Jul 26, 2008 20:20
I ended up paying for his fucking ticket, and the 10 for a locker ...and the food afterwards. I was hostile for most of the start of the day I can tell you ....today too actually.
My boobies had grown ...and now they have shrunk again ...making be feel even more self conscious in a bikini... Not eating enough.
I aparently had not gotten enough dye out of my hair the other night, my hair bleed all day, My white top had become a peach pink by the end of the day, next time I dye my hair, I'm just going to dunk the suit in the tub with me and see if I can make it uniform. It is my backup suit so it doesn't matter, but I couldn't find my other two.
Didn't get as much this week as last ...damn it. Still have to buy pet food and gas for the next two weeks.
Need to call Shoe I meant to yesterday but fell asleep.
The money he said that he was getting paid today and would pay me back with today ....I don't see it, of course plans change and he wasn't able to go clan the last place with him mom ...which he needed to do to get paid, supposedly that will happen tomorrow ...yeah, right. It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't treat getting more money like a definite.
Once I got over being pissed and decided to enjoy myself, I did, by floating, I don't like slides, I just want an intertube and a place to float.
The irony of almost passing out from dehydration at a watter park. Water water everywhere...
Seriously, big dark spots in front of my eyes, I felt it comeing so I sat down realy quick. ...the thing that matters worse. I start telling him that I am starting to really not feel well and I just get the response "we're almost there" ...(We were at the top of the line on one of the slides) ..I should have gotten an "are you okay? What do you think is wrong?" ....then I tell him (on step from the actual slide down) "I'm about to pass out" "Seriously, I'm going to pass out" and get more of the same ....fuck him. I don't know if he is just a self absorbed ass or if he doesn't display things like he's feeling, but Billy or even Kennedy would have asked the girl up there for water or gotten some water splashed on me, it wasn't until I was squatting down and she was asking me if I was okay that I got water from her ...I was almost gone I didn't even hear what she said the first time, just the second one.
Her bit of water and her wet shirt around my neck got me to the bottom and to a water fountain.