Forever Wonderland EPILOGUE

May 28, 2010 21:15

Characters: Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland characters, and OFCs
Rating: G to PG-13 for some fighting sequences
Disclaimer: As much as I would love to claim Wonderland and all it's gloriousness, I cannot. Therefore, I give all credit to Lewis Carroll, Disney and Tim Burton.
Summary: Imagine being the granddaughter of the great Alice of Wonderland. Imagine for a minute that you wished you could go to the place where you heard the stories? Could it be possible? This world makes you think that it couldn't be, but really, could it?

The villages were bustling about preparing for the big celebration that was about to commence at the castle in Marmoreal. The food was being prepared, the flowers were being arranged, the gowns were being pieced together. Everyone was excited to have a part in the festivities.

Two weeks had past since Melody spoke with Mirana in the courtyard. She spent much of her time with Tarrant at his house, helping him tidy it up. He felt horrible for keeping it such a mess, but Melody understood; he was a bachelor after all. And a mad one to boot.

Mally and Thackery continued to mosey about the table in the front yard while Tarrant and Melody busied themselves.

Tarrant was happy to have Melody back home with him. He felt out of place all those days when he was at the castle waiting for Melody to feel better. Mirana wouldn’t let Melody go until she knew full well that she was healed completely. And Melody was glad to return to the little run down house that belonged to her favorite Hatter.

Tarrant went about his sewing room, creating for Melody the most extravagant gown he ever produced. Glitz and glam was the aim for this design since Melody was now going to be a Lady of the Court. He smiled appreciatively at the thought of Melody sitting beside Mirana. His heart swelled with love for his Overlandian princess. He smirked as well, since, he, Tarrant Hightopp, Hatter to the White Queen, would now become a Lord of the Court as well. He and Melody would sit at opposite sides of the Queen. They would be involved in all things important to Underland and they would see fit to keep the land free of evil and filled with peace.

Melody paced about the room the night before the big celebration. Her big celebration. She felt her heart flutter. She was nervous and excited at the same time. She knew that there were going to be many responsibilities that lie ahead as the new Lady to the Queen. She was ready to help in any way that she could. She would don the armor and fight for Marmoreal anytime the Queen asked. But she couldn’t help but think that if she let the Queen down at any point in time, she would be upset with her and send her back to Overland.

There was a knock on her door and she saw Tarrant poke his head in slowly.


“In here.”

Tarrant slowly walked into the room.

“I brought you some tea and a scone. I was outside and saw your figure pacing about the room. Not that I was spying on you or hovering over your window because I can’t keep my eyes off you, well, I could keep my eyes off you, but you are a lovely creature and I love you and I want to be with you but not stalking-like which brings me back to the point that I was standing under your window staring up at you-”

“Hatter,” Melody said as she placed her hands on his upper arms.

“I’m fine. Thank you.”

Melody smiled and shook her head.

“I brought this for you. To calm the nerves for tomorrow.”

“Did you bring an extra cup for yourself? I don’t think that I am the only one who’s going to be nervous.”

He handed her the scone and tea and reached into his pocket and pulled out an empty cup. He pulled a piece of lint off it, fogged the side with his breath and cleaned it off.

“So, where’s your tea, then Tarrant?”

He smiled slyly. He raised a finger in the air and walked back to the door. He pulled a wheeled tray into the room. Melody shook her head and giggled. The tray was littered with fruits, scones and a tea pot.

“I thought you might need this.”

“Tarrant, what would I do without you?” She kissed him on the cheek.

He blushed and turned twenty shades of red. He poured himself a cup of tea and sat on the bed. He patted the spot next to him, signaling Melody to sit next to him. She quickly obliged and began sipping her tea.

They sat in silence for what seemed an eternity. Melody quietly sipped her tea and Tarrant twirled his cup on the saucer.

“I am ever so grateful that you are staying in Underland, Melody,” he whispered without looking up from his cup.

Melody laid her head on his shoulder. “I could never leave you, Tarrant. And believe me, when I tell you, that when you first asked me to stay with you in Underland, my decision was not taken lightly. I was pulled. I wanted to stay here, but I knew I had to take care of things in London. And now you see why.”

“I do.” He set his cup on the tray and turned to Melody, clasping her hands in his. “But I am ever so grateful.” He searched her eyes while his turned a deep shade of blue.

Melody watched his eyes change in the lowly lit room. “I love you too,” she whispered.

Tarrant scooted a little closer to Melody and placed his hands on her face. He had a deep desire, which he never had before, brewing in his body and he pulled Melody close to him. He firmly pressed his lips against her as he felt a whimper escape from her mouth. Melody clutched the sheets about her then drew her hands to Tarrant’s upper arms. She opened her mouth more fully for him and deepened the kiss.

