[Continued from
* Reads4Coffee has logged into chat
* versaceforever has logged into chat.
[21:23] cuterxander: <-- ...
[21:23] Darkbeforethe: Buffy?
[21:23] Shponk:Which Xander? They're both cute.
[21:23] cuterxander: HA
[21:24] cuterxander: At Dawn
[21:24] Reads4Coffee: Internets hiccoughed!
[21:24] overtroubledwater: i chose the screen name, pippi. if that helps any ;)
[21:24] stickbugsuperhero: going to find pancake ingredients. bye!
[21:24] Computerboy: ...Versace? Um...oy.
[21:24] TactGirl: Buffy?
[21:24] Tomcat494: The Bridge-attached one
[21:24] versaceforever: pancakes?
* stickbugsuperhero has logged out of chat
[21:24] Annoyedwcat: Woe. Bye Charlie! And yeah, pancakes?
[21:24] Reads4Coffee: *peers* that's Parker, isn't it?
[21:24] versaceforever: Parker, actually.
[21:24] TactGirl: We'll never know. Maybe he's making them naked.
[21:24] Reads4Coffee: *wins*
[21:25] cuterxander: I igured, that's why I was HA-ing
[21:25] versaceforever: heh. What's new? God, I'm bored.
[21:25] Tomcat494: While playing Twister?
[21:25] TactGirl: Oh, good. Hey Parker. <--Cordy.
[21:25] BlondeWithSwords:Hey Parker
[21:25] cuterxander: whateverthehell igured means
[21:25] Computerboy: Oy. Don't kill me.
[21:25] emoredhead: Hi Parker, it's Angela.
[21:25] TactGirl: Possibly, Alec. By himself, though.
[21:25] reportergirl: Oh, hey Parker!
[21:25] Zacharina: Hey ScaryParker
[21:25] emoredhead: Who is going to leave chat and go track down Marty. Bye for now!
[21:25] versaceforever: Hey Angela, hey Cordy. Hey -- Chloe? Hi Zack.
[21:25] Annoyedwcat: Parker! Almost-sane-person!
* emoredhead has logged out of chat
[21:25] versaceforever: Hey, Alanna. I'm guessing.
[21:25] cuterxander:... Parker's what now?
[21:26] versaceforever: Here?
[21:26] versaceforever: and talking to you?
[21:26] versaceforever: Oh, the sane part.
[21:26] cuterxander: It's the almost-sane part that I was whatting!
[21:26] TactGirl: Ha.
[21:26] versaceforever: *thwaps you*
[21:26] Annoyedwcat: Well, Faithful tries to type everyonce in a while, but mostly me. sdasdrf. I think he said hi.
[21:26] overtroubledwater: Dude!
[21:26] Computerboy: I've got nothing. *ducks*
[21:26] versaceforever: Tell him hi back.
[21:26] versaceforever: Waitaminute.
[21:27] Tomcat494: Parker's sane?
[21:27] TactGirl: Be right back. Weather's shifting, must change.
[21:27] versaceforever: *stares suspiciously at Computerboy*
[21:27] cuterxander: *waits*
[21:27] Computerboy: *blends into scenery*
[21:27] Tomcat494: ...change what?
[21:27] versaceforever: Broots?
[21:27] Computerboy: ... yes?
[21:27] overtroubledwater: oh sure, i get no hello...
[21:28] cuterxander: Hello Bridge!
[21:28] Tomcat494: Hi?
[21:28] versaceforever: Thought so. *glares at Computerboy*
[21:28] overtroubledwater: thank you xander :)
[21:28] versaceforever:..... Bridge?
[21:28] BlondeWithSwords:*pats Bridge*
* ihatedenmark has logged out of chat
[21:28] overtroubledwater: ...who else calls you dude, dude?
[21:28] versaceforever: Haven't done this before. My apologies.
[21:29] Computerboy: For the record: You're a lot less scary on a computer screen.
[21:29] Tomcat494: So, again, anyone have any -feasible- and -interesting- ideas for something to do tonight?
[21:29] versaceforever: Wait. Five minutes.
[21:29] Annoyedwcat: Again: Start a band.
[21:29] Shponk:That can be said for a great many things
[21:30] Darkbeforethe: I think I have a tambourine...
[21:30] BlondeWithSwords:Parker, please don't kill any of the other students this weekend
[21:30] Shponk:I have a trumpet, but I loaned it to Kaylee
[21:30] BlondeWithSwords:We have enough trouble as it is
[21:30] versaceforever: Fiiiiiiiine.
[21:30] versaceforever: Anyone got any cigarettes?
[21:30] Reads4Coffee: If you try to smoke, I will dump water on all your cigarettes.
[21:31] Reads4Coffee: And you.
[21:31] Annoyedwcat: I have a lap harp
[21:31] Tomcat494: Someone has to smoke around here, from all the butts up on the roof
[21:31] Reads4Coffee: And your clothes.
[21:31] reportergirl: ...I'd take that as a no.
[21:31] versaceforever: Okay, that last threat? is actually scary.
[21:31] Reads4Coffee: *wins*
[21:31] BlondeWithSwords:Go after the shoes Rory
[21:31] Shponk:I'm taking notes
[21:31] Reads4Coffee: SHOES TOO.
[21:32] Reads4Coffee: I will give your shoes to Vladdie.
