Aug 04, 2008 04:11
well fuck, I just walked into the kitchen to find my temp tattoos upon a 6 year old. I spent like 5 bucks on those when I couldn't afford to spend it because I thought they were pretty and I would use them. I accidentally left them in the boyfriends car. Boyfriends brother goes looking for smokes in boyfriend's car and finds item that obviously did not belong to him... what does he do? Takes them and adorns his child with them. ...thank you very much. Fuck, if they would have asked me I would have shared. I didn't want the letters, or the arm bands but I wanted all the cute little skulls and roses. Hell, there was a good half of them that I would have let her take to play with, but no one asked me and now I'm pissed because once more, respect is not shown when it should be common courtesy ...he couldn't have at least waited until morning to ask Richard about them. God damn it, it is obviously not yours so why the hell are you treating it like it is.