Tarrant rocked his head side to side, following Melody’s move. He let his hands trail down her neck, across her shoulders, pulling her closer to him. He felt that desire threaten to take control of his whole body. His blood flowed hot under his skin. He was afraid. He never felt this way before and didn’t know how to react.

He quickly pulled away from the kiss, leaving Melody hanging on to the empty space in front of her.

“I must go. I am acting in a way a gentleman shouldn’t. These feelings should not be expressed in such a reckless manner. I am sorry for the way I forced myself upon you, my lady.”

“Tarrant, wait!”

Melody quickly stood from the bed and pulled Tarrant back into the room before he was able to lay a hand on the doorknob.

“Don’t go,” she whispered. “Please.”

Tarrant slowly turned to her. She could see the color in his under eye circles changing from a deep, passionate red to a lighter shade of purple.

“You didn’t do anything wrong.” Melody paused. “I- I love you, Tarrant.” She paused again, searching for the right words. “What we did happens all the time to people who are in love.”

“And married. Which we are not. It was ungentleman-like of me to approach you in such a way.” He held Melody’s hands in his own. “I have never felt this way about a woman before, Melody. These feelings are all new to me. And they scare me. I fear as if I may hurt you in some way. Some way I don’t know how yet. And I would never want to hurt you. I like the way I feel when I am with you, but I’m frightened.”

Melody turned her hands over Tarrants and played her fingers along the bandages once again covering his fingers.

“I’m frightened too, Tarrant. But in a good way.” She searched his eyes. “I promise you that what you are feeling is only natural.”

He looked at her. He knew that she was trying to calm his spirit, but it seemed every time that he looked into her eyes that night, all he wanted to do was kiss her and lay his hands on her. These were reactions to feelings that were coming too frequent and he didn’t know what to do with himself.

“I must go,” he finally replied. “We have a big day and you need your sleep.”

“Please stay, Tarrant,” she pleaded. “I’m extra nervous for tomorrow and I know I won’t sleep. Please stay with me. At least until I fall sleep, then, if you feel more comfortable?”

Tarrant watched her eyes and could tell that she would indeed not get any sleep and she would be a complete wreck in the morning. He sighed and pushed the cart of food off to the side.

“Let’s get you to bed.”

Melody hugged Tarrant and moved to the bed. She adjusted herself as he folded the blankets around her. He sat on the bed next to her and played with a few tendrils that fell along her temple. He bent down and kissed her softly on the cheek.

“Good night, my fairest Champion. Rest.”

“Are you not going to lie next to me?”

“For fear of possibly doing something I aught not to, I will remain in my position here. I can keep just as close watch on you this way.”

“You are stubborn, aren’t you, Hatter?”


Melody smiled and closed her eyes.

When Melody woke the next morning, Tarrant was nowhere to be found in the room. The wheeled tray was gone as well. But her eyes lit up when she saw a glint of gold in the corner of the room. She flipped the covers off her body and she shivered as the cool morning air hit her skin. She padded across the room and stood in front of the dress.

Pinned to it was a note.

My dearest Melody,

The day has arrived when you will be anointed the Lady to the White Queen! Caloo Calay! My fairest Champion deserves the best and I hope that you enjoy your new dress.

Your maids will be waiting upon you at about an hour after high noon to assist you with your hair and other frivolities.

I will be around three hours after high noon to escort you to the castle. I do not want to interrupt your time alone whilst you get ready. I am sorry that I left you in the mid of night, but my eyes were as heavy as lead and they forced me to cross into dreamland.

I look forward to seeing you soon, my dearest.

With all my love, your Hatter,

Melody felt her heart swell at the words of his letter. Her maids, though? Since when did he have maids at his place? Where was he hiding them? She shrugged, kissed the letter and set it aside.

She ran her fingers over the finest fabric she had ever laid her eyes upon. Facets of gold mingled together creating different shades with every turn of the dress. The sleeves were cream and capped. The hem was three inches high of dark gold silk. The bodice was the same cream with dark gold silk threaded through giving it the glimmering sparkle when the light hit it. The skirt was full. The underlying fabric was cream as well, with a shell of gold silk mesh over the top. At the waist the fabric seemed to be much darker, but as the skirt spread out, it got lighter, mingling with swirls embroidered at the hem.

Melody couldn’t believe her eyes. She thought Tarrant outdid himself with the dress that she wore to the ball for the celebration of Tarrant killing Gryffn, the Black King. Now, she knew without a doubt that this man was a master at his craft. A pair of long, white gloves lay on the table next to the dress with the necklace that she wore to the ball.

As she was admiring the items before her, relishing the memories of her times here in Underland, there was a knock on the door. She opened it, half expecting it to be Tarrant. When she opened it, there was tray with tea and breakfast. She looked down the hall to see who could have left such a wonderful gift. She knew it had to have been Tarrant. She smiled when she saw the note next to the cup. It told her to enjoy her time of pampering.