[21:32] Reads4Coffee: He needs more chew toes.
[21:32] notalkingtopurse: He'd look cute in them
[21:32] Reads4Coffee: ...toys.
[21:32] notalkingtopurse: Oh, to CHEW
[21:32] Tomcat494: hahahaha
[21:32] versaceforever: No SHOES!
[21:32] Reads4Coffee: I'm picturing it, Jaye.
[21:32] Reads4Coffee: And now I want to do that.
[21:32] Annoyedwcat: Don't torture the poor puppy! ... Or Parker.
[21:32] versaceforever: *is counting shoes to stay sane*
[21:32] overtroubledwater: awwww he would be cute
[21:32] versaceforever: 98 pairs.
[21:33] Zacharina: You won't miss a couple then.
[21:33] Tomcat494: Parker - unquestionably insane. 98 pairs?
[21:33] Computerboy: Only you Miss Parker, only you.
[21:33] Reads4Coffee: Holy crap. I only have about 55 at last count.
[21:33] notalkingtopurse: My whole family doesn't have 98 pairs of shoes.
[21:33] TactGirl: I'm back!
[21:33] Tomcat494: Holy shit, no one needs that many shoes.
[21:33] Tomcat494: WB Cordelia!
[21:33] Reads4Coffee: Cordy, what's your shoe count?
[21:33] Shponk:I've *seen* 98 pairs of shoes
[21:33] BlondeWithSwords:I have one pair of boots.
[21:33] Shponk:Not all at once mind you
[21:33] cuterxander: ... Buffy might have that many.
[21:34] TactGirl: Hm, about 30 maybe?
[21:34] versaceforever: People buy them for me.
[21:34] BlondeWithSwords:I only need one pair of boots.
[21:34] overtroubledwater: ...i have my uniform boots? and a pair of sandals.
[21:34] versaceforever: And then there are samples, and sales...
[21:34] Tomcat494: Where the hell do you keep them all?
[21:34] notalkingtopurse: Can I have shoes bought for me??
[21:34] TactGirl: In my wardrobe?
[21:34] versaceforever: Special folding insert-closet. Plus I have two rooms.
[21:34] Annoyedwcat: I think the Queen might have that many. *might*
[21:34] Reads4Coffee: To be fair, over half of mine are at my house or with my mom.
[21:34] Tomcat494: ...The future has a lot fewer shoes.
[21:34] Computerboy: brb, someone's at the door.
[21:34] TactGirl: Yeah, not all of mine are here, either. But most of them are.
[21:34] Tomcat494: Just FYI.
[21:35] Reads4Coffee: Yeah, the future also doesn't have coffee.
[21:35] versaceforever: Computerboy: Ya think?
[21:35] TactGirl: Then I'm not interested in the future.
[21:35] Reads4Coffee: Jakey and I are fixing that.
[21:35] Zacharina: There are african nations with less shoes than Parker.
[21:35] overtroubledwater: MY future has coffee. *points out*
[21:35] zepplin_fan: How many shoes do you really need though? You can only wear one pair at a time
[21:35] versaceforever: Open the door, Broots.
[21:35] Computerboy: *whimper* I take it back, you're still scary.
[21:35] Darkbeforethe: Buffy doesn't have that many. Especially since people started borrowing them. Ahem. *looks innocent*
[21:35] Tomcat494: It has coffee! It's just shitty and really expensive.
[21:35] notalkingtopurse: Dawn, share. Share Buffy's shoes.
[21:35] versaceforever: There are African nations that have *more* shoes now because of me.
[21:35] cuterxander: *snicker* My Buffy doesn't have a you to borrow them though
[21:35] cuterxander: Excuse me a "someone"
[21:35] BlondeWithSwords:Parker: I said NO KILLING the other students
[21:35] Annoyedwcat: How do you do that?
[21:36] versaceforever: Not killing.
[21:36] Darkbeforethe: She's got these tiny little mutant feet. Because she is wee.
[21:36] BlondeWithSwords:Or traumatising
[21:36] TactGirl: And a mutant.
[21:36] versaceforever: Just ... scaring.
[21:36] Computerboy: I'm in room 409. Just...for the record. I'm going to go get the door.
[21:36] Tomcat494: Packs a hell of a punch though.
[21:36] BlondeWithSwords:Thats our job
[21:36] Tomcat494: Computerboy - don't do it!
[21:37] notalkingtopurse: I can still try them on, right?
[21:37] Darkbeforethe: If she's not around, sure.
[21:37] TactGirl: We could just make sure she's not around?
[21:37] notalkingtopurse: Score!
[21:37] notalkingtopurse: I'm done about the shoes now. Carry on.
[21:37] Tomcat494: Oh good.
[21:37] versaceforever: Thank you?
[21:38] Shponk:I wonder if this still works if I plug the minicomp in to charge
[21:38] Reads4Coffee: Jaye - what size do you wear? *will be nicer than Buffy or Parker about sharing*
[21:38] notalkingtopurse: 6
[21:38] Reads4Coffee: You're golden
[21:38] reportergirl: Now I wish I had more shoes to share.
[21:38] versaceforever: I share. Sometimes. Under extreme circumstances.
