Late Saturday Evening (post the second)

Jul 16, 2006 02:25

[Continued from here]

* Reads4Coffee has logged into chat
* versaceforever has logged into chat.

[21:23] cuterxander: <-- ...
[21:23] Darkbeforethe: Buffy?
[21:23] Shponk:Which Xander? They're both cute.
[21:23] cuterxander: HA
[21:24] cuterxander: At Dawn
[21:24] Reads4Coffee: Internets hiccoughed!
[21:24] overtroubledwater: i chose the screen name, pippi. if that helps any ;)
[21:24] stickbugsuperhero: going to find pancake ingredients. bye!
[21:24] Computerboy: ...Versace? Um...oy.
[21:24] TactGirl: Buffy?
[21:24] Tomcat494: The Bridge-attached one
[21:24] versaceforever: pancakes?

* stickbugsuperhero has logged out of chat

[21:24] Annoyedwcat: Woe. Bye Charlie! And yeah, pancakes?
[21:24] Reads4Coffee: *peers* that's Parker, isn't it?
[21:24] versaceforever: Parker, actually.
[21:24] TactGirl: We'll never know. Maybe he's making them naked.
[21:24] Reads4Coffee: *wins*
[21:25] cuterxander: I igured, that's why I was HA-ing
[21:25] versaceforever: heh. What's new? God, I'm bored.
[21:25] Tomcat494: While playing Twister?
[21:25] TactGirl: Oh, good. Hey Parker. <--Cordy.
[21:25] BlondeWithSwords:Hey Parker
[21:25] cuterxander: whateverthehell igured means
[21:25] Computerboy: Oy. Don't kill me.
[21:25] emoredhead: Hi Parker, it's Angela.
[21:25] TactGirl: Possibly, Alec. By himself, though.
[21:25] reportergirl: Oh, hey Parker!
[21:25] Zacharina: Hey ScaryParker
[21:25] emoredhead: Who is going to leave chat and go track down Marty. Bye for now!
[21:25] versaceforever: Hey Angela, hey Cordy. Hey -- Chloe? Hi Zack.
[21:25] Annoyedwcat: Parker! Almost-sane-person!

* emoredhead has logged out of chat

[21:25] versaceforever: Hey, Alanna. I'm guessing.
[21:25] cuterxander:... Parker's what now?
[21:26] versaceforever: Here?
[21:26] versaceforever: and talking to you?
[21:26] versaceforever: Oh, the sane part.
[21:26] cuterxander: It's the almost-sane part that I was whatting!
[21:26] TactGirl: Ha.
[21:26] versaceforever: *thwaps you*
[21:26] Annoyedwcat: Well, Faithful tries to type everyonce in a while, but mostly me. sdasdrf. I think he said hi.
[21:26] overtroubledwater: Dude!
[21:26] Computerboy: I've got nothing. *ducks*
[21:26] versaceforever: Tell him hi back.
[21:26] versaceforever: Waitaminute.
[21:27] Tomcat494: Parker's sane?
[21:27] TactGirl: Be right back. Weather's shifting, must change.
[21:27] versaceforever: *stares suspiciously at Computerboy*
[21:27] cuterxander: *waits*
[21:27] Computerboy: *blends into scenery*
[21:27] Tomcat494: ...change what?
[21:27] versaceforever: Broots?
[21:27] Computerboy: ... yes?
[21:27] overtroubledwater: oh sure, i get no hello...
[21:28] cuterxander: Hello Bridge!
[21:28] Tomcat494: Hi?
[21:28] versaceforever: Thought so. *glares at Computerboy*
[21:28] overtroubledwater: thank you xander :)
[21:28] versaceforever:..... Bridge?
[21:28] BlondeWithSwords:*pats Bridge*

