Forever Wonderland CHAPTER 14

May 12, 2010 09:48

Characters: Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland characters, and OFCs
Rating: G to PG-13 for some fighting sequences
Disclaimer: As much as I would love to claim Wonderland and all it's gloriousness, I cannot. Therefore, I give all credit to Lewis Carroll, Disney and Tim Burton.
Summary: Imagine being the granddaughter of the great Alice of Wonderland. Imagine for a minute that you wished you could go to the place where you heard the stories? Could it be possible? This world makes you think that it couldn't be, but really, could it?

Tarrant knocked on the door. He could hear things being thrown about in the room.

“Go away, Mother. I have nothing further to say to you.”

“It’s me, Melody.”

Melody stopped what she was doing when she saw Tarrant standing in the doorway. She turned again and continued to pack her belongings.

“I just don’t understand my mother, Tarrant. I don’t see why she can’t see what we all see. The whole family understands and knows the stories and now they really know that they are real because you are here.” Melody continued to throw things around the room. “I want to leave. I want to leave now. There’s no sense in staying here. Mother is going to ship me off anyway.”

Tarrant grabbed Melody’s arms and pulled her into an embrace. “I think you should spend some time with your grandmother. She is very concerned for you, Melody.”

“She will be one of the people that I miss the most. And Veronica. And Abigail. Oh, Tarrant,” she whimpered as she hugged him closer to her. “This is going to be harder than I thought.”

“Melody, my dear,” he said as he kissed the top of her head, “They are going to fully understand. You have made the decision to head to Underland. I’m sure there will be a way to visit again.”

She looked up at him. “Really? You mean, that I will be able to see my family on occasion? I won’t be gone forever?”

Tarrant chuckled. “I may know a few people.”

“You mean you knew about this all along and you never told me?!” She backed away from him and saw his smile. “You are naughty, Hatter, you know that? Terribly naughty!” She playfully slapped his arm.

“I really should have told you in the beginning, yes?”


“So, now the decision won’t be as hard, will it?”

She shook her head. “Can we go and visit Grandma?”

“I would love to catch up with her and what she has been doing all these years. I missed her something terrible.”

“Did you have a thing for my grandmother, Hatter?” Melody chortled. “Did you have a thing for all of them?”

“No. You are the only one that I love in a romantic way.” His lightly placed a kiss on her lips. “You and you only.”

Tarrant spent much of the next couple days with Victoria and Melody catching up on old times. Melody was happy to see her grandmother in such high spirits. Victoria hadn’t been feeling well the past few weeks and Tarrant’s arrival was a much needed welcome. Abigail lingered quite a bit to hear stories from this magical looking man and they would go in the yard and play or go up to Abigail’s room and have a tea party.

Melody would let them go about their business and check on them through out the day. Tarrant was so good with her. She was only six and her imagination was bright and alive.

The rest of the family loved getting to know Tarrant. They were grateful that Melody had met such a wonderful, charming man and they kept joking with her to make sure that she would never let him go. She had been in relationships in the past and Tarrant was the best one that they had seen, even though he looked like a clown.

Susan stayed in the shadows. She wasn’t happy with all the frivolity going on in the Kingsleigh Manor. Such non-sense, she would say to herself over and over. This whole family was crazy. But she couldn’t help noticing how happy Melody was either. She had never seen her daughter in such light spirits.

“I will be right back,” Melody said to Tarrant and Victoria.

She walked down the halls through the manor. As she passed the hallway with the portraits of Underland, she saw her mother wiping a tear away. She walked slowly down the hall to her mother.


Susan noticed Melody and quickly wiped a tear away. “Just dust. Just dust, is all,” she said trying to cover up her crying. She continued to look at the painting of Alice and a little white rabbit sitting at her feet. “She was a talented artist, was she not?”

“She was a very talented artist.”

“It really does look like this Tarrant gentleman.”


Susan turned and looked at her. “He really is real, isn’t he?”

Melody felt her heart leap. She was finally realizing that Underland truly was a place. “Yes,” she nodded. “He’s real. Everything in Underland is real.”

“You aren’t...leaving me, are you, darling?”