[21:39] cuterxander: *will share shoes, but you probably don't want size 12 Keds*
[21:39] Reads4Coffee: We can get you into a 7 just fine, then
[21:39] notalkingtopurse: As we all start the Fandom High Shoe Exchange...
[21:39] Shponk:I can attest to Parker sometimes sharing shoes
[21:39] Annoyedwcat: She does!
[21:39] overtroubledwater: ...yeah i don't think i'm even *allowed* to share my boots.
[21:39] TactGirl: I'm a 7, too.
[21:39] Reads4Coffee: You can borrow too, Cordy!
[21:39] overtroubledwater: not that anyone would *want* them
[21:39] TactGirl: Yay!
[21:40] Shponk: I loaned my shoes to John once
[21:40] Shponk: He had thrown his away
[21:40] BlondeWithSwords: Again one pair of boots.
[21:40] Darkbeforethe: Pippi? Why?
[21:40] Computerboy: I would like to say, on the record, that Miss Parker is a kind, reasonable, sane person who has just the right amount of shoes. Thank you.
[21:40] versaceforever: To JOHN?
[21:40] cuterxander: Yes, I g;t hit on the head with them
[21:40] Shponk:He threw them at rampaging robots
[21:40] versaceforever: nice job, Broots.
[21:40] Shponk:and there was broken glass all around.
[21:40] BlondeWithSwords:Parker, what did I say about doing things to your fellow students?
[21:40] versaceforever: *applauds your self-preservation*
[21:40] Tomcat494: Parker - how long did it take to brainwash him so well?
[21:40] TactGirl: Wow, Broots. Missing a spine?
[21:40] versaceforever:... don't make you give me Detention?
[21:40] Computerboy: ... Yes, very much.
[21:41] Tomcat494: Since when can you assign detention?
[21:41] cuterxander: Cal can
[21:41] BlondeWithSwords:She can't. I can.
[21:41] Shponk:Since her booooooyfriend can assign it.
[21:41] Tomcat494: Hahahaha
[21:41] versaceforever: not what I meant. But not wrong.
[21:41] Computerboy: Parker has a boyfriend?
[21:41] versaceforever: Totally wish he would, but he won't, though.
[21:41] versaceforever: BROOTS.
[21:42] TactGirl: Broots is your boyfriend?
[21:42] Computerboy: .. What? NO!!!!!
[21:42] overtroubledwater: *dies*
[21:42] Zacharina: Heh
[21:42] versaceforever: Don't ask questions you don't ...good God no.
[21:42] Tomcat494: Wow.
[21:42] cuterxander: *REALLY snickers*
[21:42] TactGirl: *snerk* sorry, couldn't resist.
[21:42] Reads4Coffee: ...I'm telling Jarod omg.
[21:42] versaceforever: Broots: never ask that question.
[21:42] versaceforever: *headdesk*
[21:42] BlondeWithSwords:Who thinks we should tell the doofus about that?
[21:42] versaceforever: Coffeeeeee... Swords. NO!
[21:42] Tomcat494: The one in LA?
[21:42] TactGirl: Oooh, me, me!
[21:43] Reads4Coffee: OOH.
[21:43] BlondeWithSwords:Is there any other?
[21:43] Reads4Coffee: Yes, lets!
[21:43] versaceforever: I still have a hostage.
[21:43] versaceforever: *could dangle Broots out the window now*
[21:43] TactGirl: I don't think anyone would care.
[21:43] Reads4Coffee: Bye, Broots! I shall remember you fondly.
[21:43] Computerboy: You're dating...him? *goes to hyperventilate in a corner*
[21:43] BlondeWithSwords:*could give you dention for that*
[21:43] versaceforever: Nice, Rory. Break my geek, why don't yhou?
[21:43] Tomcat494: I think that the administration wouldn't take kindly to you breaking the rules, Parker
[21:43] Reads4Coffee: YOU'RE THE ONE DANGLING HIM
[21:43] Annoyedwcat: I don't get you people.
[21:43] notalkingtopurse: Dirty?
[21:43] TactGirl: Ew!
[21:44] Computerboy: No dangling. Sitting. Firmly on bed.
[21:44] versaceforever: FINE! I'm putting him down okay?
[21:44] Darkbeforethe: *sits in the confused corner with Alanna*
[21:44] versaceforever: And I don't mean killing him.
[21:44] versaceforever: y'all just broke his mind, nice.
[21:44] cuterxander: on the bed?
[21:44] TactGirl: Oh my. Still dirty.
[21:44] versaceforever: *looks at whimpering Computerboy in the corner*
[21:44] Reads4Coffee: says she who was...dangling...him....
[21:44] Computerboy: ....
[21:44] cuterxander: *hides behind Bridge*
[21:44] versaceforever: Ohhh, Xander.
[21:44] versaceforever: *knows where your room is too, buddy*
[21:45] overtroubledwater: ...you're taller than me, dude.
[21:45] Annoyedwcat: *high fives Dawn*
[21:45] cuterxander: *ducks*
[21:45] overtroubledwater: still. *protects omg*
[21:45] Reads4Coffee: *sends vamp puppy to protect Xander omg*
[21:45] TactGirl: *rolls eyes yet again*
[21:45] Reads4Coffee: Aha, the power of Bridgey and a bitey floaty dog! He is safe. *decrees*
[21:45] versaceforever: Now leaving room 409. And Broots' sad pathetic shel.