* ihatedenmark has logged out of chat

[21:28] overtroubledwater: ...who else calls you dude, dude?
[21:28] versaceforever: Haven't done this before. My apologies.
[21:29] Computerboy: For the record: You're a lot less scary on a computer screen.
[21:29] Tomcat494: So, again, anyone have any -feasible- and -interesting- ideas for something to do tonight?
[21:29] versaceforever: Wait. Five minutes.
[21:29] Annoyedwcat: Again: Start a band.
[21:29] Shponk:That can be said for a great many things
[21:30] Darkbeforethe: I think I have a tambourine...
[21:30] BlondeWithSwords:Parker, please don't kill any of the other students this weekend
[21:30] Shponk:I have a trumpet, but I loaned it to Kaylee
[21:30] BlondeWithSwords:We have enough trouble as it is
[21:30] versaceforever: Fiiiiiiiine.
[21:30] versaceforever: Anyone got any cigarettes?
[21:30] Reads4Coffee: If you try to smoke, I will dump water on all your cigarettes.
[21:31] Reads4Coffee: And you.
[21:31] Annoyedwcat: I have a lap harp
[21:31] Tomcat494: Someone has to smoke around here, from all the butts up on the roof
[21:31] Reads4Coffee: And your clothes.
[21:31] reportergirl: ...I'd take that as a no.
[21:31] versaceforever: Okay, that last threat? is actually scary.
[21:31] Reads4Coffee: *wins*
[21:31] BlondeWithSwords:Go after the shoes Rory
[21:31] Shponk:I'm taking notes
[21:31] Reads4Coffee: SHOES TOO.
[21:32] Reads4Coffee: I will give your shoes to Vladdie.
[21:32] Reads4Coffee: He needs more chew toes.
[21:32] notalkingtopurse: He'd look cute in them
[21:32] Reads4Coffee:
[21:32] notalkingtopurse: Oh, to CHEW
[21:32] Tomcat494: hahahaha
[21:32] versaceforever: No SHOES!
[21:32] Reads4Coffee: I'm picturing it, Jaye.
[21:32] Reads4Coffee: And now I want to do that.
[21:32] Annoyedwcat: Don't torture the poor puppy! ... Or Parker.
[21:32] versaceforever: *is counting shoes to stay sane*
[21:32] overtroubledwater: awwww he would be cute
[21:32] versaceforever: 98 pairs.
[21:33] Zacharina: You won't miss a couple then.
[21:33] Tomcat494: Parker - unquestionably insane. 98 pairs?
[21:33] Computerboy: Only you Miss Parker, only you.
[21:33] Reads4Coffee: Holy crap. I only have about 55 at last count.
[21:33] notalkingtopurse: My whole family doesn't have 98 pairs of shoes.
[21:33] TactGirl: I'm back!
[21:33] Tomcat494: Holy shit, no one needs that many shoes.
[21:33] Tomcat494: WB Cordelia!
[21:33] Reads4Coffee: Cordy, what's your shoe count?
[21:33] Shponk:I've *seen* 98 pairs of shoes
[21:33] BlondeWithSwords:I have one pair of boots.
[21:33] Shponk:Not all at once mind you
[21:33] cuterxander: ... Buffy might have that many.
[21:34] TactGirl: Hm, about 30 maybe?
[21:34] versaceforever: People buy them for me.
[21:34] BlondeWithSwords:I only need one pair of boots.
[21:34] overtroubledwater: ...i have my uniform boots? and a pair of sandals.
[21:34] versaceforever: And then there are samples, and sales...
[21:34] Tomcat494: Where the hell do you keep them all?
[21:34] notalkingtopurse: Can I have shoes bought for me??
[21:34] TactGirl: In my wardrobe?
[21:34] versaceforever: Special folding insert-closet. Plus I have two rooms.
[21:34] Annoyedwcat: I think the Queen might have that many. *might*
[21:34] Reads4Coffee: To be fair, over half of mine are at my house or with my mom.
[21:34] Tomcat494: ...The future has a lot fewer shoes.
[21:34] Computerboy: brb, someone's at the door.
[21:34] TactGirl: Yeah, not all of mine are here, either. But most of them are.
[21:34] Tomcat494: Just FYI.
[21:35] Reads4Coffee: Yeah, the future also doesn't have coffee.
[21:35] versaceforever: Computerboy: Ya think?
[21:35] TactGirl: Then I'm not interested in the future.
[21:35] Reads4Coffee: Jakey and I are fixing that.
[21:35] Zacharina: There are african nations with less shoes than Parker.
[21:35] overtroubledwater: MY future has coffee. *points out*
[21:35] zepplin_fan: How many shoes do you really need though? You can only wear one pair at a time
[21:35] versaceforever: Open the door, Broots.
[21:35] Computerboy: *whimper* I take it back, you're still scary.
[21:35] Darkbeforethe: Buffy doesn't have that many. Especially since people started borrowing them. Ahem. *looks innocent*
[21:35] Tomcat494: It has coffee! It's just shitty and really expensive.
[21:35] notalkingtopurse: Dawn, share. Share Buffy's shoes.
[21:35] versaceforever: There are African nations that have *more* shoes now because of me.
[21:35] cuterxander: *snicker* My Buffy doesn't have a you to borrow them though
