comment fic meme!

Aug 02, 2011 01:56

Following the results of the poll we took last month (don't make it easy on us or anything, guys, haha!), we've decided to hold a comment fic meme once every three months. This gives everyone time to write and prompt to their heart's content, and allows us mods to keep up with y'all. And we're starting right now!

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&comment-fic meme

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verucasalt123 August 1 2011, 23:25:09 UTC
Sam/Dean, established relationship, slash or gen. Dean finds out Sam has become addicted to some kind of very hard street drug (heroin, meth, cocaine, something like that) and tries (with or without success, surprise me) to help him kick. Any season, or even pre-series, doesn't matter.


verucasalt123 August 2 2011, 02:36:25 UTC
Yes! This! I hope someone fills your prompt!


FILLED - Taming the Dragon 1/2 mentholpixie August 2 2011, 10:06:08 UTC
Taming the Dragon ( ... )


Re: FILLED - Taming the Dragon 2/2 mentholpixie August 2 2011, 10:06:50 UTC
“Son of a bitch,” Dean mutters, shoving himself up off the bed and stalking to the bathroom. Grudgingly, he wets a washcloth with cold water and stomps his way back to Sam ( ... )


Re: FILLED - Taming the Dragon 2/2 saberivojo August 2 2011, 12:43:03 UTC
Owe and yes. I love that Dean is being the strong big bro because he needs to be right now. Dean's right too, he needs to get Sam straight before old JDub gets home.

Really nice job.


Re: FILLED - Taming the Dragon 2/2 mentholpixie August 2 2011, 19:33:37 UTC


Re: FILLED - Taming the Dragon 2/2 verucasalt123 August 2 2011, 13:55:39 UTC
Oh, thank you so so so much for this!!! It's wonderful and I think you captured Dean's feelings and voice so well.


Re: FILLED - Taming the Dragon 2/2 mentholpixie August 2 2011, 19:37:43 UTC
No problem! Your prompt just jumped at me and kind of wrote itself. :)


Re: FILLED - Taming the Dragon 2/2 ephemerall August 2 2011, 14:02:25 UTC
You really did an excellent job with this -- have you given any thought to what started the addiction? Or what caused Sam to turn to drugs? I'd love to see backstory to it :)


Re: FILLED - Taming the Dragon 2/2 mentholpixie August 2 2011, 19:43:15 UTC
Y'know, as I was writing I was thinking to myself, 'Eventually Dean's gonna say, what the hell were you thinking? Explain yourself!' But... he didn't and I was greatly relieved 'cause I got nothing =P


Re: FILLED - Taming the Dragon 2/2 ephemerall August 2 2011, 20:55:08 UTC
I know how you feel with that one haha


Re: FILLED - Taming the Dragon 2/2 quickreaver August 2 2011, 16:11:32 UTC
Succinct, potent, great job! :D


Re: FILLED - Taming the Dragon 2/2 mentholpixie August 2 2011, 19:44:22 UTC
Thank you!


Re: FILLED - Taming the Dragon 2/2 beatlemaniac9 August 2 2011, 19:49:02 UTC
Awww, poor Sam!


Re: FILLED - Taming the Dragon 2/2 mentholpixie August 2 2011, 20:04:09 UTC
Nothing I love more than hurting that boy =P


Re: FILLED - Taming the Dragon 2/2 zara_zee August 2 2011, 23:28:02 UTC
Great Dean voice. And exactly how I can see him handling/reacting to something like this!


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