[21:45] overtroubledwater: *sticks tongue out at cordy*
[21:45] Darkbeforethe: Vampire puppy?
[21:45] BlondeWithSwords:*goes to help protect since Bridge is not shoe-proof*
[21:46] TactGirl: I don't know where that's been. Keep it to yourself.
[21:46] Reads4Coffee: You've met Vladdie, right, Dawn? The little doggie who lives with me in the cabin?
[21:46] cuterxander: !!!
[21:46] Tomcat494: Broots? You there, man?
[21:46] Computerboy: Thank you, bye-bye. I'm just going to sit here and rock back and forth for a bit.
[21:46] Zacharina: Don't let the ScaryParker get to you Broots!
[21:46] Computerboy: It's her choice of boyfriend's that got to me. And the door is locked.
[21:46] TactGirl: Don't tell me you're scared of Parker, Zack?
[21:47] Reads4Coffee: I'm sorry that the fact she loves you scares you, Broots.
[21:47] Zacharina: ...no?
[21:47] versaceforever:....omg, you need more caffiene, Rory.
[21:47] Tomcat494: hahahahaha
[21:47] TactGirl: Good. Stick with me and you'll be fine.
[21:47] reportergirl: No one should be afraid of love, not even from Parker!
[21:47] Computerboy: *whimper*
[21:47] versaceforever: Zack.
[21:47] Tomcat494: Poor Jarod, his gf's totally sneaking around behind his back
[21:47] versaceforever: Alec.
[21:47] Darkbeforethe: *offers Alanna tea and scone in the confused corner*
[21:47] Reads4Coffee: Someone should tell him.
[21:47] versaceforever: ?????? wtf?????
[21:47] Tomcat494: Yes?
[21:47] Zacharina: *sticks with Cordy* Yes Parker?
[21:47] versaceforever: see above
[21:48] Annoyedwcat: *thanks Dawn and offers some candy*
[21:48] versaceforever: You don't have to be scared of me.
[21:48] versaceforever: ... much.
[21:48] TactGirl: Yeah, that's true enough. But still.
[21:48] Tomcat494: *snrk*
[21:48] TactGirl: I like you, Zack. Don't know why, but I do. I'll make sure Parker doesn't maul you. I can appease her with shoes and Versace.
[21:48] versaceforever: Well, this is true.
[21:49] Tomcat494: Or coffee, which seems to be a staple food at this school.
[21:49] Computerboy: Does Versace make shoes? Because then you can combine the two.
[21:49] Reads4Coffee: ...omg yes
[21:49] TactGirl: ....true.
[21:49] Reads4Coffee: *doesn't understand non-coffee lovers, wtf*
[21:49] versaceforever: Oooooo.
[21:49] Zacharina: Coffee flavoured shoes?
[21:49] versaceforever: I see you're out of the coma, Broots. Good recovery.
[21:50] Reads4Coffee: OOH.
[21:50] Tomcat494: For the dog?
[21:50] Shponk:I hear noise in the Common Room and the clanking of spoons on bowls which possibly means ice creem. I must go check that out and make sure it is safe.
[21:50] TactGirl: I'd buy them.
[21:50] Tomcat494: Bye Pippi!
[21:50] Reads4Coffee: No, Vladdie's not allowed to have caffeine
[21:50] Reads4Coffee: bye Pippi!
[21:50] Shponk:Bye bye!
[21:50] Darkbeforethe: I like tea. *may have spent too much time with certain tweedy guys.
[21:50] TactGirl: Bye Pippi!
[21:50] overtroubledwater: bye pippi!
[21:50] BlondeWithSwords:See, after you get over the shock, dating Parker's not so hard
[21:50] versaceforever: Bye!
[21:50] notalkingtopurse: Later!
[21:50] Darkbeforethe:
[21:50] versaceforever:... Cal? Don't be helping.
* Shponk has left the room*
[21:50] Darkbeforethe: Bye Pippi!
[21:50] Darkbeforethe: *loses*
[21:51] versaceforever: *wins*
[21:51] versaceforever: Twice.
[21:51] TactGirl: *also wins, but only once*
[21:51] BlondeWithSwords:You broke him. It's my responsibilty as an instructor to fix him.
[21:51] versaceforever: This is why I can never go into education.
[21:51] Tomcat494: Please no fixing the boys.
[21:51] overtroubledwater: ...
[21:51] BlondeWithSwords:Well, now you're dating Broots you won't have to
[21:52] TactGirl: Some of them could probably use it. But some of them probably have no need for it.
[21:52] versaceforever: *now knows how to deal with Tomcat*
[21:52] versaceforever: *SHUDDR*
[21:52] Tomcat494: Parker?
[21:52] Reads4Coffee: ...um. Fixing?
[21:52] versaceforever: Yes, that.
[21:52] versaceforever: the shudder was for Swords.
[21:52] Reads4Coffee: Like, how animals are "fixed"?
[21:52] Tomcat494: Don't go there.
[21:52] versaceforever: *glare*
[21:52] Computerboy: I am not dating Parker! I am not suicidal!
[21:52] TactGirl: Yes.
[21:52] versaceforever: ..see, exactly.
[21:52] cuterxander: ....Okay, who's knocking at MY door?
[21:52] BlondeWithSwords:shh, Broots, denial does no good.