Melody wheeled the tray into the room and sat at the bed and ate. She heard a horse whinny and wheels coming to a stop. She got up and looked out the window. Tarrant was motioning three young ladies inside. He told them that Melody was up in her room and that is where she was to remain. She was not to lift a finger nor do anything; this was her special day.

Before she could even open the door to head downstairs to thank Tarrant, the ladies were already at the door, hands posed to knock.

“I supposed you are my maids, yes?”

The girls curtsied. “By order of the White Queen.”

“Of course,” Melody said as she rolled her eyes. “Will I be able to at least bathe before you fuss over me?”

The girls giggled and looked to each other deviously.

“This was not what I had in mind for bathing,” Melody said as one of the girls grabbed her arm and scrubbed.

Melody sat in the tub as they scrubbed every inch of her. She pursed her lips in slight annoyance and silently cursed Mirana and Tarrant. They will have their payback, she thought.

The girls pulled Melody out of the tub and proceeded to primp her. They wrapped her in a robe, dried her hair, and lotioned her skin. They rouged her cheeks and lips and glittered her eyes. They used a kohl stick and lightly lined her eyes. They curled and pinned her hair. They helped her pull her dress on.

Melody noticed that by time they were done, it was almost three o’clock. Three o’clock meant that she would get to see Tarrant. Finally.

The girls left and Melody stood looking in the mirror at her reflection. She looked like a princess. The dress fit her perfectly.

There was a knock on the door and Melody went to open it. Tarrant stood on the other side in a black suit with a bright white ascot.

“Don’t you look smashing?” she teased. “I do much prefer your normal attire. This,” she said as she motioned her hand in the air from his head to his feet, “is not the Tarrant I know and love.”

“Nor is this,” Tarrant motioned to Melody. “But this look suits you as well. You look absolutely beautiful.”

Melody motioned for Tarrant to come into the room.

“You know, you and Mirana are going to have a payback for the, um, torture session this morning.”

Tarrant furrowed his brow.

“It was not to your liking, I presume?”

“It would have been fine had not the girls decided they wanted to bathe me as well. I am fully capable of doing that on my own,” she giggled.

“Oh.” Tarrant’s face brightened. “I have this for you.”

He removed his hands from behind his back and displayed a tiara. A very small tiara with three small diamonds set in the middle was proudly sitting in the palm of his hands.

“Tarrant,” Melody breathed.

He placed it on her head amongst the curls. “Now you look like royalty.”

“I’m not royalty, Tarrant.”

“No, but you are now the Queen’s Lady.”

Melody stepped forward and tugged at the lapel of his jacket. “And you are now the Queen’s...”

“Advisor,” he chimed in.


“I think it’s time we get you to that ball, my dear.”

Melody briefly fought her feelings of the moment, but won when she grabbed Tarrant’s face, pulling him to her. She kissed him and held him there for a minute. She didn’t know when she would get to do it for the rest of the evening and she wanted at least one moment together before they headed back to his place.

“We can go now. I just wanted to steal one last kiss before I don’t see you for the rest of the evening.”

Tarrant’s under eye circles changed colors and couldn’t decide on a mood. He quickly grabbed Melody’s arm and pulled her along into the carriage.

The celebration had gone well. Though Melody’s nerves were starting to get the best of her, when the public display was over, she could relax a little. But then came the talking with everyone in the hall. She was dreading that part. She would be pulled left and right and never have a moments rest.

People fussed about Melody and kept commenting on her dress and how beautiful she looked. And her romance with the Hatter. How that got leaked was beside her. Maybe it was the way they noticed him looking her and vice versa.Seems that was all they wanted to talk about. They seemed to care nothing about wanting to learn more about Melody and her other life. Or her battles. Which, she was grateful for. Living through them once was enough for her. Tarrant kept getting pulled away from her when he knew that she wanted him there the most.

“Attention!” Mirana spoke above the people. When they didn’t respond to her, she repeated herself. Frustrated, she placed her fingers to her lips and whistled.

Everyone turned and she smiled sweetly.

“Now, that I have everyone’s attention, I would like Melody and Tarrant to come forth again.”

Melody quickly murmured an “excuse me” to the people that she was standing next to and hurried up to Mirana. She watched Tarrant move through the crowd and stand on the other side of Mirana.

“It has been a wonderful evening so far, has it not?”

Everyone applauded.

“I have a surprise for Melody.”

She turned to her and held her hands. “I know that leaving your life in Overland was a monumental decision to make. And I know that your heart is heavy with longing for your family. But, as you know, you can visit them any time at your choosing. However, since I know that this is big day for you, I decided to let a certain someone come and visit you.”

Melody felt her heart move.

