Forever Wonderland CHAPTER 18

May 26, 2010 08:54

Characters: Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland characters, and OFCs
Rating: G to PG-13 for some fighting sequences
Disclaimer: As much as I would love to claim Wonderland and all it's gloriousness, I cannot. Therefore, I give all credit to Lewis Carroll, Disney and Tim Burton.
Summary: Imagine being the granddaughter of the great Alice of Wonderland. Imagine for a minute that you wished you could go to the place where you heard the stories? Could it be possible? This world makes you think that it couldn't be, but really, could it?

Melody moaned and rubbed her head. It felt like it was under the weight of a thousand bricks. She slowly opened her eyes and recognized the room. It was white. Everything was white; the curtains, bedding, furniture. It was blinding to her eyes and she closed them again.

“Good morning, dear,” came a soft male voice.

Melody felt a hand smooth her hair making its way across her shoulders to her hand. She felt its warm touch, smiled and squeezed it tight.

“Welcome back,” the voice came again.

“Tarrant,” Melody whispered.

“You have been out for two days, milady,” already answering her questions as she woke. “And to reassure you, I have never left your side once. I wouldn’t let Mirana’s busybodies fuss with you. I wanted to make sure that you got enough sleep and were well rested.”

“Tarrant, you truly are a dream,” Melody swooned.

He furrowed his brow in concentration.

“Meaning, that I am ever so grateful for you taking care of me.”

“Ah,” he sighed, relieved. He was hoping that she wasn’t thinking that he was a dream again.

“I love you, Hatter.”

Tarrant leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. “As do I, my Champion.”

Melody’s eyes flew open. She forgot that she had just conquered the Black King. Or, at least she thought that she did. She tried sitting up in the bed, but the quick motion caused her to fall back against the pillow.

“Tarrant, did he-”

“Brennan, the son of the Grffyn, the Black King, fell to the Vorpal Sword. It’s bearer, you, slain him, and he shall not return. Brungretter has willingly become part of Marmoreal. They do not want to fight anymore. They only did so due to the lineage of their rulers. Marmoreal is slowly coming back to normal and the kingdom is at peace.” He paused. “For now.”

“Good to know.”

Melody grabbed Tarrant’s hands and held them in her own. She turned them over and ran her fingers over the lacings and thimbles hiding his extremities.

“Why must you always wear such novelties, Tarrant?” she said as she furrowed her brow. “I want to feel your palms against mine.”

Tarrant felt a sudden rush of heat through his body. Never had anyone spoken words like that to him. He was caught off guard, but yet he wanted her to experience everything he could give her.

He slowly removed the lacings wrapped around his palms. He removed the thimbles and tape protecting his fingertips. His skin felt odd without it, but he was willing to oblige her at anytime.

He slowly placed his hands in hers. She ran her fingers over the lines of his palms. She traced the outline of his fingers.

Melody looked at him with a longing. She wanted to kiss him as a lover should, but she was shy and she didn’t know how he would take it or feel about it. She visibly gulped.

Tarrant moved off the bed and bent to one knee. He positioned himself so he was at the head of the bed. He ran his hands through her hair, never removing his eyes away from hers.

She moved her right arm and placed it on his opposing arm, pulling him closer. Tarrant slowly moved his upper body to hers. He closed his eyes as he felt her breath on his skin. He opened his mouth slightly, ready to play a kiss on her lips. Never had he felt such a stirring in his being. Could he really gone beyond crazy?

There was a knock on the door and Tarrant sighed, letting his forehead drop to Melody’s. He let his hands fall to his sides as Melody softly giggled.

“Sorry to interrupt this reunion,” came a soft little voice.

Mallymkun jumped up onto the bed and scurried up to Melodys hands.
“Bout time you woke up,” she chuckled. “We thought for sure that we were going to have to try waking you up with a kiss like Sleeping Beauty. Though, I see Tarrant wouldn’t have a problem with that. Blech.”