[21:53] versaceforever: ... Helloooo, Clarice.
[21:53] overtroubledwater: ack!
[21:53] cuterxander: NoooOOOooOOOooOOOooOOOo
[21:53] Tomcat494: Who's Clarice?
[21:53] overtroubledwater: *hides behind xander*
[21:53] TactGirl: Is Xander being skinned?
[21:53] Computerboy: Not in denial. Not dating her. Xander?
[21:53] cuterxander: Hey, do I owe Anakin money for something?
[21:53] Reads4Coffee: I think so.
[21:53] Darkbeforethe: Xander? You okay?
[21:54] versaceforever: ...theyll be fine.
[21:54] cuterxander: There is a Parker at my door
[21:54] versaceforever: Eventually.
[21:54] TactGirl: Which one?
[21:54] Reads4Coffee: Parker WTF are you on a Blackberry or something?
[21:54] BlondeWithSwords:Give her detention Xander
[21:54] TactGirl: Or just walking around with your laptop open?
[21:54] cuterxander: Oooh, good idea
[21:54] Reads4Coffee: See, that's what I'm picturing
[21:54] versaceforever: Yes, I LOVE my Blackberry.
[21:54] Reads4Coffee: And it's not so threatening
[21:54] TactGirl: Makes it hard to type.
[21:54] versaceforever: pFftt.
[21:55] Annoyedwcat: Please be a not killing Xander?
[21:55] cuterxander: *is so not opening door*
[21:55] TactGirl: Meh, go ahead.
[21:55] versaceforever: I can wait.
[21:55] Reads4Coffee: Smart boy.
[21:55] overtroubledwater: *is not opening door either*
[21:55] Tomcat494: I think we're all going insane being kept indoors.
[21:55] cuterxander: Neitehr is Jeremiah!
[21:55] Tomcat494: Or are we always like this?
[21:55] versaceforever: Tomcat: probably, yes.
[21:55] overtroubledwater: also, i agree with alanna. no killing my boyfriend, plz.
[21:55] notalkingtopurse: I think we're just noticing it now.
[21:55] versaceforever: I wish I'd taken Shop. First time ever.
[21:55] versaceforever: I could get the hinges off this door.
[21:56] Annoyedwcat: I think this is our inner personalities being revealed
[21:56] cuterxander:Shop was awesome!
[21:56] TactGirl: God help us all.
[21:56] Computerboy: My inner personality is a wimp?
[21:56] BlondeWithSwords:No damaging school property
[21:56] TactGirl: I think mine is a lot like my outer personality,
[21:56] overtroubledwater: yes, yes it was. and hey, if you're ever trapped *in* a room... ;)
[21:56] versaceforever: Later for you, TeacherBoy. And your dynamic duo guy, too!
[21:56] Annoyedwcat: So's your outter, don't worry.
[21:56] Tomcat494: Broots? I don't know how to make a whip sound, so just imagine one.
[21:56] reportergirl: And breaking and entering is probably against the rules too.
[21:57] Computerboy: Do I even know you?
[21:57] versaceforever: *takes your fish with me when I leave*
[21:57] versaceforever: wtf, she's following me? Cool.
[21:57] cuterxander: Only when you don't look
[21:57] versaceforever: Alec? SHADDUP.
[21:58] Tomcat494: I don't think we've met officially
[21:58] Tomcat494: Parker? Make me.
[21:58] cuterxander: And I don't believe she's leaving- you're justtrying to get me to open the door
[21:58] versaceforever: i'm the only one that abuses Broots. I mean, tells him what to do.
[21:58] TactGirl: Children.
[21:58] BlondeWithSwords:Parker don't make me take drastic actions
[21:58] versaceforever: :P
[21:58] Annoyedwcat: Bets on bloodshed?
[21:58] versaceforever: Xander: no, really, the fish is following me upstairs.
[21:58] versaceforever: WUWT?
[21:58] BlondeWithSwords:Fine, don't say I didn't warn you
[21:58] cuterxander: Whatever!
[21:58] Reads4Coffee: *quietly walks over and locks door, just in case*
[21:58] TactGirl: Have you people started drinking?
[21:58] Tomcat494: Not yet.
[21:58] cuterxander: PARKER I HATE YOU SHE IS NOT
[21:59] Tomcat494: Maybe we should start.
[21:59] TactGirl: Well can we start now, please?
[21:59] BlondeWithSwords:*opens email* *starts typing*
[21:59] Computerboy: Fish?
[21:59] overtroubledwater: turtle is so totally still here.
[21:59] Tomcat494: *leaves door wide open*
[21:59] versaceforever: ...okay what?
[21:59] versaceforever: I stopped moving.
[21:59] versaceforever: *is on stairs, staring at the fish, who stares back*
[21:59] Darkbeforethe: Not sure drinking is such a good idea, guys. You want to be able to fight, I think.
[21:59] Annoyedwcat: I'm letting Faithful type before it's my blood that's getting spilled.
[21:59] reportergirl: Well Alec, I'm glad I got to know you before your bloody death.
[21:59] TactGirl: Looks like we're not allowed to fight.
[21:59] versaceforever: GOTCHA!
[22:00] TactGirl: Unless the scary heart stealing guys break in.
[22:00] Darkbeforethe: ...we may not have a choi...yeah, Cordelia.