[21:35] cuterxander: Excuse me a "someone"
[21:35] BlondeWithSwords:Parker: I said NO KILLING the other students
[21:35] Annoyedwcat: How do you do that?
[21:36] versaceforever: Not killing.
[21:36] Darkbeforethe: She's got these tiny little mutant feet. Because she is wee.
[21:36] BlondeWithSwords:Or traumatising
[21:36] TactGirl: And a mutant.
[21:36] versaceforever: Just ... scaring.
[21:36] Computerboy: I'm in room 409. Just...for the record. I'm going to go get the door.
[21:36] Tomcat494: Packs a hell of a punch though.
[21:36] BlondeWithSwords:Thats our job
[21:36] Tomcat494: Computerboy - don't do it!
[21:37] notalkingtopurse: I can still try them on, right?
[21:37] Darkbeforethe: If she's not around, sure.
[21:37] TactGirl: We could just make sure she's not around?
[21:37] notalkingtopurse: Score!
[21:37] notalkingtopurse: I'm done about the shoes now. Carry on.
[21:37] Tomcat494: Oh good.
[21:37] versaceforever: Thank you?
[21:38] Shponk:I wonder if this still works if I plug the minicomp in to charge
[21:38] Reads4Coffee: Jaye - what size do you wear? *will be nicer than Buffy or Parker about sharing*
[21:38] notalkingtopurse: 6
[21:38] Reads4Coffee: You're golden
[21:38] reportergirl: Now I wish I had more shoes to share.
[21:38] versaceforever: I share. Sometimes. Under extreme circumstances.
[21:39] cuterxander: *will share shoes, but you probably don't want size 12 Keds*
[21:39] Reads4Coffee: We can get you into a 7 just fine, then
[21:39] notalkingtopurse: As we all start the Fandom High Shoe Exchange...
[21:39] Shponk:I can attest to Parker sometimes sharing shoes
[21:39] Annoyedwcat: She does!
[21:39] overtroubledwater: ...yeah i don't think i'm even *allowed* to share my boots.
[21:39] TactGirl: I'm a 7, too.
[21:39] Reads4Coffee: You can borrow too, Cordy!
[21:39] overtroubledwater: not that anyone would *want* them
[21:39] TactGirl: Yay!
[21:40] Shponk: I loaned my shoes to John once
[21:40] Shponk: He had thrown his away
[21:40] BlondeWithSwords: Again one pair of boots.
[21:40] Darkbeforethe: Pippi? Why?
[21:40] Computerboy: I would like to say, on the record, that Miss Parker is a kind, reasonable, sane person who has just the right amount of shoes. Thank you.
[21:40] versaceforever: To JOHN?
[21:40] cuterxander: Yes, I g;t hit on the head with them
[21:40] Shponk:He threw them at rampaging robots
[21:40] versaceforever: nice job, Broots.
[21:40] Shponk:and there was broken glass all around.
[21:40] BlondeWithSwords:Parker, what did I say about doing things to your fellow students?
[21:40] versaceforever: *applauds your self-preservation*
[21:40] Tomcat494: Parker - how long did it take to brainwash him so well?
[21:40] TactGirl: Wow, Broots. Missing a spine?
[21:40] versaceforever:... don't make you give me Detention?
[21:40] Computerboy: ... Yes, very much.
[21:41] Tomcat494: Since when can you assign detention?
[21:41] cuterxander: Cal can
[21:41] BlondeWithSwords:She can't. I can.
[21:41] Shponk:Since her booooooyfriend can assign it.
[21:41] Tomcat494: Hahahaha
[21:41] versaceforever: not what I meant. But not wrong.
[21:41] Computerboy: Parker has a boyfriend?
[21:41] versaceforever: Totally wish he would, but he won't, though.
[21:41] versaceforever: BROOTS.
[21:42] TactGirl: Broots is your boyfriend?
[21:42] Computerboy: .. What? NO!!!!!
[21:42] overtroubledwater: *dies*
[21:42] Zacharina: Heh
[21:42] versaceforever: Don't ask questions you don't ...good God no.
[21:42] Tomcat494: Wow.
[21:42] cuterxander: *REALLY snickers*
[21:42] TactGirl: *snerk* sorry, couldn't resist.
[21:42] Reads4Coffee: ...I'm telling Jarod omg.
[21:42] versaceforever: Broots: never ask that question.
[21:42] versaceforever: *headdesk*
[21:42] BlondeWithSwords:Who thinks we should tell the doofus about that?
[21:42] versaceforever: Coffeeeeee... Swords. NO!
[21:42] Tomcat494: The one in LA?
[21:42] TactGirl: Oooh, me, me!
[21:43] Reads4Coffee: OOH.
[21:43] BlondeWithSwords:Is there any other?
[21:43] Reads4Coffee: Yes, lets!
[21:43] versaceforever: I still have a hostage.
[21:43] versaceforever: *could dangle Broots out the window now*
[21:43] TactGirl: I don't think anyone would care.
[21:43] Reads4Coffee: Bye, Broots! I shall remember you fondly.
[21:43] Computerboy: You're dating...him? *goes to hyperventilate in a corner*
[21:43] BlondeWithSwords:*could give you dention for that*
[21:43] versaceforever: Nice, Rory. Break my geek, why don't yhou?