“Meaning what, Mother? Yes, I am going to Underland. But Tarrant told me that I will be able to come back and visit as I choose too. And I am sure that I will be visiting a lot. I’m only a rabbit’s hole away, you know.”

“Does this rabbit hole belong to that little white rabbit that is always sitting in the garden?”

“Nivens, Mother. His name is Nivens.”

“I think that I would like to meet this Nivens. And this Tarrant. I do believe I owe him an apology.”

Melody hugged her mother and walked with her through the halls. They entered the parlor where everyone was sitting and enjoying themselves. All eyes turned when they came and saw Susan and Melody.

“I would like a word alone with Tarrant, if you all please,” she said as she cleared her throat.

Everyone looked on in fear. Victoria slowly got up from her spot and shooed everyone out of the room. “You, too, Melody, dear,” she said.

Melody looked over to Tarrant and he nodded letting her know that it would be safe for her to leave. She took her grandmother’s arm and walked her out of the room. Susan closed the parlor door and stood in her spot. Tarrant stood straight and waited for what she had to say.

“I do not believe in fairytales, Mr. Hightopp. I do not believe that princes come riding in on a white horse to save the day and rescue the princess or damsel in distress. But I cannot help believing that my daughter is truly happy. I see it in her eyes when she looks at you.

“She truly believes in this mythical place called Underland. A place with drinking potions, talking animals and evil lords. And you. The Mad Hatter.”

She looked at Tarrant and waited for him to say something, but he just stood still waiting for her to continue. Susan walked up to Tarrant and looked him in the eye.

“I have seen the joy you have brought to my mother, too. The way that her whole spirit lit up when she saw you.” Susan lowered her gaze and wiped away a tear. “I haven’t seen her that happy in a long time. Not since father died.”

“I’m truly sorry, madam, for your loss.”

“Oh, don’t be. He was very ill. He believed in this Underland as well.” Susan looked back up at Tarrant. “How did I not believe in it when everyone else did? How did I miss my opportunity to continue on the legacy as my mother and grandmothers before me? I feel like such a fool for behaving the way I have all these years.”

“You can still visit Underland, Susan. Mirana has been waiting for you.”


“The White Queen. She was saddened when you didn’t follow Nivens down the hole. She waited many years. You would have been the next champion.” He paused and knitted his brows together. “I think that is why I was the one that had to go. I think that is why the Orcaulum chose me.”

Susan looked at Tarrant dazed and confused. “Orcaulum?”

“Yes. But you have missed so much. The best way would be to show you.”

“Show me?”

“Yes. When Melody and I return, would you like to see Underland and meet Mirana? She would ever be so happy to see you.”

Susan didn’t know what to think. Her thoughts and emotions were swirling around and she was completely overwhelmed.

“I would love to visit, but I don’t think that now is the right time with mother being ill and all.”

Tarrant took her hand. “You choose the time and place. Melody and I will be right here for you when you decide. You are welcome anytime in Underland.”

“Please take care of my daughter. I am trusting you...Hatter.”

Tarrant let a smile draw on his face. He pulled Susan into a hug. “With all my heart and soul I will do what I can to keep her safe. As I did with Victoria, as I did with Margaret and as I did with Alice. The Champions are protected under the White Queen and as a loyal subject it is my duty.”

“Thank you, Tarrant.”

Susan and Tarrant’s moment was interrupted by the parlor door flying open.

“Mother! Come quick! Grandmother fainted and she is not responding!” Melody sobbed as she took her mother’s hand.

Everyone was gathered around the bed of Victoria. She lay sleeping, breathing lightly. Slowly as the day faded into the evening, people left the room to go to their own rooms. Melody held her grandmother’s hand tightly in her own. She wiped away tears from her swollen eyes.

“Go get some rest, my dear,” Tarrant said as he kissed the top of Melody’s head.

“No, I am not leaving her side.”

“I knew you would say that. Here,” he said as he placed a cup of tea in front of her. “I brought you this. Drink some.” He placed his jacket around her shoulders.

She placed a hand on his and squeezed it reassuringly.

“Your mother is down the hall. Would you like me to send her in?”