Tarrant tittered as he rose back to the bed to sit next to Melody.

“It’s alright, she’s awake!” Mally yelled to the door.

Slowly, a couple of heads peeked in and then emerged. The Tweedle boys hit each other as they continued to walk into the room. Thackery and Nivens walked in slowly.

“It’s so good to see you all, friends,” Melody replied. She leaned over as the Tweedles came close to the bed. She kissed each one of the them on their foreheads. They blushed and stepped away. “And you, Thackery,” she said as she kissed him on the forehead as well, “were extremely brave.” She looked to Nivens who shyly shook next to the bed. “Nivens, had it not been for you romping in the garden, I would have never been able to come here and save Underland. Thank you, friend.”

“It’s my duty, my Champion,” he whispered as he bowed.

“What about me?!” Mally protested.

“What?” Melody mockingly questioned. She scooped up the little mouse in her hands. “How could I forget you, Mally? You were the bravest of them all! Had it not been for you, I would have never been able to find the White Queen. For that,” Melody bowed her head, “I owe you my gratitude.” She raised her eyes to Tarrant and winked.

“Now, now, friends,” Tarrant said standing up. “I must make you all shoo. Melody needs her rest. She is still weak and needs to regain her strength.” Tarrant turned to Melody and kissed her warmly on the cheek. “I shall return, my dearest. I will not be long. But do not feel like you must stay awake on my accord. Rest,” he said as he played a finger across her jawline.

Melody felt her heart warm as she watched Tarrant usher everyone out of the room. He turned and winked at her before closing the door. Melody started feeling her eyes grow heavy and headed back into a deep slumber.

A few days had past. Tarrant was always by her side keeping her happy and making her laugh. The Tweedles, Mally, Thackery and Nivens made regular visits throughout the days. Mirana came in as well and checked up on her new Champion.

With each passing day, Melody’s strength grew and she was almost up for a walk in the garden that Tarrant had promised her.

She was sitting in bed reading a book that he brought in from the Queen’s library when she heard a clinking sound. She noticed that it was coming from the French doors. She slowly got out of bed and opened them. As she walked out on to the balcony she saw what was making the noise.

“Tarrant, you could have killed me!” she mockingly scolded.

“Oh! You heard me! I’m sorry for the continuous annoyance of the banging pebbles.”

“You are forgiven. Just this once though.”

Tarrant bowed low. “Milady, as a faithful servant to the White Queen, and to you, her Champion, I come to serenade you.”

Melody raised an eyebrow and smirked. Tarrant bent to one knee and cleared his throat.

“How doth the sun shine so brightly in the mid of day
 How doth the night sky darken where the stars happily play
 How doth my heart grow fond of the love that I give
 How doth do you take it, my fairest, to live?
 How doth do you take it, my fairest, to live?

Do you take it with a spoonful of sugar
 Or do you take it with the sourest of vinegar
 I pray that you doth take it with my heart in mind
 For I shall always love you, my dearest divine.
 For I shall always love you, my dearest divine.”

Tarrant raised his eyebrows. Melody playfully placed her hands against her heart and fluttered her eyes.

“My dear, how doth do you respond?” he asked, still bent on one knee, splaying arms out wide at his side.

“Oh, Tarrant, you know how I ‘doth take it’. I love you till the end of time and back again. Nothing could separate my love for you. Ever.”

Melody turned at the sound of gagging behind her. She saw Mirana with her hand over her mouth, rolling her eyes.

“As much as I know how you two love each other, that was simply nauseating.”

Melody chuckled to herself as the Queen came forward.

“Tarrant, please do not make me lose my lunch again. And if you please, I am stealing Melody away for some time.” She looked at the girl. “We need to talk.”

Melody gulped and raised her eyebrows in question.

“Dress, my dear, and meet me in the thrown room.”

Mirana smiled and floated out of the room. Melody leaned over the balcony and blew the confused Hatter a kiss. He caught it in his hand and placed it in his pocket of his jacket.