[21:43] Tomcat494: I think that the administration wouldn't take kindly to you breaking the rules, Parker
[21:43] Reads4Coffee: YOU'RE THE ONE DANGLING HIM
[21:43] Annoyedwcat: I don't get you people.
[21:43] notalkingtopurse: Dirty?
[21:43] TactGirl: Ew!
[21:44] Computerboy: No dangling. Sitting. Firmly on bed.
[21:44] versaceforever: FINE! I'm putting him down okay?
[21:44] Darkbeforethe: *sits in the confused corner with Alanna*
[21:44] versaceforever: And I don't mean killing him.
[21:44] versaceforever: y'all just broke his mind, nice.
[21:44] cuterxander: on the bed?
[21:44] TactGirl: Oh my. Still dirty.
[21:44] versaceforever: *looks at whimpering Computerboy in the corner*
[21:44] Reads4Coffee: says she who was...dangling...him....
[21:44] Computerboy: ....
[21:44] cuterxander: *hides behind Bridge*
[21:44] versaceforever: Ohhh, Xander.
[21:44] versaceforever: *knows where your room is too, buddy*
[21:45] overtroubledwater:'re taller than me, dude.
[21:45] Annoyedwcat: *high fives Dawn*
[21:45] cuterxander: *ducks*
[21:45] overtroubledwater: still. *protects omg*
[21:45] Reads4Coffee: *sends vamp puppy to protect Xander omg*
[21:45] TactGirl: *rolls eyes yet again*
[21:45] Reads4Coffee: Aha, the power of Bridgey and a bitey floaty dog! He is safe. *decrees*
[21:45] versaceforever: Now leaving room 409. And Broots' sad pathetic shel.
[21:45] overtroubledwater: *sticks tongue out at cordy*
[21:45] Darkbeforethe: Vampire puppy?
[21:45] BlondeWithSwords:*goes to help protect since Bridge is not shoe-proof*
[21:46] TactGirl: I don't know where that's been. Keep it to yourself.
[21:46] Reads4Coffee: You've met Vladdie, right, Dawn? The little doggie who lives with me in the cabin?
[21:46] cuterxander: !!!
[21:46] Tomcat494: Broots? You there, man?
[21:46] Computerboy: Thank you, bye-bye. I'm just going to sit here and rock back and forth for a bit.
[21:46] Zacharina: Don't let the ScaryParker get to you Broots!
[21:46] Computerboy: It's her choice of boyfriend's that got to me. And the door is locked.
[21:46] TactGirl: Don't tell me you're scared of Parker, Zack?
[21:47] Reads4Coffee: I'm sorry that the fact she loves you scares you, Broots.
[21:47] Zacharina:
[21:47] versaceforever:....omg, you need more caffiene, Rory.
[21:47] Tomcat494: hahahahaha
[21:47] TactGirl: Good. Stick with me and you'll be fine.
[21:47] reportergirl: No one should be afraid of love, not even from Parker!
[21:47] Computerboy: *whimper*
[21:47] versaceforever: Zack.
[21:47] Tomcat494: Poor Jarod, his gf's totally sneaking around behind his back
[21:47] versaceforever: Alec.
[21:47] Darkbeforethe: *offers Alanna tea and scone in the confused corner*
[21:47] Reads4Coffee: Someone should tell him.
[21:47] versaceforever: ?????? wtf?????
[21:47] Tomcat494: Yes?
[21:47] Zacharina: *sticks with Cordy* Yes Parker?
[21:47] versaceforever: see above
[21:48] Annoyedwcat: *thanks Dawn and offers some candy*
[21:48] versaceforever: You don't have to be scared of me.
[21:48] versaceforever: ... much.
[21:48] TactGirl: Yeah, that's true enough. But still.
[21:48] Tomcat494: *snrk*
[21:48] TactGirl: I like you, Zack. Don't know why, but I do. I'll make sure Parker doesn't maul you. I can appease her with shoes and Versace.
[21:48] versaceforever: Well, this is true.
[21:49] Tomcat494: Or coffee, which seems to be a staple food at this school.
[21:49] Computerboy: Does Versace make shoes? Because then you can combine the two.
[21:49] Reads4Coffee: ...omg yes
[21:49] TactGirl: ....true.
[21:49] Reads4Coffee: *doesn't understand non-coffee lovers, wtf*
[21:49] versaceforever: Oooooo.
[21:49] Zacharina: Coffee flavoured shoes?
[21:49] versaceforever: I see you're out of the coma, Broots. Good recovery.
[21:50] Reads4Coffee: OOH.
[21:50] Tomcat494: For the dog?
[21:50] Shponk:I hear noise in the Common Room and the clanking of spoons on bowls which possibly means ice creem. I must go check that out and make sure it is safe.
[21:50] TactGirl: I'd buy them.
[21:50] Tomcat494: Bye Pippi!
[21:50] Reads4Coffee: No, Vladdie's not allowed to have caffeine
[21:50] Reads4Coffee: bye Pippi!
[21:50] Shponk:Bye bye!
[21:50] Darkbeforethe: I like tea. *may have spent too much time with certain tweedy guys.
[21:50] TactGirl: Bye Pippi!
[21:50] overtroubledwater: bye pippi!
[21:50] BlondeWithSwords:See, after you get over the shock, dating Parker's not so hard
[21:50] versaceforever: Bye!
[21:50] notalkingtopurse: Later!
[21:50] Darkbeforethe:
[21:50] versaceforever:... Cal? Don't be helping.