[22:00] cuterxander: ...now I have a Parker in my room
[22:00] TactGirl: I've done this enough times to know how it works.
[22:00] overtroubledwater: yes. yes you do.
[22:00] versaceforever: HI.
[22:00] versaceforever: 'scuse me. Brb!
[22:00] Reads4Coffee: ...you guys are in the same room and you're IMing?
[22:00] Tomcat494: Chloe: It's been nice getting to know you as well, but I have no plans to die tonight.
[22:00] cuterxander: HELP SEND HELP HELP
[22:01] overtroubledwater: yes. shut up. scuse me, must go rescue BF.
[22:01] Annoyedwcat: you allllllb amkusd3e tghis 8is ujharrd w pwsa
[22:01] cuterxander:SHE HAS NERF WEAPONRY
[22:01] Tomcat494: Hey Faithful!
[22:01] Annoyedwcat: That lovely message brought to you by my cat.
[22:01] TactGirl: wtf...
[22:01] TactGirl: I should hope so.
[22:02] cuterxander: hgjhgjghljhgjhgf!
[22:02] Tomcat494: So who's up for drinking?
[22:02] TactGirl: ME>
[22:02] notalkingtopurse: Yes.
[22:02] Annoyedwcat: Xander? Still alive?
[22:02] versaceforever: slkugoieljs
[22:02] TactGirl: I can fight drunk, I'm sure.
[22:02] cuterxander: YES! HAHAHAHAHA
[22:03] Computerboy: Miss Parker? Homicide is still against the law in our country.
[22:03] Reads4Coffee: ...Parker has a kitty too?
[22:03] cuterxander: *watches BF tackle Parker*
[22:03] notalkingtopurse: Esme?
[22:03] versaceforever: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
[22:03] TactGirl: I think Parker's kitty is named Xander.
* EnglishPeter has logged into chat
[22:03] Tomcat494: I'm not touching Parker's kitty.
[22:03] Reads4Coffee: This sounds dirty.
[22:03] Tomcat494: Peter!
[22:03] TactGirl: ....dirty.
[22:03] Darkbeforethe: English Peter!
[22:03] versaceforever: weoirufkdauglkdiiialag
[22:03] TactGirl: Hey Peter@
[22:03] cuterxander: ... IS NOT TOUCHING PARKER'S KITTY EITHER
[22:03] versaceforever:.... ow.
[22:03] Annoyedwcat: Hi Peter! Parker is killing pepole!
[22:03] versaceforever: *pouts at Bridge*
[22:03] TactGirl: Everyone is talking about Parker's kitty.
[22:04] Reads4Coffee: HI ENGLISH PETER.
[22:04] versaceforever: Hey, English.
[22:04] EnglishPeter: Good Evening! Why the Killing?
[22:04] overtroubledwater: hello, peter!
[22:04] versaceforever: Just in the mood?
[22:04] Reads4Coffee: Parker's crazy.
[22:04] Annoyedwcat: Something about her boyfriend?
[22:04] TactGirl: Something to do?
[22:04] cuterxander: Hi Peter! Parker is in my room!
[22:04] TactGirl: Peter Parker is in your room?
[22:04] overtroubledwater: she tried to attack my boyfriend. so i defended him. as is proper.
[22:04] cuterxander: But not peter pakjsdhf klasdhgfs;d
[22:04] soldtoarmenians: f
[22:04] EnglishPeter: Parker is NOT in my room. Well, I don't know. I'm not there
[22:04] TactGirl: I win.
[22:04] cuterxander: Bitca.
[22:04] Computerboy: Parker, please don't kill anyone. I'd have to explain it to your father.
[22:04] versaceforever: possibly that too. Leaving now. Bridge unharmed.
[22:05] Tomcat494: ...is that even a word?
[22:05] versaceforever: don't send email, Cal.
[22:05] BlondeWithSwords:
check your email parker
[22:05] Annoyedwcat: And Xander?
[22:05] Tomcat494: Man, Parker, how do you even have friends?
[22:05] versaceforever: Computerboy: Oh, you would not. You'd just have to help me hide hte body.
[22:05] versaceforever: Tomcat: I've hidden bodies for *them*.
[22:05] Computerboy: ... And that's better how?
[22:05] cuterxander: Whole and unharmed
[22:05] Reads4Coffee: Have you?
[22:05] Tomcat494: A-L-E-C
[22:05] versaceforever: you don't get fired that way.
[22:05] versaceforever: ... .maybe?
[22:05] Reads4Coffee: I don't recall killing anyone recently...
[22:05] Reads4Coffee: *tries to think*
[22:06] TactGirl: So, about that alcohol....
[22:06] overtroubledwater: *doublechecks xander to make sure*
[22:06] versaceforever: Oh, it was only a few nerf darts! and some pillows! And okay, a little tickling
[22:06] cuterxander: jkbjdsfdshh fhdskj
[22:06] Annoyedwcat: You people are insane enough as is, do you really need something to help you loose control?
[22:06] Reads4Coffee: Xanderkitty?
[22:06] TactGirl: Yes.
[22:06] cuterxander: ...something like t hat
[22:06] versaceforever: Reads4Coffee: Well, no. YOU haven't.