“For safe keeping,” he whispered.

“I care not what she says, Tarrant. I shall be as sappy as I want. Funny how things work when you really are in love. I always hated seeing my sister and brother-in-law mack on each other all the time.”

“My lady,” Tarrant bowed. “Until later on the morrow. Go. You do not want to upset the Queen.” He turned and walked away. He occasionally looked back to see if Melody was indeed watching him. Smugly, he turned back around and paraded away, lightly Fudderwacking.

Melody quickly turned and opened her wardrobe. She didn’t want to wear anything super fancy, but she also didn’t want to look like she just threw something together.

Her mind raced with ideas running through her head. What did Mirana want to talk to her about? Was it about Tarrant? Her going back home? Her staying in Underland? She didn’t know what the Queen had up her sleeve, but she knew that she was soon to find out.

She swiftly donned a simple white shift. She tied a blue sash at her waist and pulled her hair up into a bun. Since her hair was wavy-the heat from the day was starting to kink it more- the piece-y style was full and a couple tendrils fell at her nape. She looked herself over in the mirror.

A few scrapes had yet to heal, and the bruises were starting to yellow, but other than that, she almost looked normal.

Normal, she thought. What is even normal in Underland? She couldn’t help by giggle at her thoughts.

She made her way down the stairs to the throne room. Mirana was lounging on her throne, reading over a map. When she heard the faint steps of Melody approaching, she looked up and smiled.

Melody stopped in her tracks and quickly curtsied.

“You wanted to speak with me, Your Grace?” she whispered.

Mirana smirked and rose from the throne. She floated down the stairs and stood in front of Melody. “My dear, why do you insist on calling me ‘Your Grace’? Are we not friends? And do not friends call each other by our first names?” she asked as her hand moved smoothly in the air.

“Yes...Mirana,” Melody responded quietly. “But I am also your Champion. And I should see fit to show you the respect that the great White Queen deserves.”

Mirana placed a soft, white hand on Melody’s cheek. “My dear, you may be Underland’s Champion. But, first and foremost, you are my friend.” She snaked Melody’s arm around hers. “Come.”

The two women walked out into the courtyard. For a little while they were silent. The breeze tickled Melody’s skin. She closed her eyes as she let the sun warm her and she inhaled in deep the fragrant air from the flowers.

“Beautiful day, is it not?” Mirana finally spoke.

“It is.”

“I think a day such as this would be wonderful for an Underlandian wedding.”

Melody stopped in her tracks. “Underlandian wedding?”

Mirana smirked again. “Of course. The court would line here,” she said as she motioned along the path. “The villagers, of course, would be invited along with all the finest princes and royalties in the surrounding kingdoms.”

Melody tried to picture all the people that she met at the ball. Names upon names swam in her head. Rows upon rows would be filled with the people of who’s names that she couldn’t remember.

“And the Bride and Groom would stand here.”

Mirana stopped at the topiaries of the angels that marked the entrance into the courtyard.

“An arch of white flowers would drape across the entrance and would end in the hands of each of the topiaries. The walls of the courtyard would be lined with vases of flowers from each of the kingdoms, signifying the unity of all the nations, and each of the rows would be lined with dark blue flowers.”

Melody turned and looked at the courtyard. Yes, indeed, it would hold a lot of people. But she didn’t know why Mirana would be bringing up an Underlandian wedding. Surely she didn’t think...

“And, Your Majesty-”

Mirana quickly turned to Melody and gave her a stern look.

“I’m sorry, Mirana. Who, if I may, is the couple in question? If I am picturing the scene properly in my head, they would have the most extravagant wedding I have ever seen.”

“The couple, my dear?”

“Yes. Who are they? Or, are you just saying it in general? To make polite conversation about the weather since it’s a lovely day?”

“I would not have brought it up, had it not been the fact that I had an inkling.” She took Melody’s hands. “It would be you and a certain Hatter.”

Melody quickly withdrew her hands. “Me? And....Tarrant?” She giggled. “You couldn’t possibly be serious? Could you?”