The doors to the hall creaked loudly open and the crowd turned. They murmured amongst themselves and parted when the figure entered the room. Melody gasped when the figure started coming closer.


Melody picked up the hem of her skirt and ran down the stairs. She flung herself at her mother as she clung to her. The women cried and laughed together.

“Melody! Look at you! You look absolutely fabulous! Like royalty.” She wiped away a quick tear. “Like a true Champion.”


“Mirana informed me of your battle. I am so proud of you, Melody.”

“Thank you. How long have you been here? How long will you be here? Oh, Mother, there is so much that I can’t wait to tell you!”

“In good time, dear. But today is your big day! Let’s celebrate, shall we? We can talk for days. I will be here for some time. Tarrant promised me anytime I was ready that he would show me Underland.”

“He did, did he?”



Melody walked her mother up to the throne.

“I have something to say as well,” Tarrant blurted out.

Everyone turned to look at the nervous Hatter. He fidgeted with his fingers and looked to Mirana. She moved backwards and motioned Tarrant forward. He took a couple steps and stood in front of Melody.

Susan was still holding her daughter’s hands when he looked at Melody and then to Susan. She smiled and let go of Melody’s hands, stepping off to the side by Mirana.

Melody looked around at the people, her mother and Mirana. She felt awkwardly on display with no one standing beside her.

Tarrant gave a slight smile. He kept his eyes on Melody’s when he lowered to one knee. He bit his lip.

Melody felt her breath stick in her throat.

“I-I-I am n-not a king. I am n-not a prince. I have nothing to offer you but my humble heart and love.”

Melody bit her lip, fighting back tears.

“I am naught but a simple hat maker, and mad. But I love you, Melody Butler, with all my heart. I would protect you, love you, cherish you
enrapture you delight in you relish in you dote on you worship you-”

“Hatter,” Melody whispered.

“Sorry. I’m fine.” He cleared his throat. “What I mean to say, Melody, is that I would love you till the end of time. And I am asking that you place you hand in mine and let me take you to wife.”

He watched her face. Her eyes seemed to be changing colors as he spoke.

“Will you marry me?”

“Yes, Tarrant. I will. Forever and for always I belong to you.”

Mirana let out a happy sigh and clasped her hands in front of her.

Tarrant stood and nervously placed a kiss on Melody’s cheek. She shook her head and pulled him to her, wholeheartedly pressing her lips to his.
He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.

Mirana cleared her throat when she noticed the two weren’t willing to separate. Melody and Tarrant slowly broke away from the embrace.

“Well! Looks like we will be having an Underlandian wedding sooner than I had anticipated!!” Mirana announced. She turned to Melody and gave her a little wink.

Melody, Tarrant and Susan went back to his house after the ball. They laughed and talked all the way home. They stayed up much too late into the evening telling stories. Mally and Thackery had gone to bed long before them after the festivities. Melody was starting to feel the night pull on her eyelids as well and bid her mother goodnight. Tarrant walked her up to her room and closed the door behind them.

“It’s good to see your mother here, Melody.”

“Yes it is,” she said as she wrapped her arms around Tarrant’s waist.

“Are,” he hesitated, “you happy with your decision?”

“My decision?” She looked up at Tarrant. “To marry you, you mean?”


“What kind of question is that? You know I am. For the love of Heaven, Tarrant, I can’t live without you. You make me more happy than I ever could be.”

“I see.” He kissed the top of her forehead. “I shall see you then in the morning, future Mrs. Hightopp.”

Melody watched Tarrant walk out of the room. Her stomach fluttered with butterflies. She heart beat a thousand miles a minute.

She couldn’t be happier. The man she love proposed to her. She was the Lady to the Queen-the highest rank in the Court. She was the Underlandian Champion.

And her mother was here. She couldn’t wait to show her everything there was to know about Underland.

She couldn’t wait to see what adventures lie ahead with Tarrant and the rest of his brood. Tarrant was going to start his own family. Though, she knew, it would never replace the one he lost all those years ago, she knew that he was happy. And that made her happy.

She would continue on the legacy of the Kingsleigh line and make her grandmothers happy. Wonderland was a place in her heart. Wonderland was real and she was not willing to let anything happen to it.

Melody laid in bed, staring at the ceiling thinking of everything that was about to change in her life. And she was devoted to keep Wonderland alive. Forever.


Chapter 1/ Chapter 2/ Chapter 3/ Chapter 4
Chapter 5/ Chapter 6/ Chapter 7/ Chapter 8
Chapter 9/ Chapter 10/ Chapter 11/ Chapter 12
Chapter 13/ Chapter 14/ Chapter 15/ Chapter 16
Chapter 17/ Chapter 18

fairytales, alice in wonderland, johnny depp, disney, writing, tim burton, walt disney, mad hatter, fan fiction, tarrant hightopp, creative writing

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