(no subject)

Oct 11, 2006 13:07

Like Janice from Friends, I say Oh. My. God.

It started off fairly innocently. rozk happened to be in First Out, and she wished us a happy anniversary. glamcarnation, foibey and I had a meal there which was quiet on our part but there was a gang of raucous lesbians sipping Coronas that made it too noisy to stay for dessert.

We got to Bi Underground at the Blue Posts, and settled into the bar area which is non-smoking. I have a moderate allergy to cigarette smoke; it's pretty much the only thing that will give me an asthma attack (I don't always get them). This guy (who I will refer to as suit 1) started smoking at the other end of the bar. I mentioned it to foibey, and knowing about my allergy, she waved around one of the non-smoking signs. glamcarnation assisted by pointing at it in a rather decorative way. The bar worker told suit 1 that we didn't seem keen on him smoking. He came up to us and tried to buy our co-operation with a round of drinks. I refused, as a) he was behaving like a wanker; he said 'I come here every lunchtime!' he was in my personal space, and b) you can't buy my lungs. Want to buy my lungs? They're not for sale. He went back to the bar and continued to smoke. He kept coming up to us every now and again.

I couldn't take it anymore, and asked him if he wanted to go outside with me. He didn't seem interested; I think that he didn't take my lightly veiled threat of violence due to my 42DD breasts. I overheard him asking the bar worker when she was next working again *headfist*. There's usually a sign at the bottom of the stairs that says 'closed for private party' for Bi Underground, but the words had rubbed off it. He was a regular of the pub, not the pub meet. He kept bothering us from time to time through the night, which was an impetus for me to leave the bar area and talk to a few people I hadn't spoken too already (I'm usually pretty shy).

We saw some Bi Underground regulars. I got to chat to skibbley who was in London for another reason and happened to be there. glamcarnation, foibey and I spent some time with matthewp which was lovely. I got to pick him up (bodily) as I rather like lifting light-medium weighted people. Chatted with x_mass and the_borderer :-)

Enter suit 2. He came up to our little group, fag packet in hand. I told him that it was a non-smoking area and a little bit about suit1. I wasn't feeling that friendly to suits at that point, so I asked him why he was wearing a suit. He seemed affronted to be challenged on his dress, and said something like 'because it's normal' or 'everyone wears one'. I told him that I don't wear one, and it would be a bit odd for me to do so, being a doley and all. He suggested that being on the dole* is something unusual for me. He absolutely refused to believe that I had been on the dole for most of my adult life (probably about ten years). Why on earth would I lie about a thing like that? No, really, WHY. Is there some sort of dole-chic going on that I don't know about? At this point, ciphergoth got us to leave. It was only ten past eleven, and I was a bit miffed about being escorted out like that. I wasn't going to hit suit2.

Said goodbye to people and glamcarnation, foibey, matthewp walked out together. I found a packet of love hearts which I gave to Matt. We all got on the 29 bus. I fell over, and friendly bus passengers picked me up. One of them asked me if I was ok, and I said that I was merely abashed.

It was fun. Oh yeah, and I was pretty drunk. £1.72 a pint! :-)

Home got a bit interesting (I'll leave it at that, tee-hee).

*Dole = public assistance/welfare/benefits

To follow x_mass's example:

It might be useful if people are willing to sign up for upcoming.org and then say that they will be attending/watching polyday the site has just been advertised in computer user and even if only 20 people sign up it will be high on the list for Saturday. Like x_mass I am not involved in the organisation of polyday.

beer, wife, friends, frubble, bi, fighting, drunk, socialising, poly

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