Room 234/236 - Saturday night

Jul 16, 2006 00:05

After an easy couple of days, with photographic assignments and catching up, then phone calls to Angel and Logan, a mudfight with Jamie, Zero, Willow, Tyler and almost killed, it felt like, by Callisto, and almost getting kissed in the middle of it by Blair, and talks at the picnic with River about mindreading and bunnies, Cedric about the dangers of his home, and Zero about Angelica Demesne, then a chat around the campfire about Jack with Sam, Saturday was something of a shock.

Parker woke up with no voice, communicated by sign language, whiteboard, and sheer frustration with Xander, Bel, Jack, Z, Angela, Cally, and Blair about the rampant voicelessness and the possibility of demon involvement. Then she went to All & Sundries with Jack to get supplies from Seras, hit the 4th Sin to see Jarod and tell him and Becky what was going on, brought back Chinese Food for the 2nd Floor Common Room, then hit Tyler's Fight Club and sparred with Alphonse to work off some steam. Then, Chat happened. Going to bed now clearly couldn't make the day worse.

carter, zero, seras, jamie, molly, tyler, callisto, logan, jarod, alphonse, cedric, demyx, willow, wings, z, aeryn, blair, jack, links, phone calls, river

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