* Shponk has left the room*
[21:50] Darkbeforethe: Bye Pippi!
[21:50] Darkbeforethe: *loses*
[21:51] versaceforever: *wins*
[21:51] versaceforever: Twice.
[21:51] TactGirl: *also wins, but only once*
[21:51] BlondeWithSwords:You broke him. It's my responsibilty as an instructor to fix him.
[21:51] versaceforever: This is why I can never go into education.
[21:51] Tomcat494: Please no fixing the boys.
[21:51] overtroubledwater: ...
[21:51] BlondeWithSwords:Well, now you're dating Broots you won't have to
[21:52] TactGirl: Some of them could probably use it. But some of them probably have no need for it.
[21:52] versaceforever: *now knows how to deal with Tomcat*
[21:52] versaceforever: *SHUDDR*
[21:52] Tomcat494: Parker?
[21:52] Reads4Coffee: Fixing?
[21:52] versaceforever: Yes, that.
[21:52] versaceforever: the shudder was for Swords.
[21:52] Reads4Coffee: Like, how animals are "fixed"?
[21:52] Tomcat494: Don't go there.
[21:52] versaceforever: *glare*
[21:52] Computerboy: I am not dating Parker! I am not suicidal!
[21:52] TactGirl: Yes.
[21:52] versaceforever: ..see, exactly.
[21:52] cuterxander: ....Okay, who's knocking at MY door?
[21:52] BlondeWithSwords:shh, Broots, denial does no good.
[21:53] versaceforever: ... Helloooo, Clarice.
[21:53] overtroubledwater: ack!
[21:53] cuterxander: NoooOOOooOOOooOOOooOOOo
[21:53] Tomcat494: Who's Clarice?
[21:53] overtroubledwater: *hides behind xander*
[21:53] TactGirl: Is Xander being skinned?
[21:53] Computerboy: Not in denial. Not dating her. Xander?
[21:53] cuterxander: Hey, do I owe Anakin money for something?
[21:53] Reads4Coffee: I think so.
[21:53] Darkbeforethe: Xander? You okay?
[21:54] versaceforever: ...theyll be fine.
[21:54] cuterxander: There is a Parker at my door
[21:54] versaceforever: Eventually.
[21:54] TactGirl: Which one?
[21:54] Reads4Coffee: Parker WTF are you on a Blackberry or something?
[21:54] BlondeWithSwords:Give her detention Xander
[21:54] TactGirl: Or just walking around with your laptop open?
[21:54] cuterxander: Oooh, good idea
[21:54] Reads4Coffee: See, that's what I'm picturing
[21:54] versaceforever: Yes, I LOVE my Blackberry.
[21:54] Reads4Coffee: And it's not so threatening
[21:54] TactGirl: Makes it hard to type.
[21:54] versaceforever: pFftt.
[21:55] Annoyedwcat: Please be a not killing Xander?
[21:55] cuterxander: *is so not opening door*
[21:55] TactGirl: Meh, go ahead.
[21:55] versaceforever: I can wait.
[21:55] Reads4Coffee: Smart boy.
[21:55] overtroubledwater: *is not opening door either*
[21:55] Tomcat494: I think we're all going insane being kept indoors.
[21:55] cuterxander: Neitehr is Jeremiah!
[21:55] Tomcat494: Or are we always like this?
[21:55] versaceforever: Tomcat: probably, yes.
[21:55] overtroubledwater: also, i agree with alanna. no killing my boyfriend, plz.
[21:55] notalkingtopurse: I think we're just noticing it now.
[21:55] versaceforever: I wish I'd taken Shop. First time ever.
[21:55] versaceforever: I could get the hinges off this door.
[21:56] Annoyedwcat: I think this is our inner personalities being revealed
[21:56] cuterxander:Shop was awesome!
[21:56] TactGirl: God help us all.
[21:56] Computerboy: My inner personality is a wimp?
[21:56] BlondeWithSwords:No damaging school property
[21:56] TactGirl: I think mine is a lot like my outer personality,
[21:56] overtroubledwater: yes, yes it was. and hey, if you're ever trapped *in* a room... ;)
[21:56] versaceforever: Later for you, TeacherBoy. And your dynamic duo guy, too!
[21:56] Annoyedwcat: So's your outter, don't worry.
