickling the sensitive skin.

(and there was no time. a second and an eternity-they didn’t matter.)

“Breathe with me,” Dean says. “Try and sleep.”

Dean keeps the steady pressure on the knife, and Sam falls to the lull of Dean’s life in his ears and the pain.

Thud-thud, thud-thud.



Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 kettle_o_fish August 3 2011, 13:09:51 UTC
*wibbles* I loved your narration. I really felt Sam's disorientation. Poor bb.

...and Sam feels its absence like Dean just ripped something vital out of his body (and Sam thinks, he’s not even using rhetoric, here; he knows exactly how it feels, and the thought makes him want to laugh).

Broke me. BROKE. ME. (In a good way.)


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 emmram August 5 2011, 12:40:34 UTC
Thank you! I was worried that, in trying to get into Sam's head, I'd only ended up being incomprehensible, so I'm glad it worked for you. :)


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 de_nugis August 3 2011, 16:51:16 UTC
Oh, that was utterly gorgeous. I love the way you link pain and the passage or non-passage of time, because that is one of the psychological effects of torture, and it makes so much sense here. I love Sam's point of view, and Dean finding a way, however imperfect and full of damage, to ground him. Brava!


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 emmram August 5 2011, 12:43:17 UTC
Thank you so much! To be honest, I spent ages asking myself the question, "How, exactly, is the Cage 'timeless'?" And this was what I came up with.

Thanks again for the prompt and the comment!


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 quickreaver August 4 2011, 05:09:19 UTC
“Breathe with me,” Dean says. “Try and sleep.”

Just this. So good.


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 emmram August 5 2011, 12:43:44 UTC
Thank you!


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 brokenangel6662 August 4 2011, 08:52:58 UTC
Best. Thing. Ever.

"Dean keeps the steady pressure on the knife and Sam falls to the lull of Dean's life in his ears and the pain."

You can tell it kills Dean to hurt his brother, but he gives in because it seems to help at least a bit. Always love that borderline-psychotic codependency that defines these two. Really wonderful.


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 emmram August 5 2011, 12:45:20 UTC
borderline-psychotic codependency that defines these two

Doesn't it, though? The fic wasn't going to end in any other way, at least in my head.

I'm glad you enjoyed this; thanks for reading!


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 vail_kagami August 4 2011, 15:06:13 UTC
When I read the prompt I thought "I bet emmram could do something wonderful with this!" And I was right. Fantastic and hearbreaking and strange.


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 emmram August 5 2011, 12:46:34 UTC
Hee! Your comment fills me with twenty-five different kinds of delight. :D

SO glad you liked this. Thanks so much! ♥


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 monicawoe August 5 2011, 00:56:03 UTC
an excellent fill. This reads like poetry!


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 emmram August 5 2011, 12:47:07 UTC
Thank you! :D


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 dollarformyname August 5 2011, 02:03:19 UTC
This is amazing. Horrific and amazing.


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 emmram August 5 2011, 12:47:55 UTC
:D Thank you!


Re: FILLED: Eternity, Sam, Dean, gen, warnings for insanity and self-harm, 3/3 road_rhythm August 5 2011, 05:16:15 UTC
Everything about this is amazing.


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