“Please send my daughter in,” came a feeble reply from Victoria.

“As you wish,” Tarrant said and stepped out.

“It’s just you and me now, Melody. I want you to tell me the truth.”

“I will, Grandma.”

“Do you love him?”


Victoria smiled. “Yes. Do you love him?”

“With all my heart.”

“Then do not question returning to Underland. He needs you. You need him. None of us ever returned even though we promised him we would. Do not do the same to him.”

“I will go with him. I couldn’t stand not living without him.”

“Nor I her,” Tarrant said as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Tarrant, my dear friend. You have been a blessing in my life. You have taken care of my beautiful granddaughter and opened my daughters eyes to Underland. I couldn’t be happier. Please send all of my friends in Underland my wishes.” She turned to Melody. “Love him, with all your heart. Do not forget.”

“I won’t, Grandma. I love you,” she said as tears streamed down her cheeks.

“Susan, my dearest daughter.”

“I’m here, Mother,” she said as she sat on the other side of the bed.

“I am so happy that you now see Underland as we see it. Please do not let it go.”

“I won’t, Mother.”

Victoria looked over her family one last time and smiled. She closed her eyes and breathed.

“Fairfarren, my dear friend,” Tarrant whispered.

“Fairfarren...” Victoria breathed with her last.

Melody let her head fall on her grandmother’s chest as she cried. She felt Tarrant wrap his arms around her and hold her tight. He ran a hand over her hair and kissed away the tears streaming down her cheeks.

Melody stood in front of the lilac bush that her grandmother planted. She picked one of the branches off and pressed it to her nose. She felt the tears start to well. She was going to miss her grandmother very much. Had it not been for her, she would have never known the stories of Underland. Nor would she have had the chance to meet Tarrant.

Two hands rubbed her arms then silently enveloped her.

“You know, I think that she waited one last time to see you. It was like she knew that you would be coming here or something.”

“She was a wonderful friend. I am grateful that she kept telling you the stories.”

“Me too.”

Tarrant rubbed a tear away from Melody’s eye. “It’s time, love.”

“Already? But, I-”

“We have been gone long enough in Underlandian time. Weeks have past.”

“Oh, yeah. So I suppose we must say our good-byes for now?”

Tarrant nodded. Melody placed her hand in his as he led her back into the house. It had been two days since Victoria’s funeral and Melody had time to grieve with her family.

“You are leaving aren’t you, Aunt Melody?” came the sweet little voice of Abigail.

Melody bent down to see her niece. “Yes. But only for a short time, I promise. Tarrant and I will be back real soon.”


Melody gave the little girl a big hug. She stood back up to see her sister and gave her a hug and kiss good-bye. The men of the family crowded around Tarrant telling him if he did anything to Melody, his neck would be snapped in two. He promised he would take very good care of her.

“Where’s Mother?” Melody asked her sister.

“In the parlor.”

Melody walked into the parlor to see Susan standing by the window. She had her arms wrapped snuggly around her waist and she sniffed back the tears.

“You’re leaving, aren’t you?”


“For how long?”

“I don’t know.” Melody paused. “Underlandian time is faster than ours. By their time, it could be months. And here, days, weeks.”

“Don’t forget us, Melody.”

Susan turned and looked at Melody. She held her hands tight in hers.

“Never, Mother.”

The women hugged each other as tight as possible. They didn’t want to let each other go.

“Melody? It’s time,” came Tarrant’s soft voice.

Susan wiped the tears off Melody’s cheeks and walked with her to the garden. Everyone was waiting and watching. Melody waved a final good-bye and jumped in the hole. Tarrant followed.

They landed with a thud back in Underland. Melody sniffed the air as she stood. She looked around and her eyes grew wide.



Chapter 1/ Chapter 2/ Chapter 3/ Chapter 4
Chapter 5/ Chapter 6/ Chapter 7/ Chapter 8
Chapter 9/ Chapter 10/ Chapter 11/ Chapter 12
Chapter 13

fairytales, alice in wonderland, johnny depp, disney, writing, tim burton, walt disney, mad hatter, fan fiction, tarrant hightopp, creative writing

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