[21:56] Tomcat494: Broots? I don't know how to make a whip sound, so just imagine one.
[21:56] reportergirl: And breaking and entering is probably against the rules too.
[21:57] Computerboy: Do I even know you?
[21:57] versaceforever: *takes your fish with me when I leave*
[21:57] versaceforever: wtf, she's following me? Cool.
[21:57] cuterxander: Only when you don't look
[21:57] versaceforever: Alec? SHADDUP.
[21:58] Tomcat494: I don't think we've met officially
[21:58] Tomcat494: Parker? Make me.
[21:58] cuterxander: And I don't believe she's leaving- you're justtrying to get me to open the door
[21:58] versaceforever: i'm the only one that abuses Broots. I mean, tells him what to do.
[21:58] TactGirl: Children.
[21:58] BlondeWithSwords:Parker don't make me take drastic actions
[21:58] versaceforever: :P
[21:58] Annoyedwcat: Bets on bloodshed?
[21:58] versaceforever: Xander: no, really, the fish is following me upstairs.
[21:58] versaceforever: WUWT?
[21:58] BlondeWithSwords:Fine, don't say I didn't warn you
[21:58] cuterxander: Whatever!
[21:58] Reads4Coffee: *quietly walks over and locks door, just in case*
[21:58] TactGirl: Have you people started drinking?
[21:58] Tomcat494: Not yet.
[21:58] cuterxander: PARKER I HATE YOU SHE IS NOT
[21:59] Tomcat494: Maybe we should start.
[21:59] TactGirl: Well can we start now, please?
[21:59] BlondeWithSwords:*opens email* *starts typing*
[21:59] Computerboy: Fish?
[21:59] overtroubledwater: turtle is so totally still here.
[21:59] Tomcat494: *leaves door wide open*
[21:59] versaceforever: ...okay what?
[21:59] versaceforever: I stopped moving.
[21:59] versaceforever: *is on stairs, staring at the fish, who stares back*
[21:59] Darkbeforethe: Not sure drinking is such a good idea, guys. You want to be able to fight, I think.
[21:59] Annoyedwcat: I'm letting Faithful type before it's my blood that's getting spilled.
[21:59] reportergirl: Well Alec, I'm glad I got to know you before your bloody death.
[21:59] TactGirl: Looks like we're not allowed to fight.
[21:59] versaceforever: GOTCHA!
[22:00] TactGirl: Unless the scary heart stealing guys break in.
[22:00] Darkbeforethe: ...we may not have a choi...yeah, Cordelia.
[22:00] cuterxander: I have a Parker in my room
[22:00] TactGirl: I've done this enough times to know how it works.
[22:00] overtroubledwater: yes. yes you do.
[22:00] versaceforever: HI.
[22:00] versaceforever: 'scuse me. Brb!
[22:00] Reads4Coffee: guys are in the same room and you're IMing?
[22:00] Tomcat494: Chloe: It's been nice getting to know you as well, but I have no plans to die tonight.
[22:00] cuterxander: HELP SEND HELP HELP
[22:01] overtroubledwater: yes. shut up. scuse me, must go rescue BF.
[22:01] Annoyedwcat: you allllllb amkusd3e tghis 8is ujharrd w pwsa
[22:01] cuterxander:SHE HAS NERF WEAPONRY
[22:01] Tomcat494: Hey Faithful!
[22:01] Annoyedwcat: That lovely message brought to you by my cat.
[22:01] TactGirl: wtf...
[22:01] TactGirl: I should hope so.
[22:02] cuterxander: hgjhgjghljhgjhgf!
[22:02] Tomcat494: So who's up for drinking?
[22:02] TactGirl: ME>
[22:02] notalkingtopurse: Yes.
[22:02] Annoyedwcat: Xander? Still alive?
[22:02] versaceforever: slkugoieljs
[22:02] TactGirl: I can fight drunk, I'm sure.
[22:02] cuterxander: YES! HAHAHAHAHA
[22:03] Computerboy: Miss Parker? Homicide is still against the law in our country.
[22:03] Reads4Coffee: ...Parker has a kitty too?
[22:03] cuterxander: *watches BF tackle Parker*
[22:03] notalkingtopurse: Esme?
[22:03] versaceforever: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
[22:03] TactGirl: I think Parker's kitty is named Xander.