[22:07] Tomcat494: Drinking will make us forget that we spent a good amount of time talking about -shoes-
[22:07] Annoyedwcat: I don't think Xander has a cat.
[22:07] overtroubledwater: O:-)
[22:07] versaceforever: *smirk*
[22:07] Reads4Coffee: *points to self* *is pretty sure Parker knows real name!*
[22:07] Reads4Coffee: *hopes so*
[22:07] Tomcat494: Or forget about Parker's kitty. Or any of several things we totally didn't ever need to hear about.
[22:07] versaceforever: Yes, Rory, I do.
[22:07] Reads4Coffee: *will be sad if no*
[22:07] Darkbeforethe: *does not believe Bridge, omg*
[22:07] versaceforever: And no, no bodies in your closet.
[22:07] overtroubledwater: ... i could check again?
[22:07] versaceforever: Smart girl, Dawn.
[22:08] cuterxander: sshgfjlhd;kjfougfigyguyg!!!!
[22:08] Reads4Coffee: Bridgey, Xander, if you're going to "check," we don't have to know omg. Please?
[22:08] TactGirl: ....PRETTY please.
[22:08] Computerboy: .... I'm with Rory on this one.
[22:08] Reads4Coffee: *is being scarred for life by TMI and PDAs, kinda?*
[22:08] Reads4Coffee: *has IMAGES*
[22:08] BlondeWithSwords:I'm pretty sure neither Xander or Bridge have anything in the closet
[22:08] Tomcat494: Like .jpgs?
[22:08] Annoyedwcat: Hunh? Closet?
[22:08] cuterxander: ...???
[22:08] overtroubledwater: ...
[22:09] TactGirl: ....
[22:09] cuterxander: NO JPGS
[22:09] Reads4Coffee: ...no, but I'm pretty sure other people have those. I meant mental.
[22:09] Annoyedwcat: ........wtf?!
[22:09] Reads4Coffee: I'd rather not have .jpgs. Or know about them.
[22:09] cuterxander: Also dgfdjskgfjlsdghfjh was me messing around omg
[22:09] Darkbeforethe: I'm sorry. Is there a toaster doing the radio?
[22:09] versaceforever: that you know of
[22:09] versaceforever: A what?
[22:09] cuterxander: We are not ACTUALLY being dirty in chat
[22:09] Computerboy: ...Yes? Is he talking?
[22:10] Tomcat494: *turns on radio*
[22:10] TactGirl: Yes he is.
[22:10] EnglishPeter: A talking...toaster?
[22:10] Computerboy: And if yes, why does the toaster get to talk and we must all suffer?!
[22:10] versaceforever: Oh dear God.
[22:10] cuterxander: *turns on radio*
[22:10] Reads4Coffee: TOASTY?
[22:10] TactGirl: That toaster needs to get laid.
[22:10] notalkingtopurse: On one hand, it's nice to hear a voice?
[22:10] BlondeWithSwords:DEAR GODS NO!
[22:10] Darkbeforethe: *stares* *dead* Sam's gonna be under the bed.
[22:10] EnglishPeter: ...
[22:10] Tomcat494: Holy crap, this toaster or whatever has shitty rhyming meter.
[22:11] reportergirl: You can't expect a whole lot from a talking toaster.
[22:11] Computerboy: How does a toaster....? No, don't tell me.
[22:11] versaceforever: Yeah, blame Bridge.
[22:11] cuterxander: Bridge made it.
[22:11] Darkbeforethe: It's the talking toaster that bothers you? Out of everything? Really?
[22:11] Tomcat494: HAHAHAHAHAHA
[22:11] BlondeWithSwords:You made Toasty?
[22:12] EnglishPeter: Not the lack of voices, but the TOASTER
[22:12] versaceforever: You think if we got Toasty a date, he'd stop doing this?
[22:12] Computerboy: Actually, it's the idea of a toaster getting laid that bothers me.
[22:12] BlondeWithSwords:*gets out sword*
[22:12] Tomcat494: Sammy totally needs to take Johnina up on that crush.
[22:12] overtroubledwater: NOT ON PURPOSE
[22:12] Computerboy: Or going out on a date.
[22:12] Reads4Coffee: ...and I have to go. Um. Now. Sorry. Bye, guys!
[22:12] TactGirl: Bye, Rory!
[22:12] Tomcat494: Bye Rory!
[22:12] Annoyedwcat: Bye Rory!
[22:12] versaceforever: Night, Rory!
[22:12] BlondeWithSwords: Bye Rory
[22:12] EnglishPeter: Bye Rory!
[22:12] cuterxander: Bye RORY
* Reads4Coffee has logged out of chat
[22:12] Darkbeforethe: He does *not*!
[22:12] Computerboy: Night Rory!
[22:12] Chloe: Bye Rory!
[22:12] Computerboy: Need a date? Yeah.
[22:13] BlondeWithSwords:Whatever happened to that Santa anyway?
[22:13] versaceforever: I dunno, never saw it after Christmas. Holiday fling?
[22:13] versaceforever: Wait, Seras got into trouble? WTH?
[22:13] Computerboy: I'm sorry, are you implying that the talking toaster was dating Santa?
[22:13] versaceforever: One of those dancing ones.