Mirana only nodded her head.

Melody turned away and started to pace.



“What gave you the idea that we were to be...married?”

“I see the way you look at each other. I am not saying that it will happen anytime soon, but if my guess is correct, I can see that Tarrant is planning on finally settling down.”

Melody felt her stomach jump to her throat. Not in disgust, but with excitement. Could it really be that he cared that much for her? She truly, absolutely loved him and would do anything for him and she knew that he cared deeply for her, but, marriage?

“Melody,” Mirana spoke quietly. She walked up to Melody and placed a hand on her face. She saw the confusion, love, admiration, and fear all mingling in her eyes. “He loves you. And would do anything for you.”

“I know.”

“And I would do anything for you as well. You are my Champion. And forever I am grateful for your loyalty and bravery in defeating the evil in this land. You were quite brave.” Mirana took Melody’s arm again and promenaded her around the courtyard again. “For never having any experience or training in fending off evil, you were quite the quick-witted and daring young lady.”

“I remember listening to grandmother Victoria tell her stories and grandmother Alice’s stories. Maybe that’s where the bravery comes from. I don’t think I would have ever been able to handle a sword or fight off an evil King had it not been for the fact that they spoke of Underland so highly.”

“They were wonderful women. Strong and brave. And I see a lot of them in you. And I am grateful for all they have done. It’s a shame they couldn’t stay in Underland. I do wish I could have had many parties with them.”

Melody smiled at Mirana’s words.

“And I do hope that you choose to stay in Underland with us. It would not be the same without you. Though, I would understand and respect your decision if you choose to return home to Overland.”

Melody smiled. “I am not leaving. And even though I went through a hard time here on my visits, I would gladly do them all over again and not change a thing. I learned a lot about myself here, Mirana, that, had I not fallen down that hole, I would be lost in Overland. I couldn’t imagine ever leaving this place. Everything else just seems mediocre. And as much as I love my family, I know I can see them anytime I want. I know how to get back. I will fight for Underland anytime you need me.”

Mirana placed both of her hands over Melody’s. “I was hoping you would say that. We need you here. It’s good that you are staying.”

“I could never hurt Tarrant’s heart again. I care too deeply for him. And life would never be the same if I could not see him every day. I can be myself around him and not have to worry about saying or doing something foolish.”

“You remind me so much of Alice, Melody. So much. And I think that’s why all of Underland took kindly to you. They knew Alice’s heart, even though she couldn’t stay.”

“But she wanted to come back. It’s just that she started a family and, well, it took control of her life. I would have never known about Underland had she not passed her stories on to her daughter and her granddaughter.”

“You are Kingsleigh through and through, child. Alice’s blood runs in your veins. Wonderland will forever run in your veins.”

“I will be forever Wonderland,” Melody dreamed. “Forever Wonderland...”

Melody closed her eyes and smiled. Her heart warmed at all the faces that came floated into her memory: The Tweedles, Thackery, Mallymkun, Nivens, Mirana, and of course, Tarrant. She would never forget the first day that she came and she saw Tarrant. She would never forget any of the moments they all shared with each other. They would forever be locked away in her heart. And she was ready to make many more memories here in Wonderland with all her new friends. Her life never felt so complete. Never had she felt so much comfort. She felt like she was home. She couldn’t figure out why a longing in her heart wasn’t being filled when she was in London until she came here. She understood. Underland needed her, and she needed it.

This was home. At last.


Chapter 1/ Chapter 2/ Chapter 3/ Chapter 4
Chapter 5/ Chapter 6/ Chapter 7/ Chapter 8
Chapter 9/ Chapter 10/ Chapter 11/ Chapter 12
Chapter 13/ Chapter 14/ Chapter 15/ Chapter 16
Chapter 17

fairytales, alice in wonderland, johnny depp, disney, writing, tim burton, walt disney, mad hatter, fan fiction, tarrant hightopp, creative writing

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