* EnglishPeter has logged into chat

[22:03] Tomcat494: I'm not touching Parker's kitty.
[22:03] Reads4Coffee: This sounds dirty.
[22:03] Tomcat494: Peter!
[22:03] TactGirl: ....dirty.
[22:03] Darkbeforethe: English Peter!
[22:03] versaceforever: weoirufkdauglkdiiialag
[22:03] TactGirl: Hey Peter@
[22:03] cuterxander: ... IS NOT TOUCHING PARKER'S KITTY EITHER
[22:03] versaceforever:.... ow.
[22:03] Annoyedwcat: Hi Peter! Parker is killing pepole!
[22:03] versaceforever: *pouts at Bridge*
[22:03] TactGirl: Everyone is talking about Parker's kitty.
[22:04] Reads4Coffee: HI ENGLISH PETER.
[22:04] versaceforever: Hey, English.
[22:04] EnglishPeter: Good Evening! Why the Killing?
[22:04] overtroubledwater: hello, peter!
[22:04] versaceforever: Just in the mood?
[22:04] Reads4Coffee: Parker's crazy.
[22:04] Annoyedwcat: Something about her boyfriend?
[22:04] TactGirl: Something to do?
[22:04] cuterxander: Hi Peter! Parker is in my room!
[22:04] TactGirl: Peter Parker is in your room?
[22:04] overtroubledwater: she tried to attack my boyfriend. so i defended him. as is proper.
[22:04] cuterxander: But not peter pakjsdhf klasdhgfs;d
[22:04] soldtoarmenians: f
[22:04] EnglishPeter: Parker is NOT in my room. Well, I don't know. I'm not there
[22:04] TactGirl: I win.
[22:04] cuterxander: Bitca.
[22:04] Computerboy: Parker, please don't kill anyone. I'd have to explain it to your father.
[22:04] versaceforever: possibly that too. Leaving now. Bridge unharmed.
[22:05] Tomcat494: that even a word?
[22:05] versaceforever: don't send email, Cal.
[22:05] BlondeWithSwords: check your email parker
[22:05] Annoyedwcat: And Xander?
[22:05] Tomcat494: Man, Parker, how do you even have friends?
[22:05] versaceforever: Computerboy: Oh, you would not. You'd just have to help me hide hte body.
[22:05] versaceforever: Tomcat: I've hidden bodies for *them*.
[22:05] Computerboy: ... And that's better how?
[22:05] cuterxander: Whole and unharmed
[22:05] Reads4Coffee: Have you?
[22:05] Tomcat494: A-L-E-C
[22:05] versaceforever: you don't get fired that way.
[22:05] versaceforever: ... .maybe?
[22:05] Reads4Coffee: I don't recall killing anyone recently...
[22:05] Reads4Coffee: *tries to think*
[22:06] TactGirl: So, about that alcohol....
[22:06] overtroubledwater: *doublechecks xander to make sure*
[22:06] versaceforever: Oh, it was only a few nerf darts! and some pillows! And okay, a little tickling
[22:06] cuterxander: jkbjdsfdshh fhdskj
[22:06] Annoyedwcat: You people are insane enough as is, do you really need something to help you loose control?
[22:06] Reads4Coffee: Xanderkitty?
[22:06] TactGirl: Yes.
[22:06] cuterxander: ...something like t hat
[22:06] versaceforever: Reads4Coffee: Well, no. YOU haven't.
[22:07] Tomcat494: Drinking will make us forget that we spent a good amount of time talking about -shoes-
[22:07] Annoyedwcat: I don't think Xander has a cat.
[22:07] overtroubledwater: O:-)
[22:07] versaceforever: *smirk*
[22:07] Reads4Coffee: *points to self* *is pretty sure Parker knows real name!*
[22:07] Reads4Coffee: *hopes so*
[22:07] Tomcat494: Or forget about Parker's kitty. Or any of several things we totally didn't ever need to hear about.
[22:07] versaceforever: Yes, Rory, I do.
[22:07] Reads4Coffee: *will be sad if no*
[22:07] Darkbeforethe: *does not believe Bridge, omg*
[22:07] versaceforever: And no, no bodies in your closet.
[22:07] overtroubledwater: ... i could check again?
[22:07] versaceforever: Smart girl, Dawn.
[22:08] cuterxander: sshgfjlhd;kjfougfigyguyg!!!!
[22:08] Reads4Coffee: Bridgey, Xander, if you're going to "check," we don't have to know omg. Please?
[22:08] TactGirl: ....PRETTY please.
[22:08] Computerboy: .... I'm with Rory on this one.
[22:08] Reads4Coffee: *is being scarred for life by TMI and PDAs, kinda?*
[22:08] Reads4Coffee: *has IMAGES*
[22:08] BlondeWithSwords:I'm pretty sure neither Xander or Bridge have anything in the closet
[22:08] Tomcat494: Like .jpgs?
[22:08] Annoyedwcat: Hunh? Closet?
[22:08] cuterxander: ...???
[22:08] overtroubledwater: ...
[22:09] TactGirl: ....
[22:09] cuterxander: NO JPGS
[22:09] Reads4Coffee:, but I'm pretty sure other people have those. I meant mental.
[22:09] Annoyedwcat:!
[22:09] Reads4Coffee: I'd rather not have .jpgs. Or know about them.
[22:09] cuterxander: Also dgfdjskgfjlsdghfjh was me messing around omg
[22:09] Darkbeforethe: I'm sorry. Is there a toaster doing the radio?
[22:09] versaceforever: that you know of
[22:09] versaceforever: A what?
[22:09] cuterxander: We are not ACTUALLY being dirty in chat
[22:09] Computerboy: ...Yes? Is he talking?
[22:10] Tomcat494: *turns on radio*
[22:10] TactGirl: Yes he is.
[22:10] EnglishPeter: A talking...toaster?
[22:10] Computerboy: And if yes, why does the toaster get to talk and we must all suffer?!
[22:10] versaceforever: Oh dear God.
[22:10] cuterxander: *turns on radio*
[22:10] Reads4Coffee: TOASTY?
[22:10] TactGirl: That toaster needs to get laid.
[22:10] notalkingtopurse: On one hand, it's nice to hear a voice?
[22:10] BlondeWithSwords:DEAR GODS NO!
[22:10] Darkbeforethe: *stares* *dead* Sam's gonna be under the bed.
[22:10] EnglishPeter: ...
[22:10] Tomcat494: Holy crap, this toaster or whatever has shitty rhyming meter.
[22:11] reportergirl: You can't expect a whole lot from a talking toaster.
[22:11] Computerboy: How does a toaster....? No, don't tell me.
[22:11] versaceforever: Yeah, blame Bridge.
[22:11] cuterxander: Bridge made it.
[22:11] Darkbeforethe: It's the talking toaster that bothers you? Out of everything? Really?
[22:11] Tomcat494: HAHAHAHAHAHA
[22:11] BlondeWithSwords:You made Toasty?
[22:12] EnglishPeter: Not the lack of voices, but the TOASTER
[22:12] versaceforever: You think if we got Toasty a date, he'd stop doing this?
[22:12] Computerboy: Actually, it's the idea of a toaster getting laid that bothers me.
[22:12] BlondeWithSwords:*gets out sword*
[22:12] Tomcat494: Sammy totally needs to take Johnina up on that crush.
[22:12] overtroubledwater: NOT ON PURPOSE
[22:12] Computerboy: Or going out on a date.
[22:12] Reads4Coffee: ...and I have to go. Um. Now. Sorry. Bye, guys!
[22:12] TactGirl: Bye, Rory!
[22:12] Tomcat494: Bye Rory!
[22:12] Annoyedwcat: Bye Rory!
[22:12] versaceforever: Night, Rory!
[22:12] BlondeWithSwords: Bye Rory
[22:12] EnglishPeter: Bye Rory!
[22:12] cuterxander: Bye RORY