[22:13] cuterxander: I remember somebody put up missing posters for the toaster
[22:14] cuterxander: and it said Santa on 'em
[22:14] cuterxander: I wasn't gonna ask
[22:14] versaceforever: Sometimes it's best not
[22:14] overtroubledwater: yeah. they had a thing. it was weird.
[22:14] versaceforever: CALLISTO!!!!!!!!!!!!
[22:14] BlondeWithSwords:Yes Parker?
[22:14] versaceforever: YOU SHOE-STEALING WENCH
[22:15] versaceforever: HOW could you DO that?
[22:15] TactGirl: What the hell is going on?
[22:15] versaceforever: *headdesk*
[22:15] Annoyedwcat: NOW there will be bloodshed.
[22:15] BlondeWithSwords:Your email came through then?
[22:15] versaceforever: *headdesk headdesk headdesk*
[22:15] versaceforever: .. why yes. it did.
[22:15] versaceforever: *hates life*
[22:15] BlondeWithSwords:*smiles sweetly*
[22:16] Darkbeforethe: *is still in confused corner* Needs paint...
[22:16] versaceforever: Just for that? I'm gonna make Logan's ticket round-trip.
[22:16] versaceforever: Possibly. Unless you *get it back*
[22:16] versaceforever: ConfusedCorner: lies and damn lies told to someone with too much time on his hands.
[22:16] Annoyedwcat: I like purple.
[22:16] versaceforever: slkdurojgsopakdkddk
[22:16] TactGirl: ....alcohol, PLEASE?
[22:17] BlondeWithSwords:Dawn, I felt the doofy one needed to be informed of Parker's new relationship status
[22:17] versaceforever: *is going to be breakign out the good stuff*
[22:17] versaceforever: *hates you so much, Cal*
[22:17] Computerboy: I'M NOT DATING PARKER!
[22:17] cuterxander: Oh is THAT what you were going to tell him. *snickers again*
[22:17] versaceforever: *headdesk*
[22:17] Darkbeforethe: ...Angel has e-mail?
[22:17] versaceforever: *glares at Xander again*
[22:18] BlondeWithSwords:He even checks it on rare occasions I'm told
[22:18] Annoyedwcat: He never returned my phone call. Then again, I called him a few very choice words, so that may have had something to do with it.
[22:18] overtroubledwater: dawn: yes. i set up his blackberry last semester. angel-simplified it.
[22:18] versaceforever: *ponders difficulty in bombing a hotel*
[22:18] Darkbeforethe: *is impressed*
[22:18] versaceforever: Without kiling anyone. Of course. That would be wrong.
[22:18] versaceforever: Right, Callisto?
[22:18] cuterxander: *is more impressed*
[22:18] notalkingtopurse: Heading out. If there's alcohol, you kno where to find me
[22:19] BlondeWithSwords:Do that and the shoes get it
* notalkingtopurse has logged out of chat
[22:19] Tomcat494: Sweet.
[22:19] cuterxander: That Bridge managed to make something Angel could operate, not that Angel can operate it
[22:19] TactGirl: Hey, Zack, are you still in here?
[22:19] EnglishPeter: I...can't type fast enough for this. Hopefully talk to you all tomorrow
[22:19] Tomcat494: Night Peter!
* EnglishPeter has logged out of chat
[22:19] Darkbeforethe: Night, all, and be careful opening doors.
[22:19] cuterxander: Njjhgjhgjhgsjdg
[22:19] Zacharina: Yes, but you peopple are very confusing
[22:19] Computerboy: I'm going to curl up in a corner and not die. Thanks for the permanent scarring!
[22:19] cuterxander: ... I was gonna say that
* Darkbeforethe has logged out of chat
* ComputerBoy has logged out of chat
[22:20] TactGirl: Agreed. How do you feel about alcohol?
[22:20] Zacharina: Sounds good to me.
[22:20] overtroubledwater: i'm heading off too! byeeeee.
[22:20] versaceforever: *goes to drink*
[22:20] TactGirl: Want to come over to my room?
[22:20] Annoyedwcat: Bye peoples! Faithful says bye too!
[22:20] cuterxander: Coincidentally, so am I
[22:20] versaceforever: We'll talk when we can *talk*, Cal.
[22:20] Zacharina: ...
[22:21] Zacharina: Sure.
[22:21] cuterxander: COMPLETELY coincidentally
* Annoyedwcat has left chat
[22:21] TactGirl: It's #219.
[22:21] overtroubledwater: COMPLETELY YES
[22:21] BlondeWithSwords:Whatever you say Parker
[22:21] overtroubledwater: *sneaks off with xander*
[22:21] versaceforever: *stomps out of Chat*
* cuterxander has logged out of chat
* versaceforever has logged out of chat
* overtroubledwater has logged out of chat
[22:22] BlondeWithSwords:*snickers and leaves*
[22:22] Tomcat494: Everytime I think this school is kind of weird... it gets weirder.
* BlondeWithSwords has logged out of chat
[22:22] reportergirl: I am so going to miss this place when summer's over.
[22:23] TactGirl: Don't get dead, people.
* TactGirl has left chat
[22:23] Tomcat494: It's definitely not boring, at least.
[22:23] Zacharina: I'm going to go now. Bye.
[22:24] Tomcat494: Not a bad idea.
* Zacharina has left chat
[Preplayed with
ihatedenmark and probably at least one person who I forgot and shall edit in shortly.]