* Reads4Coffee has logged out of chat

[22:12] Darkbeforethe: He does *not*!
[22:12] Computerboy: Night Rory!
[22:12] Chloe: Bye Rory!
[22:12] Computerboy: Need a date? Yeah.
[22:13] BlondeWithSwords:Whatever happened to that Santa anyway?
[22:13] versaceforever: I dunno, never saw it after Christmas. Holiday fling?
[22:13] versaceforever: Wait, Seras got into trouble? WTH?
[22:13] Computerboy: I'm sorry, are you implying that the talking toaster was dating Santa?
[22:13] versaceforever: One of those dancing ones.
[22:13] cuterxander: I remember somebody put up missing posters for the toaster
[22:14] cuterxander: and it said Santa on 'em
[22:14] cuterxander: I wasn't gonna ask
[22:14] versaceforever: Sometimes it's best not
[22:14] overtroubledwater: yeah. they had a thing. it was weird.
[22:14] versaceforever: CALLISTO!!!!!!!!!!!!
[22:14] BlondeWithSwords:Yes Parker?
[22:14] versaceforever: YOU SHOE-STEALING WENCH
[22:15] versaceforever: HOW could you DO that?
[22:15] TactGirl: What the hell is going on?
[22:15] versaceforever: *headdesk*
[22:15] Annoyedwcat: NOW there will be bloodshed.
[22:15] BlondeWithSwords:Your email came through then?
[22:15] versaceforever: *headdesk headdesk headdesk*
[22:15] versaceforever: .. why yes. it did.
[22:15] versaceforever: *hates life*
[22:15] BlondeWithSwords:*smiles sweetly*
[22:16] Darkbeforethe: *is still in confused corner* Needs paint...
[22:16] versaceforever: Just for that? I'm gonna make Logan's ticket round-trip.
[22:16] versaceforever: Possibly. Unless you *get it back*
[22:16] versaceforever: ConfusedCorner: lies and damn lies told to someone with too much time on his hands.
[22:16] Annoyedwcat: I like purple.
[22:16] versaceforever: slkdurojgsopakdkddk
[22:16] TactGirl: ....alcohol, PLEASE?
[22:17] BlondeWithSwords:Dawn, I felt the doofy one needed to be informed of Parker's new relationship status
[22:17] versaceforever: *is going to be breakign out the good stuff*
[22:17] versaceforever: *hates you so much, Cal*
[22:17] Computerboy: I'M NOT DATING PARKER!
[22:17] cuterxander: Oh is THAT what you were going to tell him. *snickers again*
[22:17] versaceforever: *headdesk*
[22:17] Darkbeforethe: ...Angel has e-mail?
[22:17] versaceforever: *glares at Xander again*
[22:18] BlondeWithSwords:He even checks it on rare occasions I'm told
[22:18] Annoyedwcat: He never returned my phone call. Then again, I called him a few very choice words, so that may have had something to do with it.
[22:18] overtroubledwater: dawn: yes. i set up his blackberry last semester. angel-simplified it.
[22:18] versaceforever: *ponders difficulty in bombing a hotel*
[22:18] Darkbeforethe: *is impressed*
[22:18] versaceforever: Without kiling anyone. Of course. That would be wrong.
[22:18] versaceforever: Right, Callisto?
[22:18] cuterxander: *is more impressed*
[22:18] notalkingtopurse: Heading out. If there's alcohol, you kno where to find me
[22:19] BlondeWithSwords:Do that and the shoes get it

* notalkingtopurse has logged out of chat

[22:19] Tomcat494: Sweet.
[22:19] cuterxander: That Bridge managed to make something Angel could operate, not that Angel can operate it
[22:19] TactGirl: Hey, Zack, are you still in here?
[22:19] EnglishPeter: I...can't type fast enough for this. Hopefully talk to you all tomorrow
[22:19] Tomcat494: Night Peter!

* EnglishPeter has logged out of chat

[22:19] Darkbeforethe: Night, all, and be careful opening doors.
[22:19] cuterxander: Njjhgjhgjhgsjdg
[22:19] Zacharina: Yes, but you peopple are very confusing
[22:19] Computerboy: I'm going to curl up in a corner and not die. Thanks for the permanent scarring!
[22:19] cuterxander: ... I was gonna say that

* Darkbeforethe has logged out of chat
* ComputerBoy has logged out of chat

[22:20] TactGirl: Agreed. How do you feel about alcohol?
[22:20] Zacharina: Sounds good to me.
[22:20] overtroubledwater: i'm heading off too! byeeeee.
[22:20] versaceforever: *goes to drink*
[22:20] TactGirl: Want to come over to my room?
[22:20] Annoyedwcat: Bye peoples! Faithful says bye too!
[22:20] cuterxander: Coincidentally, so am I
[22:20] versaceforever: We'll talk when we can *talk*, Cal.
[22:20] Zacharina: ...
[22:21] Zacharina: Sure.
[22:21] cuterxander: COMPLETELY coincidentally

* Annoyedwcat has left chat

[22:21] TactGirl: It's #219.
[22:21] overtroubledwater: COMPLETELY YES
[22:21] BlondeWithSwords:Whatever you say Parker
[22:21] overtroubledwater: *sneaks off with xander*
[22:21] versaceforever: *stomps out of Chat*

* cuterxander has logged out of chat
* versaceforever has logged out of chat
* overtroubledwater has logged out of chat

[22:22] BlondeWithSwords:*snickers and leaves*
[22:22] Tomcat494: Everytime I think this school is kind of weird... it gets weirder.

* BlondeWithSwords has logged out of chat

[22:22] reportergirl: I am so going to miss this place when summer's over.
[22:23] TactGirl: Don't get dead, people.

* TactGirl has left chat

[22:23] Tomcat494: It's definitely not boring, at least.
[22:23] Zacharina: I'm going to go now. Bye.
[22:24] Tomcat494: Not a bad idea.

* Zacharina has left chat

[Preplayed with x5_alec, upforachase, twohalvesofaphd, chasingangela, kawalsky, soldtoarmenians, threeweapons, fates_jaye, rory__gilmore, like_a_sponge, bridge_carson, dorky_broots, psycho_barbie, mparker17, strongestgirl, dude_its_jude, chloe_sullivan, saltandammo, lilpunkinbelly, once_a_king, ihatedenmark and probably at least one person who I forgot and shall edit in shortly.]

chloe sullivan, callisto, hamlet dane, j.c. broots, pippi longstocking, angela chase, jaye tyler, m. parker, charlie kawalsky, chat, zack addy, dawn summers, cordelia chase, bridge carson, greg sanders, alanna trebond, dean winchester, rory gilmore, jude lizowski, xander harris, peter pevensie, alec/x5-494

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